How to Identify and Treat Mold in Your Basement

Treating Mold in Basement

yavdat / Getty Images

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 3 - 4 hrs
  • Total Time: 3 - 4 days
  • Yield: 80 square feet of basement wall
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Estimated Cost: $30 to $60

If any place in the house will grow mold, it's the basement. Basements collect and trap moisture, and moisture is a key factor in mold growth. Mold can quickly decay organic materials such as wood, leading to structural failure.

Fortunately, you can easily identify and remove mold on your own. Read on to discover the basic steps of mold ID and removal, as well as some tips to keep your basement mold-free.


Because some strains of mold can be hazardous, wear the full range of personal protective equipment and seal off the work area. The personal protective equipment includes a HEPA N95 mask at a minimum, but ideally a P100 mask, hooded disposable coveralls, latex or latex-substitute gloves, shoe covers, and safety glasses.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Cotton swabs
  • Glass container
  • Work light
  • Screwdriver
  • Wet/dry vacuum
  • Sponge
  • Personal protective equipment


  • Household bleach
  • Garbage bags
  • Plastic sheeting
  • Duct tape
  • Mold remover spray


Materials needed to remove mold from the basement

The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

How to Identify Mold in the Basement

  1. Smell the Air for Mold

    One of the first indicators that your basement has mold is its smell. Mold is variously described as smelling musty, dusty, or earthy. If you know the smell of wet wood or dirty socks, this is similar to the smell of basement mold.

    Inspecting the basement for mold

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

  2. Identify Areas Known to Harbor Mold

    When you believe you smell mold, go on the hunt to find it. Look near water supply pipes, around water drainage lines and sewage pipes, anywhere near dryer vents and in laundry rooms, under sinks, in the ceiling above a finished basement, near bathroom exhaust vents, around sump pumps, and inside wall cavities.

    Checking areas in the basement for mold

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

  3. Visually Locate the Mold

    Turn on the work light. Scan for signs of mold, including small black speckles, areas that look like burn marks, or large areas that simply look dirty.

    Identifying mold in the basement

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

  4. Test For Mold With Bleach

    Add 1 part bleach to 10 parts water in the glass container. Mix it well and daub the cotton swab in the mixture. Run the swab across the area suspected of mold. If the surface is dirty, the mixture will not cause it to change colors. If it is mold or mildew, the swabbed area will lighten.

    Testing for mold with bleach

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

  5. Probe the Area

    With the screwdriver, gently push into drywall or wood areas of suspected mold. If it is mold, the screwdriver will easily push into the surface, flaking it away. Sometimes, the material will fall apart.

    Probing the moldy area with a screwdriver

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

How to Treat Mold in Your Basement

  1. Prepare the Work Area

    Ventilate the room with a box fan with the airflow moving toward the exterior. Tape plastic around the work area. Turn off the HVAC system or furnace to avoid carrying mold spores throughout the rest of the house.

    Preparing the basement floor with plastic wrap

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

  2. Dry the Work Area

    Use the wet/dry vacuum to vacuum up water. For other latent moisture, increase the heat in the room, turn on dehumidifiers, and leave the fan running until the area is completely dry.

    Drying the work area with a fan

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

  3. Spray the Mold With Mold Remover

    Spray down the areas of basement mold with the mold remover. Wipe the mold remover across the surface with the sponge, thoroughly working it in.

    Spraying mold remover on a basement wall

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

  4. Clean or Encapsulate the Mold

    After the mold remover has dried, the mold spores are dead but the mold physically remains. You may choose to paint over the mold with an encapsulating product designed for this purpose or remove the mold with dish detergent and hot water.

    Cleaning off the mold with a sponge

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic


    Surfaces such as bare drywall that can be ruined by the application of too much water should be encapsulated with with a mold sealant product for ongoing protection rather than cleaned with water.

  5. Take Measures to Prevent the Mold From Coming Back

    A good system of gutters and downspouts is one step toward reducing basement moisture. Grade soil around the home downward.

    Dehumidifiers in the basement can reduce the moisture content in the air. Seal around dryer vents with metal tape. Check pipes for leaks and fix, as needed.

    Taking steps to prevent the mold from growing again

    The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

Additional Tips for Identifying and Treating Mold

  • Homes with basements often have mold to their proximity to groundwater, so homeowners with basements should check them regularly.
  • Use a dehumidifier in your basement to assist in mold prevention.
  • Remove mold in the basement as soon as possible to prevent further growth.
  • If the basement has recently been flooded, first remove all of the water and wait until the basement is completely dry before you begin removing the mold.
  • Identifying and treating basement mold is a multi-stage process, but finding the mold and then confirming its identity can make it much easier to remove.
  • Most communities do not have laws that monitor mold or enforce mold removal. However, always check with your local permitting office to see if permits are required for mold removal.

When to Call a Professional

Mold remediation companies can treat basement mold, especially if you have large, pervasive sections of mold. If you are proceeding with a real estate sale, you may be contractually required to have a professional mold remediation company remove the mold rather than treating it yourself.

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  1. Who Can Test My Home or Clean, Fix, and Remediate My Home for Mold?. United States Environmental Protection Agency.