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7 Common Credit Score Myths – Separating Reality from Fiction

Key takeaways:  Credit matters. Whether you’re trying to qualify for a loan, obtain the best interest rate or get a new job of apartment, credit can play an essential role. As important as credit is, there are still many misconceptions about it. Here, we look at seven of the most common myths surrounding credit scores.    […]
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How Your Credit Profile Impacts Your Ability to Tap Home Equity

Your credit profile can play an important role in how you can access your home equity. We explain what your profile is and how to improve it.

7 Common Credit Score Myths – Separating Reality from Fiction

Key takeaways:  Credit matters. Whether you’re trying to qualify for a loan, obtain the best interest rate or get a new job of apartment, credit can play an essential role. As important as credit is, there are still many misconceptions about it. Here, we look at seven of the most common myths surrounding credit scores.    […]

8 Steps To Building A Good Credit Profile

Looking to remodel your home, pay off your debt, or buy a car? If you don’t have the cash, you’ll need a good credit profile for a loan or credit card.

Improve Your FICO Score: How A Home Equity Agreement Works

Do you have a low FICO score? A home equity agreement (HEA) might boost it.

How to Access Home Equity with Bad Credit

It may be possible to access home equity with bad credit! And you have several choices in finding your solution.

5 Home Refinancing Ideas for Consumers With Poor Credit

If you have a poor credit score, you still have some choices in refinancing your home. We'll show you 5 of them.

What Do Companies Report to Credit Agencies About You?

Companies report people to credit agencies if they make timely or late payments, when they open new accounts, and when their accounts enter collections.

How to Refinance Your Home With a Low Credit Score

Learn about refinancing your home’s mortgage with a low credit score and how your credit score may affect your lending options.

Credit Scores versus Credit Reports

Credit scores and credit reports can be confusing. Here’s what you need to know about each.

Understanding Multiple Credit Scores

Did you know you have not one but multiple credit scores? You should know how to find and interpret them even if you’re not planning big financial steps.

What is the Minimum Credit Score for a Home Equity Loan?

Do you meet the minimum credit score for a home equity loan? Are there other eligibility requirements? Find out here.

How to Access Your Home Equity (Even With a Credit Check)

An explanation of why home equity loans and home equity lines of credit alternatives exist for those with lower credit scores.
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