This is Lawrencia Ann Bembenek, aka Bambi Bembenek (born 8/15/1958) and later on, Laurie. She is a former Playboy Bunny and Milwaukee police officer. She was arrested June of 1981 convicted of murder March of 1982. She allegedly shot and killed Christine Shultz, her husband’s ex wife. She was sentenced to life in prison at Taycheedah Correctional Institution in Fon du Lac, Wisconsin. Shortly after, her husband filed for divorce and publicly announced he believed her to be guilty of the crime. In July 1990, she escaped from prison with the help of then fiance, Dominic Gugliotto, the brother of another inmate! They lasted three months on the run, in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada before being recognized from an episode of “America’s Most Wanted.” Bambi’s story only gets more interesting from there. She sought refugee status in Canada. Many flaws in the original investigation, including new DNA evidence was discovered! Bambi received another trial and ultimately plead ‘no contest" with her prison sentence stayed and considered time served. Bambi became a celebrity, with various interviews and even one scheduled with Dr.Phil. But there was a freak accident before the show, she was severely injured and sued him! She also wrote a book and there were two movies made about her. Laurie Bambenek passed away in 2010 from cancer.

Google search Laurie Bembenek

Movie promo: Woman on the Run

Movie promo: Calendar girl, cop, killer: the Lawrencia Bambenek Story

Source: munuekitahh
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