Bit Socket , Bits and Sets
A bit socket is composed of a bit and a socket., where the bit is the external part that comes in a standard shape like hex, Torx or slot, and the socket is the bottom part that has a square drive hole. Bit sockets with press-fit screwdriver bits are semi-permanent, as bits can be removed and replaced but not always easily. Socket bits are a versatile tool that can help professionals tackle different kinds of projects.
Tien-i provides various kinds of bit sockets - from hex bit sockets, star bit sockets, to slotted bit sockets & more. You can visit our bit socket set to see bit socket sets & custom bit socket sets.
● A bit socket is composed of a bit and a socket. The bit is the external part, which comes in a standard shape, such as hex, Torx or slot. The socket is the bottom part, which has a square drive hole.
● You can drive a bit socket with a drive tool, such as a ratchet handle, impact wrench or power wrench.
Learn more information abou bit sockets and bit socket sets: "How Tien-I design Tools kit and Socket Sets?"