Nasturtium Capers - Capers Made From Nasturtium Seeds

Nasturtium Capers
DianePeacock / Getty Images
Prep: 10 mins
Cook: 10 mins
Total: 20 mins
Servings: 32 servings

Nasturtiums are such cheerful and pretty flowers, it's worth it to grow them just for their looks. But when you do, be sure to put a few extra plants in your garden to munch on because they are completely edible. That's right: Every part of the nasturtium is delicious. The leaves and flowers have a warm, tangy flavor. Pick a few and toss the petals into a salad or float a blossom on top of a drink or soup. Some people even make butter out of it.

Don’t stop there. Nasturtium seeds are sometimes called poor man's capers, and to that end, make a great caper-like treat—but they're more peppery than capers, so take that into consideration. You can use them in ways that are similar to how you would use capers. Real capers are made from the buds of the caper plant. These substitutes are made from the still-firm seeds of nasturtium plants, so they start off crisper and tangier.

The basic recipe is very simple. It involves making a quick pickle of the seeds. You can use them as they are, on salads and in sauces, and in vegetable and fish dishes. They would make a flavorful garnish on a lemony chicken dish with pasta. Or you can create your own blend by adding a few additional spices.

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  • 1 cup nasturtium seeds, still firm and green

  • 1 cup white wine vinegar

  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt, or to taste

  • 5 to 8 peppercorns, slightly crushed

Steps to Make It

  1. Gather the ingredients.

  2. Rinse and drain nasturtium seeds and blot them well on paper towels.

  3. Pour seeds into a 1-pint canning jar.

  4. Bring vinegar, salt, and crushed peppercorns to a boil and pour over seeds.

  5. Seal and refrigerate jar, then let sit for about three months.


  • A little bit goes a long way when it comes to these flavorful little buds. Taste as you go; you may not need as many of these capers as you think.

Recipe Variation

To spice things up, try adding a clove or two of smashed garlic, a pinch of celery seed or pickling spice, some cloves, and allspice. In terms of herbs, a couple of sprigs of thyme or a bay leaf would work well, too.

How to Store Nasturtium Capers

These will keep for several months in the refrigerator.