Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital forced to install SAFETY NETS after glass panels plunged 10ft from building
Glass panels fell from the hospital in May and June last year, and again this month

A GLASGOW hospital has been forced to install safety nets after repeated instances of glass panels falling from the building.
The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital had to take the action after pieces of glass dropped to the ground at least three times since it opened three years ago.
The last one occurred this month - when a mum told us of her narrow escape after a panel fell 150ft and smashed at her feet.
Similar incidents happened in May and July last year.
Shocked mum narrowly escapes after pieces of glass fall 10 floors from roof of Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and shatter at her feet
And now a spokeswoman for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has confirmed that they have installed the nets to ensure the safety of all hospital users.
She said: "I can confirm that after the last time a glass panel fell we did install nets as a safety precaution.
"The safety of our patients, visitors and staff is our paramount priority, which is why we have installed safety netting where these panels are situated on the building."
The health board have been unable to establish the cause of the falling debris.
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