So flattered that you are here and want to learn a bit more about me!

I am Cami – owner, photographer, writer, decorator, (and pretty much everything else) of the blog, TIDBITS & Company.
I’d like to share 3 things with you, about myself:
- My Passions
- My Blog
- My Family
While I may be passionate to a fault about some things, here are a list of things that fuel my fire.
Decorating and DIY
Nothing gets me quite as excited as remodeling a space with my husband Kevin, who is super handy with his power tools. We love to take a room from blaaa to ahhh, and we try to DIY everything we can. Then I love to fill a space with thrifted finds, antique treasures and meaningful items. Simplicity is key for me. I like to define my current style as European Farmhouse, with loads of old world charm. Start HERE to get a good idea of my decorating projects.
I find I need to create on a daily basis. Whether it is with fabric, wood, digitally, or with my kids – creating keeps me happy.
I discovered my love for photography years ago, with my first DSLR camera. I realized I began to see the world differently. I began to notice the beauty around me every day and I try to capture those moments when I can.
Good Food
I love good food, especially feeding my family good-for-you foods. You know if I’m posting a recipe, I am pretty excited about it. See more of my recipes, HERE.
Teaching my Kids
I’ve found great joy in sharing my passions with my children and teaching them skills such as sewing, cooking, creating and the basics of life. See some posts about that, HERE. We started homeschooling in 2020, and never turned back! It is such a joy!
Inspiring others to create and enjoy being the keeper of their home
This is where my blog comes in. It has been rewarding to me beyond words to be able to take my passions and share them with others in the hopes of inspiring them to fill their lives with things they enjoy as well. I love that I can do this through blogging, YouTube and Podcasting.
Let’s talk a bit more about that.
I started this blog in 2011, just with the purpose of having a hobby and after discovering a few home decor and sewing blogs. I thought it seemed like such a neat way to connect with others who have the same interests and share what I knew with others. My blog and business has most definitely changed through the years, and I am so pleased to be able to now bring in a full time income through my blog to help support my family – all while being a stay-at-home mom. It can be super stressful at times, but we have learned to work through those moments to get back to a balanced life, and I am forever grateful that I can stay home with my babies and help pay off our mortgage at the same time! This couldn’t happen without all my supporters – so THANK YOU for being here today!
Through the years, I’ve been honored to have my work featured in several magazines, including Country Living, American Farmhouse, Cottage White, Country Sampler (to name a few) as well as popular Home Decor websites like Better Homes and Gardens, Domino, Apartment Therapy, Good Housekeeping, Country Living, and HGTV. I feel honored to work with Brands whose work and values I appreciate, and with products that I use and love.
Cottage White | American Farmhouse | Country Living | Country Sampler’s Christmas | Country Samplers Fall | Woman’s World | Altered Couture
The greatest joy in this life is most definitely my family.
I met my husband working on a dude ranch in Wyoming. It was the summer of love.
He played the cowboy and took guests for horseback rides, and I served up the grub. It didn’t take us long to hitch up!
We traded in our Wranglers for 4 beautiful children, and are blessed beyond words.
Thank you again for visiting! I hope to see you back often!
If you are interested in working with me, please visit this page.