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Toronto Star printed newspaper:

Can we help you with stories and photos printed in the newspaper?

Many, although not all, of the articles that appear in the newspaper are also published online. Use our website search engine, near the top of this page, to find the article you're searching for.

Please note that the Toronto Star Archive tool, Pages of the Past, is no longer available. Public access to the newspaper’s archive is only provided to subscriber universities and public libraries through ProQuest. Please contact your local library to see if it subscribes to ProQuest and if the Toronto Star is among the publications it accesses.

For those who are in Toronto, and have a library card, they can visit the Toronto Public Library or access the archives online for free through the library's website or by clicking here:

All photographs that are copyright to the Toronto Star can be purchased through Getty Images. You can visit the website and receive a quote at

All usage of articles, pages, headlines and excerpts from the Toronto Star, including logo and branding, must be licensed through PARS International Corp. PARS International Corp. also produces plaques, posters and hardcopy reprints of the Toronto Star. You can get a quote from or

Instructions for sending letters to the editor or letters to the sports editor can be found in the editorial/newsroom section of our "Contact Us" page.

You can contact the Star's Bureau of Accuracy and Public Editor, by email at [email protected], by phone at 416-869-4949 or by fax at 416-869-4322.

Instructions for sending us news tips or press releases can be found in the editorial/newsroom section of our "Contact Us" page.

Instructions for submitting an article to the newspaper can be found in the editorial/newsroom section of our "Contact Us" page.

Can we help you with newspaper advertising?

To place a classified ad in the newspaper, please visit You may also call Star Classifieds at 416-777-7777, toll-free at 1-800-268-8323 or email [email protected].

For information on display ads, please visit our Advertising Sales Media Kit section.

Can we help you with newspaper home delivery?

To subscribe to the Toronto Star Newspaper, check out our introductory subscription offers at or contact customer service at 416-367-4500

Our circulation department will be pleased to help you. For phone numbers, hours of service and further information, visit the circulation/home delivery section on our "contact us" page or email [email protected]. If you prefer, you can also use our online subscriber self-service.

Back issues of the Toronto Star are no longer available.

Other frequently-asked questions about the Star newspaper

General inquiries and correspondence can be sent to:


8 Spadina Avenue, 10th Floor

Toronto, ON

M5V 0S8

The main telephone number is 416-367-2000.

For specific departments, please see our Contact Us page. Most Star staff members can be reached by email. In most cases, the email address is the person's first initial and first six letters of the last name followed by "", e.g. [email protected].

For employment opportunities, please visit our online careers section.

The Star's editorial department offers internships to a number of journalists for reporting, editing and photography positions. For information on how to apply, please visit the Internships page.

We use soya-based ink for our colours and mineral-based ink for the black. Our newsprint is supplied from three different mills: Kruger Newsprint Co. in Trois-Rivières, Que., Tembec Newsprint Co. in Kapuskasing, Ont. and Abitibi in Thorold, Ont. Kruger and Tembec newsprint is a minimum of 40-per-cent recycled newsprint and Abitibi Thorold is 100-per-cent recycled newsprint.

Toronto Star website (

Can we help you with stories and photos online?

The Toronto Star uses a portion of its daily editorial content for online purposes. We publish most stories that appear on the front page of the paper, plus many of our main stories and pictures but we do not publish every article from the Star online. For example, we do not have online rights for stories, photos and cartoons from various news services, agencies and freelancers such as Agence France Press, Bloomberg, Cox news services, Getty Images, some LDPImages, Dusan and most printed crosswords and comics. Classified ads in the newspaper appear on Meanwhile, website has video from staff, The Canadian Press and The Associated Press, podcasts and blogs, different comics and puzzles and other material that does not appear in the newspaper. The web and print are complementary, but different, media. is committed to providing up-to-the-minute news and information 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Every time an article is added to, the posting time is recorded. News and information is provided by Star journalists, editors, newswires and a variety of other sources.

Can we help you with paid digital subscriptions?

Producing high-quality journalism comes at a cost and most news publishers now charge for online content. The unique content we produce has tremendous value to our readers and the community. If you are already print subscriber, The Star Digital Access is included in the price of your subscription.

There is no charge to register for a Torstar. However, if you want to read additional articles, you will require a paid subscription. Our subscription packages can be seen here The Star Digital Access is included in the price of print and ePaper subscriptions.

The account you use to manage your Toronto Star print subscription is different than the account required to access our digital content on You will need to use or register for a Torstar account in order to get access to If you need further assistance with this request, please give us a call at 1-855-687-5915 and we would be happy to assist you in setting your account up. You can also view our How To page for step-by-step instructions.

