Vanda orchids are epiphytic, meaning they attach their roots to the surface of a nearby plant to obtain moisture and nutrients rather than growing in soil. Vanda orchids are known for their flat petals and long, meandering roots. They grow best in high humidity, high temperatures, bright light, and good airflow, which can be tricky to get right in the home. This orchid also prefers consistent daytime temperatures between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime temperatures that hover between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
The Spruce / Letícia Almeida
Common Name | Vanda orchid |
Botanical Name | Vanda spp. |
Family | Orchidaceae |
Plant Type | Herbaceous, perennial |
Mature Size | 1–3 ft. tall, 1 ft. wide |
Sun Exposure | Full, partial |
Soil Type | Peat moss, bark |
Soil pH | Acidic |
Bloom Time | Spring, summer, fall, winter |
Flower Color | Pink, red, yellow, orange, blue, purple, white |
Hardiness Zones | 10-11 (USDA) |
Native Area | Asia |
Vanda Orchid Care
Here are the main care requirements for growing a vanda orchid.
- Place most vanda orchids in bright light.
- Plant a vanda orchid in a basket with a soilless medium for optimal air circulation.
- Water vanda orchids more than you would other types of orchids. This orchid may require daily watering or twice-a-day waterings in extremely hot weather.
- Keep humidity levels very high between 60 and 80 percent for a vanda orchid to thrive.
Vandas require bright light, but they generally don't thrive in full sunlight. They can acclimate to full sun, though plants grown in those conditions are generally washed out and not as healthy as those grown under a shade cloth to take the edge off strong sunlight. Be aware of the species of vanda you have, as some require more sunlight than others.
These orchids naturally grow in rocky areas with little to no soil. Their large roots meander through the air and grasp onto nearby trees and other objects. Growing them in a typical potting soil can kill the plants. Instead, opt for a basket that allows good airflow for the roots. To keep the plant in place, add bark, peat moss, or another soilless medium to the basket, such as potting medium specifically made for orchids. Eventually, the roots will attach to the basket to hold the plant upright.
Vandas require a great deal of water. In periods of high temperatures, they might need to be watered twice a day. Water roughly once a week during winter dormancy. Keep the container's medium consistently moist but not soggy during the growing season.
Temperature and Humidity
Vandas prefer temperatures above 65 degrees Fahrenheit. They can tolerate lower temperatures, but prolonged exposure to cold can have a profound effect on a plant's growth and flowering. Exposure to any temperature below 50 degrees Fahrenheit can cause delayed flowering for up to a year.
Likewise, vandas require high humidity to thrive. They need a humidity level of at least 60 percent, and preferably around 80 percent. To raise the humidity, place your plant on a tray of gravel filled with water, and don't let the roots sit directly in the water.
Vandas are heavy feeders, and well-fed plants bloom better. Fertilize weekly with a balanced 20-20-20 fertilizer throughout the growing season. You can switch to a high-phosphorus fertilizer on every third application to promote better blooms. During cool weather, cut back the fertilizer to every two to four weeks.
Types of Vanda Orchids
There are around 80 species and many more hybrids and subspecies in the Vanda genus of orchids. Here are a few of the many beautiful species of Vanda:
- Vanda coerulea: Known as the blue orchid, this compact species features attractive, long-lasting, blue-purple flowers.
- Vanda sanderiana: This orchid, also known as waling-waling or Sander’s vanda, comes in pink and white varieties.
- Vanda tessellata: Commonly referred to as the lattice-like patterned flower vanda or checkered vanda, this plant has yellow petals with brown lines and white margins.
Propagating Vanda Orchids
Vanda orchids are only rarely propagated from seeds, as the seedlings are very delicate and the process can take a long time. Instead, these orchids are usually propagated from cuttings.
Vanda orchids develop small offshoots with leaves, usually found just above the main root structure. When one of these offshoots has two or three leaves and aerial roots, you are ready to propagate the cuttings. Follow these simple steps to propagate cuttings:
- When the offshoot is 2 to 3 inches long, use a sterilized garden cutting tool to carefully cut it away from the main stem—offshoot leaves and roots in one section.
- Replant the shoot in an orchid-growing mix. Be sure to use the right container with plenty of air circulation and drainage, such as a basket or clay pot.
- Keep it constantly moist as the roots anchor themselves in the growing medium.
- Water and feed the plant as you would an established plant.
Potting and Repotting Vanda Orchids
Vandas don't need repotting often, maybe every two to three years as the plant outgrows the space, but the aerial roots don't mind hanging out of the basket. If they need more space and you like to keep them contained, you can simply place the plant with its old basket into a new, larger basket. Work fresh growing media around the roots, but avoid disturbing the roots as much as possible, as this can seriously stress the plant. If you prefer to completely repot your orchid, take these steps:
- Choose a basket or clay pot that's about 1 inch larger in diameter than the old container.
