The Moon Pool 🌕
the pool is located inside the volcano of Mako Island, which is located approximately 50 km off the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Because of it's location though, no one knows of it existence unless they find on accident.
there are two ways of getting into the Moon Pool,
  • One is a small tunnel that's in the beeper part of Mako Island, but the tunnel's entrance is on the ground, so people don't usely find it unless they literally fall into it.
  • Second is a underwater cave in the ocean that is connected to the Moon Pool. Sometimes people find this entrance when they go scuba diving around Mako Island. They also use it as a way to get out of the Moon Pool when they fall though the first entrance.
the Moon Pool was created when a a lunar rock fell from the moon and crashed into the Earth.
but this isn't your average pool, it is a magical pool.
the Moon Pool's magical powers are activated once a month, when the full moon shines down on the pool though the top of the volcano.
if someone is in the Moon Pool at this time, it gives that person the ability to transform into a mermaid (or merman), 10 seconds after they get wet in anyway. But they don't realize this happened to them until the next morning.
it also gives that person special merpeople powers, like to control water, turn water into ice, etc.
but what powers the Moon Pool gives that person is totally random, exactly if there's more than one person in the pool at the time.
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