2025 Kick-Off Event at the Tee Box
Long drive and closest to the pin competition at the TeeBox in downtown Topeka. April 8, 2025 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.
City 4-Man Best Ball/Shamble
Cypress Ridge Golf Course $290 per team. Entry deadline - April 25
City Champions 2-Man Scramble
Age 50 by May 27. Firekeeper, $200/Team, cart included. Entry deadline - May 20.
City Match Play
Cypress Ridge Golf Course. Qualify at Shawnee Country Club Saturday June 14, $95 - over 17, $75 - under 18. Entry deadline - June 6
City Stroke Play
Lake Shawnee GC, Cypress Ridge GC, Topeka Country Club $140. Entry deadline - July 5.
City Junior Championship
Ages 17 and Under. Shawnee Country Club & Western Hills Golf Course, $70. Entry deadline - July 14.
City 2-Man Best Ball / Scramble
Lake Shawnee Golf Course $150 per team. Entry deadline - August 2
Bill McDonald City Champions Stroke Play
Age 40 by August 24. Shawnee Country Club, $115 Cart and dinner included. Entry deadline - August 16. USGA Handicap required for net portion of tournament.
Parent-Child Scramble
Lake Shawnee Golf Course. $75 per team. Entry deadline - September 6