CAF Broadband Loop Support
Established by the FCC in 2016, the Connect America Fund Broadband Loop Support (CAF BLS) program provides support for voice and broadband service, including stand-alone broadband. The fund, a reform of Interstate Common Line Support (ICLS), helps carriers recover the difference between loop costs associated with providing voice and/or broadband service and consumer loop revenues. The 2016 order set a five-year deployment term for CAF BLS carriers. In 2018, the FCC set a $1.42 billion CAF BLS budget, which rises annually with inflation, and reduced the monthly per-line limit on support from $250 to $225 as of July 2019 and $200 as of July 2021. The 2018 order also established new deployment obligations for carriers remaining on CAF BLS support and restarted the five-year deployment term, requiring CAF BLS carriers to expand deployment of broadband at speeds of 25/3 Mbps by the end of 2023. Learn more.
Please see the Rate-of-Return Reform webpage for more information about FCC orders targeting rate of return carriers.
Deployment Requirements
In the 2018 Rate-of-Return Reform Order, the FCC revised the minimum 10/1 Mbps speed requirement for CAF BLS broadband deployment established by the 2016 Rate-of-Return Reform Order. The 2018 order required carriers receiving CAF BLS to comply with the following deployment obligations, calculated using the most recently available FCC Form 477 data:
- Carriers that are less than 20 percent deployed at speeds of at least 25/3 Mbps must use 35 percent of their CAF BLS support to deploy 25/3 Mbps broadband service
- Carriers that are greater than 20 percent but less than 40 percent deployed at speeds of at least 25/3 Mbps must use 25 percent of their CAF BLS support to deploy 25/3 Mbps broadband service
- Carriers that are at least 40 percent deployed at speeds of at least 25/3 Mbps must use 20 percent of their CAF BLS support to deploy 25/3 Mbps broadband service
Carriers that receive CAF BLS support could elect one of two methods for determining their deployment obligations over the program’s five-year term. Deployment obligations would be calculated by dividing the applicable CAF BLS funding by:
- the average cost of providing 25/3 Mbps service, based on the weighted average cost per loop of carriers that have deployed 25/3 Mbps service to 95 percent or more of the locations in their study area, or 150 percent of the weighted average cost per loop of companies with similar density and level of deployment, whichever is greater (Weighted Average Cost Method)
- Or the ACAM calculation of the cost per location of providing 25/3 Mbps service in the unserved census blocks in the carrier’s study area (ACAM Method)
Please see this spreadsheet for carrier-specific deployment obligations. (The FCC alternatively allowed any CAF BLS carrier to meet its deployment obligations by deploying 25/3 Mbps or faster broadband service to all locations in its study area.)
The FCC has deferred the start of the next five-year deployment obligation term for CAF BLS carriers until January 1, 2026. (See FCC 23-118 and DA 25-75.)
Annual Filing Requirements
Carriers receiving CAF BLS support must comply with the following filing and certification requirements annually:
- Quarterly: Submit speed and latency test data from performance measures testing conducted for one week of each quarter of the calendar year at a USAC-selected random sample of locations reported in the HUBB that have active subscribers. Carriers must file and certify test results within two weeks of the end of the quarter. Submit speed and latency test data in the Performance Measures Module.
- CAF BLS carriers that were out of compliance for 2023 testing have the option to request a new and statistically valid random sample of CAF BLS locations with active subscribers to continue testing for an additional four quarters – starting in the second quarter of 2025 – in order to get back into compliance with FCC network performance requirements and avoid recovery of support. (See FCC DA 23-1131). CAF BLS carriers have this option because CAF BLS had a final, five-year deployment milestone – for broadband deployment at speeds of at least 25 megabits per second downstream and 3 megabits per second upstream (25/3 Mbps) – as of the end of 2023. (Carriers that are out of compliance with FCC network performance standards at the end of their build-out term and believe this is because their sample size is too small to accurately reflect their network performance can request a larger random sample of subscriber locations that will produce test results with a margin of error of 5 percent or less and continue testing for an additional 12 months to get back into compliance. See FCC 19-104, para. 75.)
- March 1: Submit and certify deployment data in the HUBB showing where the carrier built out broadband using CAF support in the previous calendar year (and complete separate deployment milestone or end-of-term certifications) or certify that the carrier has “no locations to upload.” Carriers must report latitude and longitude coordinates, minimum speeds offered and date of deployment, among other information, for every location where mass-market, high-speed Internet service is available. Submit Locations in the HUBB. USAC will conduct verification reviews to confirm deployment to a random sample of locations reported in the HUBB following each deployment milestone. Carriers must notify the FCC and USAC, and relevant state, U.S. Territory or Tribal governments if applicable, within 10 business days after the applicable deadline if they have failed to meet a build-out milestone (see 47 CFR Section 54.320(d)).
- The HUBB will not accept any CAF BLS locations deployed before May 25, 2016, the effective date of the 2016 Rate of Return reform order, and carriers should not attempt to record any locations built prior to that date in the HUBB.
- CAF BLS carriers faced a final, five-year milestone – for deploying broadband at speeds of at least 25 megabits per second downstream and 3 megabit per second upstream (25/3 Mbps) to 100 percent of required location counts – by end of 2023.
- CAF BLS carriers that met the year-end 2023 deployment milestone are not required to file in the HUBB for 2024 since the FCC has deferred the start of the next five-year deployment obligation term for CAF BLS carriers until January 1, 2026. (See FCC 23-118 and DA 25-75). USAC and the FCC, however, encourage CAF BLS carriers to keep their deployment data in the HUBB up to date while the commission considers future CAF BLS deployment obligations, and remind these carriers that they must at least maintain their coverage footprint as of Dec. 31, 2023. (See DA 25-75).
