Tobias Willmann, M. Sc., researcher of the Institute for Structural Mechanics (IBB) of the faculty, received the prize "EFB-Projektpreis 2020" together with Alexander Wessel from the Fraunhofer IWM Freiburg the joint work on the research project "Verbesserte Blechumformsimulation durch 3D-Werkstoffmodelle und erweiterte Schalenformulierungen" (Improved sheet metal forming simulation using 3D material models and extended shell formulations).
The prize is awarded every year by the Europäischen Forschungsgesellschaft für Blechbearbeitung e.V. (EFB) (European Research Association for Sheet Metal Working) for the best evaluated EFB research projects of the previous year. The prize honors young scientists who have worked on and completed an EFB project of joint industrial research in an outstanding manner, both scientifically and in terms of project technology.
The prize for Tobias Willmann and Alexander Wessel has been presented during the evening event of the 40th EFB colloquium on sheet metal working on Tuesday, March 24th, 2020 in Bad Boll.
Contact | Tobias Willmann, M. Sc., IBB, Pfaffenwaldring 7, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany, +49 711 685-68806, Fax +49 711 685-66130, [email protected] |