10 Gifts Ideas to Honor Your Inspiring Boss on His Retirement Day
Retirement is a crucial milestone in anyone’s life and it should be celebrated in a grand fashion. An inspiring boss is nothing less than a blessing in disguise for workers in a company. Amid growing stiff competition in the corporate world, it is very hard to find a boss who is not only inspiring but is also a mentor.
Although many organizations hold special ceremonial parties to express gratitude and acknowledge the services of their retiring employees. However, on the other side of the equation, it becomes really tough for the retiring individuals and their subordinates to bid farewell to an inspiring boss on the retirement day.
Most of the time, the people consider their inspiring boss as a father-figure of their professional life. It has become a general tradition to mark this day in the office to write some precious memories on the last page of the professional career book of a top performing employee. Apart from celebrating the day in the office premises, there are many other things, including presenting gifts, to add value to those final moments of your inspiring boss on the job. Let’s take a look at a few retirement gift ideas for men.
Traditional Gift
One of the most presented traditional gifts to honor your inspiring boss is a gold pocket watch. Since the watch symbolizes time, it can reload the mind of your retiring boss with the precious memories of the time you had spent with him during his tenure of service. As you both share some awesome memories together, the symbolic watch is a nice idea to cherish those golden moments. If you don’t want to go for a pocket watch, a standard watch or a clock can also carry the same significance for remembering fantabulous memories.
Another beautiful gift idea to honor your boss on penultimate day at the job is presenting mementos with different kinds. Mementos like a plaque, a pen, or a particular book can really make his day. A memento somewhat carries a big impression with personalized message engraved on it. The personalized message can be an appreciation quote, achievement notes, leadership inspiration or a mentor who changed your life.
Gifts That Match His Hobbies
Gifting your retiring boss with something that matches his hobbies is a great way of showing that you care. You are only able to come up with such a gift if you really know him. You have a great idea of his hobbies and his personal life. This would help you in making him feel great about his association with you during the good and the bad times you faced together in the office. It is assumed that a retired person has more time for the hobbies after the end of the professional life. There can be many common hobbies of a retiring age people like playing golf, fishing at lake or river, reading books or playing tennis or board games. You can choose any option from the above-mentioned different hobbies as per the taste of your retiring boss.
Travel-Centric Gifts
Traveling is one thing that is common on the bucket-list or wish-list of most of the retiring people. One of the best ways to honor your boss is to present him the items which can help them during their traveling. There are many items such as beach bag with beach items like suntan lotion, hat, towels, sandals etc. that you can gift out. The other idea can be a luggage bag or a travel bag which will help them during their travel to some amazing place. Another idea can be a travel book which can provide guidance to different travel destinations. The special travel suits can be another good idea.
Special Events Tickets
If your retiring boss is an entertainment lover and spends time watching plays in theaters or matches at stadiums, it can be a great idea to present him with movie tickets or a match pass. Since he will have spare time after his retirement, he can visit theaters to watch his favorite movies or dramas. Most of the times, people spend money on buying these tickets, so by presenting them with movie tickets, you also add convenience in their life.
Present Personalized Gifts
Personalization in any work can do wonders. So, it is a good idea to personalize your choice of gift before presenting to your boss. Personalization can be done on anything like T-Shirt, mug, or pen etc. Another such great idea can be a personalized photo book or memory book which can take your boss to great old memories.
Cigars or Wine
If you know your boss really well, then you must have an idea about his tastes. This gives you the chance to gift him some good vintage wine or a box of cigars. You should keep the prices of cigars and wines in your mind because these items are a bit expensive. A good way to purchase such gifts is by taking contributions from a group of people who pay their share of the amount to present it as a collective gift.
Inspirational Books/Best Sellers
Books are always considered as a man’s best friend. People often tend to miss an opportunity of reading books during their tough professional life. If your retiring boss has liking for quality books, then it could be a great idea to honor him with a set of books which may include best sellers, inspirational books, history books, or even autobiographies of the famous celebrities. It can be a mix of all depending on the choice and taste of the boss.
A Devout Note
A personalized note, which is written with emotions right from the bottom of your heart, can be another good gift for your retiring boss. You can share your feelings and gratitude written in a personalized note and display it in a beautiful frame.
Membership Gift
You may gift your retiring boss a membership card. It may sound a bit hard on your pocket but if you purchase it as a group, then you can easily manage it. You may present him any club membership which offers different recreational or sports activities.
If you were struggling to find a way to express your gratitude to your boss, who will soon be no more available to guide you in the office, you now know how you can add value to his final appearance in the office.