CBSE Class 12-science Answered
How did Eli Lilly Company go about preparing
human insulin? How is this insulin produced different from that produced by
the functional human insulin gene?
Asked by Topperlearning User | 10 Jun, 2014, 16:38: PM
Eli Lilly prepared two DNA sequences corresponding to A and B chains of human insulin and introduced them in plasmids of E.coli to produce insulin chains. Chains A and B were produced separately, extracted and combined by creating disulphide bonds to form human insulin. Insulin in human pancreas is synthesised as a pro-hormone containing the C peptide, which is removed in mature hormone. The insulin synthesised by recombinant DNA technology did not contain C peptide and was prepared in the mature form.
Answered by | 10 Jun, 2014, 18:38: PM
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Asked by Topperlearning User | 10 Jun, 2014, 16:38: PM
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Asked by Topperlearning User | 10 Jun, 2014, 16:38: PM
CBSE 12-science - Biology
Asked by Topperlearning User | 10 Jun, 2014, 16:38: PM