Education Language Centre

University of Luxembourg Language Centre

University of Luxembourg Language Centre. Cover

The Language Centre offers a range of services for University of Luxembourg students and doctoral candidates to enhance their multilingual skills.

What we offer


General language courses develop language skills for general purposes and are designed for beginner levels only (A1, A2). Academic language courses are designed for academic purposes to serve the needs of students studying at the University of Luxembourg, such as reading and writing academic texts, listening to university lectures, and engaging in seminar discussions.

Language courses are incorporated into some study programmes, and priority is given to these study programmes.

Evening classes usually start at 17.00 on Belval and Kirchberg Campus and run throughout the semester.
Each course is worth 3 ECTS credits.

The Language Centre offers training for students in language learning and academic writing in French, German, and English. This training leads to a certificate from the Language Centre and equips students to advise fellow students on language learning, presentations, and writing academic papers. The training is offered each summer semester and is worth 3 ECTS credits for Bachelor students and 5 ECTS for Master students.

Some study programmes integrate peer tutor training in order to hire trained tutors as student assistants to support fellow students within their discipline.

Services and events

Language Café for English, French, German and Luxembourgish

The Language Café is a conversational session that gives learners the opportunity to practise their speaking and listening skills with fellow students in a laidback atmosphere.

  • When? Monday, 12:30-14:00 (summer semester 2024-2025)
  • Where? Maison du Savoir, 1st floor near the cafeteria

One-to-one consultations for academic writing

Students can book consultations to receive advice from trained peer tutors about how to write assignments.
This service is offered for English, French and German.

  • When? By appointment with a tutor once a week at the Learning Centre
  • Where? Belval Campus, Learning Centre or online

The following language events will take place during the summer semester 2024-2025 and are a great opportunity to practise language skills in a fun and enjoyable way.

Long Night of Writing
This event is usually organised together with the Learning Centre to support and motivate students to finish their assignments on time. Students can either work on their own and enjoy the studious atmosphere or receive in-person support from peer tutors or librarians.

Date(s) and place: 10 April 2025 and 22 May 2025 / Luxembourg Learning Centre (LLC) / LH 2.02 / 17:00-22:00

Registration via Moodle – Language Centre

Multilingual Mixer
An event previously known as ‘Speed Talking’, organised in collaboration with the Office of Student Life (OSL). Here, you can talk to people in English, German, French, Luxembourgish, and Italian about a variety of topics.

Date and place: 21st of March 2025 / Maison du Savoir / 4.520 / 18:00-20:00

Registration via Moodle – Language Centre

Writing Marathon
An event similar to the Long Night of Writing. During the study week, before the exam period, students can work on their assignments together in a studious atmosphere and receive in-person support from peer tutors.

Date and place: 13 March 2025 / Maison du Savoir / 4.300 / 13:00-18:00

Registration via Moodle – Language Centre

When? see above
Where? Belval campus
When will registration open? approximatively 2 weeks before the event

The Language Centre supports students and staff to find a tandem partner for language learning. The idea of a language tandem partnership is to give two people with different native languages the opportunity to practise their language skills. The partners meet regularly on an informal basis, and each benefits from the opportunity to learn their partner’s language.

The University of Luxembourg Language Centre is part of the UNIVERSEH alliance. The alliance offers a range of regular and intensive language courses and activities to improve English, French, German, Swedish and Polish language skills. All University of Luxembourg students can participate free of charge.

Find out more here.

The University works with the Institut National des Langues Luxembourg (INLL) for general language courses.

The University community has access to all sites where the INLL provides classes.
All courses are fee-based but learners may be eligible for a partial reimbursement.


The University of Luxembourg Language Centre was founded in 2014. Multilingualism is a key feature of the University of Luxembourg and is integrated into most study programmes.

The Language Centre’s mission is:

  • to enable the members of the University to function well in this multilingual educational environment;
  • to facilitate international academic mobility and integration into Luxembourg society;
  • to enhance the employability of the University’s graduates.

We offer academic, general and professional language courses in the University’s official languages – French, English and German – as well as courses in other languages.

Head of the Language Centre

  • Assist. Prof Birgit HUEMER

    Assist. Prof Birgit HUEMER

    Assistant professor/Senior research scientist