Thank you for being a loyal subscriber. The Star Digital Access, as well as our ePaper is included with your print subscription. Sign up for your complimentary access. You can also view our How To page for step-by-step instructions.

Thank you for being a loyal subscriber. The Star Digital Access is included with your subscription. Sign up for your complimentary access. You can also view our How To page for step-by-step instructions.

With each print subscription, one complimentary access to The Star Digital Access is included.

As a thank you for your commitment, you received a lower rate with the term subscription. If you would like to cancel your subscription, you will have to pay the monthly rate multiplied by the number of months left on your term. For example, if you have 3 months remaining on your term, you will have to pay 3 months multiplied by $14.99 per month for a total of $44.97 plus tax.

Your digital access will continue through the end of the billing month in which you cancel your subscription. We bill our digital subscriptions one month at a time and require 48-hour notice to process your cancellation request.

Every 30 days, allows you to read 5 articles without having to register for a Torstar account. The 30-day window is not based on the monthly calendar but on the day you first click on an article.

We apologize for the issue you are currently experiencing. We would be happy to help you through this process and resolve any challenges you may be encountering. You can reach us toll-free by phone at 1-855-687-5915. Our Customer Support agents are available 8am-4pm weekdays and 8am-12pm on weekends and holidays. We would be happy to assist you.

Marketing emails originating from Torstar publications and services contain an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.? Please use the unsubscribe link in the email that was sent to you in order to unsubscribe.? If you have any difficulties with the unsubscribe link, please forward the original email to [email protected] and let us know which service or publication sent you the email so that we can remove you from the marketing list.

Please visit to reset your password.

Verification emails may sometimes be caught in the spam or junk folder. If still not available, you can reach us via email at [email protected] or toll-free by phone at 1-855-687-5915. Our Customer Support agents are available 6am-5pm weekdays and 6am-1pm on weekends and holidays. We would be happy to assist you.

Receipt emails may sometimes be caught in the spam or junk folder. If still not available, you can reach us via email at [email protected] or toll-free by phone at 1-855-687-5915. Our Customer Support agents are available 8am-4pm weekdays and 8am-12pm on weekends and holidays. We would be happy to assist you.

Go to to login and manage your digital subscription.

Credit cards are billed right away and on an ongoing monthly basis. We will bill your credit card automatically on the same day each month. For example, if you started your subscription on October 1st, we would bill you October 1st, and your next charge would be on November 1st.

Yes, these articles do count towards your article limit.

You can reach us via email at [email protected] or toll-free by phone at 1-855-687-5915. Our Customer Support agents are available 8am-4pm weekdays and 8am-12pm on weekends and holidays.

Please contact us via email at [email protected] and we will contact you back.

Sign into your Torstar account (if you do not have a Torstar account, you may Create an Account. Note you will need a Torstar account even if you already have a Subscriber Service Login.) Confirm your active home delivery subscription by providing the street number, street name, and phone number associated with your Home Delivery Subscription account, and confirm you agree to our Terms of Use, Subscription Terms, and Privacy Policy. Click Submit and enjoy complimentary The Star Digital Access.

Help with online advertising

Star classified ads are located at, where you can place your ad both in the classified section of the newspaper and online. Also check the helpful frequently-asked questions pages.

For full details on placing online advertising, scroll to the grey box at the bottom of most web pages on this site, and beside "Advertise With Us" click Online Advertising.

Help with email newsletters

We have several email newsletters to choose from, including Headlines, Sports Headlines and Breaking News.

You can subscribe to new newsletters here:

You may unsubscribe from an existing newsletter subscription at any time by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the newsletter or by contacting us with your request.

When this happens, the usual cause is an over-eager spam filter, either on your email inbox or at your Internet service provider's (ISP) server. Make sure you allow incoming email from [email protected] by adding that address to your email address book. It may help bypass any spam filter. Also check that you don't have any spam filter rules that may be flagging the newsletter as spam. Also check with your ISP or, if you are using an email address at your workplace, check with your technical department and see if they are blocking the email from coming through.

From time to time we have had problems with Yahoo! and Rogers Yahoo! email customers not receiving the newsletter. This turns out to be a known problem with the Yahoo! email service, which Rogers packages as part of their service. You can find details here.

Can we help you with our RSS feed?

Our RSS feeds are XML code written to provide content summaries of news. An RSS (Really Simple Syndication) channel consists of a list of items, each of which contains a headline, first sentence or two of the article, and a link to a web page on A list of RSS feeds on, as well as a list of popular RSS readers, can be found on our RSS Feeds page.