Trying to get in touch with the team? We’d like to make sure that your questions, feedback and input are directed to the appropriate team member.
Submit Story Ideas:
We welcome positive story ideas about people, businesses and organizations doing good things around Thurston County. If you have a story idea or would like to submit a press release, contact [email protected].
Advertise Your Business:
To learn more about how ThurstonTalk can help you REACH more people, GROW your revenue, and MEASURE results, contact [email protected].
Add an Event to the Calendar:
Be a part of’s Thurston County events listing. Visit our calendar and submit your event
Reach a ThurstonTalk Writer:
If you have a question or comment for one of’s writers, email [email protected].
Talk to Customer Support:
For billing and accounting questions, contact [email protected].
Ask Us Another Question:
If something didn’t quite fit into the above, contact us at [email protected].
You are also welcome to call ThurstonTalk at 360-482-1671. This phone number is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Send Us Mail:
2962 Limited Lane NW
Olympia, WA 98502