Creation Of The State Of Franklin
In 1784, they elected a governor and a legislature and wrote a constitution and started to give business however, the state of North Carolina was not for the state of franklin. It was there fault that the state of franklin was not approved by congress. -
Start Of Shay's Rebellion
Shay's rebellion is named after the former captain of Massachusetts Daniel Shays and it basically happened because the framers were making to much money and there was also a lack of economic crisis laws in Massachusetts. -
Annapolis Convection
The Annapolis Convection was to discuss issues of interstate trade however very little people came to this convection. It did give a solution however, but the people that came didn't have enough power to do anything about it. They later had another convection where they decided to make a new form of government with a new constitution. -
End Of Shay's Rebellion
The end of Shay's rebellion ended with poor famers from western Massachusetts that had to fight against high taxes with Daniel Shays right by there side. -
Constitutional Convection
The point of this meeting was to decide how America was going to be governed. Even though the convection was really meant improve the existing Articles Of Confederation many delegates had much bigger plans. -
Ending Of The State Of Franklin
On February 1789 it was all over. Sevier’s “Republic” had completely collapsed and lost all support. Sevier finally gave up and, after swearing an oath of allegiance to North Carolina, was given a command in the state militia and fought against the Native tribes.