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re: Mountain goat kills attacking grizzly bear with ‘dagger-like’ horns
Posted on 9/21/21 at 10:31 am to Y.A. Tittle
Posted on 9/21/21 at 10:31 am to Y.A. Tittle
Nah, you can hike the trails downtown and run into mountain goats. I am not sure anyone local has ever been attacked. I keep binoculars in the car to spot them. Just like to watch their migrations.
Posted on 9/21/21 at 10:36 am to WylieTiger
That goat is a
White Supremacist
A white male goat killed a female bear of color, almost certainly a single mother.
Canada is going to burn.
Posted on 9/21/21 at 10:39 am to Darth_Vader
I'm guessing the bear killed and ate the goat, but then died later due to infection from the injuries it sustained when killing the goat.
Posted on 9/21/21 at 10:40 am to DemonKA3268
The bear only weighed 154 lb though. Not as impressive as it sounds
Posted on 9/21/21 at 10:41 am to jamiegla1
The bear only weighed 154 lb though. Not as impressive as it sounds
Posted on 9/21/21 at 10:48 am to DemonKA3268
After it killed the bear, it caught a pass from Roger Staubach and went to a ragu festival
Posted on 9/21/21 at 11:05 am to DemonKA3268
Most badass goat since Black


Posted on 9/21/21 at 11:30 am to DemonKA3268
Goats,1. Grizzlies,1,000,000.
Posted on 9/21/21 at 11:32 am to jamiegla1
The bear only weighed 154 lb though
Probably already sick or wounded. Those are still pretty dangerous.
Posted on 9/21/21 at 11:32 am to DemonKA3268
You mess with the goat you get the horns
Posted on 9/21/21 at 11:32 am to TigerCoon
Goats,1. Grizzlies,1,000,000.

Posted on 9/21/21 at 11:35 am to DemonKA3268
Survival of the fittest.
Posted on 9/21/21 at 11:37 am to Deuces
Well, we all know what Joe Rogan will speak about on his next podcast…
"Did you hear about the goat that killed that bear? I saw it on this website. Which was it? Jamie, pull that shite up."
Posted on 9/21/21 at 12:20 pm to Y.A. Tittle
Are they ever known to attack or kill people?
I mean, they all seemed pretty docile, so maybe they aren't easily spooked or provoked.
There were a bunch of them toward the end of a hike we took in Glacier, and people were getting within a couple feet of them taking pictures. I'm sure they're used to people, but they're still wild animals, and that picture isn't worth possibly getting trampled or gored.
This post was edited on 9/21/21 at 12:21 pm
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