What is another word for lit on?

Pronunciation: [lˈɪt ˈɒn] (IPA)

The phrase "lit on" is often used to describe a situation where something is switched on or activated. There are several synonyms that can be used in place of "lit on" including "turned on," "switched on," and "powered up." These phrases are often used when referring to electronic devices such as computers, phones, and televisions, as well as appliances such as ovens and toasters. Other synonyms for "lit on" include "ignited," which is often used when referring to gas stoves or candles, and "activated," which can be used to describe the starting of a program or app on a device.

What are the hypernyms for Lit on?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the antonyms for Lit on?

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