Cleaning & Organizing Organizing Bedroom & Closet Organization

30 DIY Closet Ideas That Are Surprisingly Doable

Getting your dream closet might be closer than you think thanks to these DIY closet ideas. Whether you want more organization, hope to transform your closet into a whole new space, or need to establish practical storage solutions, all it takes is a little elbow grease to turn your space into a dream closet.

There are DIY closet solutions that work in both walk-in closets and small closets. All it takes is a little creativity to leverage elements like shelving, closet organizer systems, storing accessories, closet doors, and more. Together, these can turn into a swoon-worthy closet, no matter your budget.

Ready to test your DIY skills and boost your organization? Here are DIY closet ideas to get you Inspired.

Front view of a DIY closet

The Spruce / Marty Baldwin

  • Is it cheaper to build your own closet?

    Yes, usually it is cheaper to build your own closet, especially when you take into account labor. However, you have to consider your own time and what that is worth. Will you spend weeks trying to work on the project? Or can you knock it out in a weekend?

  • What type of closet setup is the most efficient?

    The setup that is most efficient is the one that works for you. Ideally, you want to be able to see and reach everything easily, without moving other items.

  • How can I organize my closet on a budget?

    Use baskets, bins, and other items you can pick up at big box discount stores to organize your closet on a budget. Combine those with off the rack shelving that you can easily install yourself.