- CAF BLS carriers that were out of compliance with the five-year milestone as of the end of 2023 had a one-year “cure period,” which ended on Dec. 31, 2024, to make up any deployment shortfalls and address any compliance gaps. These carriers must report their 2024 deployments in the HUBB and complete a separate cure-period certification as part of the annual HUBB filing due March 3, 2025. (Details below)
- March 31: Submit FCC Form 508 to report projected cost and revenue data, and submit FCC Form 507 to report line counts (required).
- July 1: Certify financial and operational data collected by FCC Form 481.
- July 31: Submit FCC Form 507 to report line counts, if filing quarterly (optional).
- September 30: Submit FCC Form 507 to report line counts, if filing quarterly (optional).
- October 1: Certify that the carrier is eligible to receive High Cost support and used all support received in the proceeding calendar year only to provide, maintain and upgrade the facilities for which the support was intended and will do the same in the coming calendar year. State utility commissions certify carriers under their jurisdiction as eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs). Carriers not subject to state jurisdiction self-certify. Learn more about the annual ETC certification.
- December 31: Submit FCC Form 509 to report actual cost and revenue data, and FCC Form 507 to report line counts, if filing quarterly (optional).
End-of-Term/Cure Period Certifications for CAF BLS Carriers
CAF BLS carriers faced a final, five-year milestone – for deploying broadband at speeds of at least 25 megabits per second downstream and 3 megabit per second upstream (25/3 Mbps) to 100 percent of required location counts – by end of 2023 and were required to complete a special end-of-term certification as part of the annual HUBB filing due March 1, 2024.
CAF BLS carriers that were fully deployed by the end of 2023 – meaning that they had deployed broadband at speeds of at least 25/3 Mbps to all locations in their study area by the end of 2023 – but could not meet their defined build-out obligation because they could not find any additional locations to serve had satisfied their build-out obligation and could certify to full deployment. This included CAF BLS carriers that had deployed to some or all of the locations in their study area before May 25, 2016.
The end-of-term certification in the HUBB required every CAF BLS carrier to select one of the following options indicating that, as of Dec. 31, 2023, it:
- Offered voice and broadband service to 100 percent of its defined locations
- Carriers in this category had deployed enough locations at speeds of at least 25/3 Mbps after May 25, 2016, to meet their defined deployment obligation and could therefore complete the 100 percent milestone certification in the HUBB.
- Offered voice and broadband service to 100 percent of the locations in its study area
- Carriers in this category were fully deployed at speeds of at least 25/3 Mbps to all locations in their study area by the end of 2023, but could not meet their defined deployment obligation (or complete the 100 percent milestone certification in the HUBB) because they could not find any additional locations to serve. This included carriers that were fully deployed before May 25, 2016, and were therefore unable to report any locations in the HUBB, as well as carriers that became fully deployed after that date and therefore reported some or all of their locations in the HUBB.
- Did not offer voice and broadband service to meet its required deployment obligation
- Did not offer voice and broadband service to meet its required deployment obligation because of the monthly per-line limit on Universal Service support
CAF BLS carriers that were out of compliance with the five-year milestone as of the end of 2023 had a one-year “cure period,” which ended on Dec. 31, 2024, to make up any deployment shortfalls and address any compliance gaps. These carriers must report their 2024 deployments in the HUBB and complete a separate cure-period certification as part of the annual HUBB filing due March 3, 2025. The cure-period certification requires every carrier to select one of the following options indicating that, as of Dec. 31, 2024, it:
- Offered voice and broadband service to 100 percent of its defined locations
- Carriers in this category deployed enough locations at speeds of at least 25/3 Mbps after May 25, 2016, to meet their defined deployment obligation and can therefore complete the 100 percent milestone certification in the HUBB.
- Offered voice and broadband service to 100 percent of the locations in its study area
- Carriers in this category were fully deployed at speeds of at least 25/3 Mbps to all locations in their study area by the end of 2024, but could not meet their defined deployment obligation (or complete the 100 percent milestone certification in the HUBB) because they could not find any additional locations to serve. This includes carriers that were fully deployed before May 25, 2016, and were therefore unable to report any locations in the HUBB, as well as carriers that became fully deployed after that date and therefore reported some or all of their locations in the HUBB.
- Did not offer voice and broadband service to 100 percent of its defined locations or 100 percent of the locations in its study area
- Did not offer voice and broadband service to 100 percent of its defined locations or 100 percent of the locations in its study area because of the monthly per-line limit on Universal Service support
Related Orders
Rate-of-Return Reform Order (FCC 16-33) – Created CAF BLS via reform of ICLS to support broadband loop costs
Rate-of-Return Reform Order (DA 16-661) – Order addresses several matters arising from the implementation of the Rate-of-Return Reform order, including budget control, operation expense limitation, and capital investment allowance
Rate-of-Return Reform Order (FCC 18-29) – Order codifying rules about eligible expenses and offering additional ACAM support for expanded broadband deployment
Rate-of-Return Reform Order (FCC 18-176) – Order establishing ACAM I Revised and ACAM II and adopting new deployment obligations for rate-of-return carriers
Public Notice (DA 19-373) – Notice regarding revised deployment obligations for incumbent rate-of-return carriers
Rate-of-Return Reform Order (FCC 23-118) – Order deferring the commencement of the next five-year deployment obligation term for legacy rate-of-return carriers receiving CAF BLS in 2024 until January 1, 2025
Rate-of-Return Reform Order (FCC 25-75) – Order deferring the commencement of the next five-year deployment obligation term for CAF BLS carriers until January 1, 2026