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Now you can easily add the new Alistair Begg Daily Devotional, Spurgeon’s classic daily devotional, the Truth For Life Daily Program, the One-Year Bible Reading Plan and a Truth For Life resources search to your personal or organizational web site!
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Fill out and submit the form below, and we’ll send you a simple HTML widget (2 lines of code) you can add to a web page on your site. It's an easy way to see any or all of these on your web site:
Here’s an example of the Alistair Begg Daily Devotional as syndicated content.
Here’s an example of Spurgeon’s devotional as syndicated content.
Here’s an example of our Daily Program as syndicated content.
Here’s an example of the One-Year Bible Reading Plan as syndicated content.
Here’s an example of a Truth For Life resources search form.
Here’s an example of Truth For Life Daily Devotions (audio).
And, we’ll give you instructions about styling these options to fit your web site.
To get started, fill out this form and click Request Now.