- Firmly and gently pull the plant by its base from the old container. If you are pulling your orchid from a clay pot, sometimes it helps to simply break the pot with the tap of a hammer and release the plant that way.
- Rinse the roots in clear, fresh water. Trim off any dead or rotted root matter.
- If you are using a clay pot, fill it about a third of the way up with pebbles for drainage. Baskets have better drainage so there's no need for this step.
- Put the plant in its new container and spread out the roots.
- If you are using a basket, weave the roots through the basket slots and wire the stem base in place with plant wire. Use soilless growing media to further hold the plant in place.
- Add the soilless potting medium to either a basket or clay pot to further anchor the plant.
Common Pests
Mealybugs will be the biggest problem with this orchid and you'll have to search for them as they often hide inside the plant where the leaf and stem meet. Scale and aphids can also all be problems for vanda orchids. A carefully applied insecticidal soap or oil applied is the best remedy.
How to Get Vanda Orchids to Bloom
Bloom Months
They can bloom during any month of the year.
How Long Do Vanda Orchids Bloom?
Healthy vandas reward their diligent owners with profuse blooms in vibrant colors throughout the year. The flowers themselves will last anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months.
What Do Vanda Orchids Look and Smell Like?
Vandas are best known for being one of the only orchids that produce blue flowers, though they also produce many other colors. The flowers have flat petals with little speckles. However, what distinguishes them from other orchids with similar appearing blooms is the rambling roots that grab onto trees and other objects. Vanda orchids have varying fragrances, from sweet to spicy or citrusy.
Vandas are monopodial orchids, meaning they grow from a single stem with roots emerging from the bottom. The leaves are alternating, climbing the stem in a ladder-like progression. Older vandas frequently branch, and if left undivided the plants can grow into very large specimens.
How to Encourage More Blooms
If you are fertilizing your plant enough, it's old enough to flower but it still isn't blooming there could be lighting problems and dehydration issues.
Move your vanda away from a super bright light to a spot with slightly more subdued light. Vandas love very bright light, but the timing of the light may be off.
Make sure the roots are healthy and hydrated. They should be plump, green, and not dried out. A dehydrated orchid won't have enough energy to bloom. This may require more watering. Or, soak the roots in a bucket of fresh, room-temperature water for 15 minutes once a day.
Caring for a Vanda Orchid After It Blooms
After a vanda orchid flowers, cut off the spike completely using a disinfected cutting tool. The vanda may flower again in a few months if it is living in the right conditions. If so, you will see a vanda flower spike emerging from the central stem and poking out between the leaves.
Common Problems With Vanda Orchids
Vanda orchids are sensitive plants that can be plagued with problems if they don't receive just the right amount of light and water. The most common cause of plant death is too much or too little water. Here are some signs of common problems with vanda orchids:
Shriveling Leaves
Vandas love their water, but overwatering will cause the plant to grow slowly and develop root rot, indicated by leaves that begin to shrivel. Under-watered plants will also result in shriveled leaves.
Disfigured Flowers
Overwatering a vanda orchid may cause the flowers to swell and develop blisters.
Sticky Substance on Buds and Leaves
You may think you have a pest infestation that's producing "honeydew," but this sticky substance on your buds is actually a natural sap the orchid produces. The sap may also drip onto the leaves and make them sticky. Simply dissolve the sap by misting the buds and leaves with water.
Leaves Turning Yellowish Green
Too much light is rare for these orchids, but if they get too much direct sun, vandas will turn yellowish-green or red.
Spindly Growth
Too little light causes the plant to produce deep green leaves, spindly growth, and weak flowers.
Do vanda orchids need pots?
Vanda orchids can grow in pots, as well as baskets, with their roots exposed. However, vanda orchids are known for large, robust roots that are difficult to contain in any sort of pot and are best left to grow in a roomy basket. If you decide to pot one up, fill it with a coarse, chunky orchid mix with fir bark, lava, or charcoal to give the plant extremely good drainage and air circulation.
Do vanda orchids need to be watered every day?
If the container the vanda orchid is growing in is placed in a warm and sunny area, the plant may need daily watering or misting. In winter and cloudy weather, drastically pull back on watering.
Where should I put my vanda orchid in my house?
Vandas are large plants with meandering and draping roots that take up lots of room, so greenhouses are best for most varieties. If you prefer growing one on a windowsill with bright light, opt for compact vandas such as Vanda tricolor or Vanda coerulea.