Biden’s National Security team reveals he has learned from the mistakes of past presidents
Not only does Biden have more foreign policy experience than many other presidents, the team he announced is made up of established veterans.
As someone who writes history books about the White House and, in particular, about the parts of the government responsible for our national security and foreign policy, I have developed a list of dos and don’ts about how to put together teams and policies that work. Judging from the recent personnel announcements about the incoming Biden-Harris Administration, it seems we may be working from the same list. Here are just a few examples:
Lesson number one is “experience matters.” When presidents don’t have foreign policy experience or members of their teams are new to their agencies or to their policy briefs, the time spent getting up to speed can be hugely costly. That matters in a country in which of seven of our eight most recent presidents have had little or not international affairs experience (George H.W. Bush being the only exception.) But not only does Joe Biden have more foreign policy experience than any other president in modern history, the team he announced Monday are all established veterans with proven track records.
Who is on Biden's National Security team
Our next Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, has already served as the number two person in the State Department, as Biden’s national security advisor, on the NSC and as director of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff. Our next National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, also served as Biden’s national security advisor, as director of policy planning at State and as Hillary Clinton’s top policy advisory. Avril Haines, who will become the first woman to head the U.S. intelligence community, was Deputy Director at the CIA and Deputy National Security Advisor. Alejandro Mayorkas, the incoming Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security served as the Deputy Secretary under president Obama. Our next ambassador to the United Nations, has been Director General of the U.S. foreign service, an ambassador and as assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. And the person Biden selected to be his climate czar, John Kerry, was of course, Secretary of State, a presidential candidate and a long-term member of the U.S. Senate.
Lesson number two is people are more important than politics, policy or process. A team of rivals is nice. But a team of team-mates is even better. That does not mean you want people who sycophantishly follow the dictates and whims of the boss. Trump has made painfully clear the short-comings of that approach. But you do want a team that can work together. The most important aspect of such teams is that they have the full trust of the president — as do all the members of this group, most of whom have long-term relationships with Biden. But when the group is both diverse as this one is and not afraid to speak their minds, then you get the best of both worlds, the kind of collaboration that often produces the optimum results. (Note that the youngest member of this team in 43, the oldest is Biden at 78. One member of this group is Latino. One is African American. Two are women...and the new Treasury Secretary designate is a woman, former Fed Chairperson Janet Yellen, the expected new Defense Secretary would be the first woman in that post, Michele Flournoy, and of course, we have our first woman vice president and is a woman of color.) Again, as the Trump years have painfully revealed, in the end, character matters.
Lesson number three is that when it comes to national security and foreign policy, leave politics at the door. Hyper-politicized cabinet secretaries who play to their base or, worse, to an audience of one in the White House, are not credible with either overseas leaders or within the agencies they must lead. National security teams in the White House that include political “sharp-shooters” who are seen as the president’s loyalty police have plagued the Trump, Obama, and Bush Administrations. In this area of the government, while the president and his other advisors will always take politics into consideration, the driving priority should be U.S. national interests, the focus of lifelong professionals like those Biden has announced.
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Lesson number four is that while people are important (see lesson two), the way we arrive at the right policies is through the right process. When administrations send a message that they are open to free-lancing and that the president’s back door is always open, then chaos results. The Biden process to date has been nothing if not disciplined. They ran a great, mistake free campaign…despite the complications inherent in managing a party full of competing factions in a campaign unlike any other due to COVID. The people behind that process, led by incoming chief of staff Ron Klain, have rolled out a good process for the transition despite the lack of cooperation from the Trump team. They have made their first big personnel announcements ahead of even when the Obama team did. And the members of that team are all folks who have actively participated in the policy process and have shown respect for it — including Haines, Sullivan, and Blinken all of whom have served in senior NSC positions. All have been actively involved in the process side of making policy. And the person who will quarterback that process, Jake Sullivan, has the ideal personality to manage divergent views while maintaining the trust of all involved.
Biden learning lessons from past experience
The fifth lesson is the most important member of the national security team is the president. Not only is Biden unusually qualified in this area, he has a network of international relationships and relationships in Washington without parallel. He has traveled the world many times on behalf of the country. He has on-the-ground experience. He has also made mistakes, admitted them and learned from his errors. He has adapted and grown. Nothing reveals this quite like the quality of the team he is beginning to put together. The lessons of broken process from Iran-Contra, of the benefits of an honest broker and close relationships between the team of George H.W. Bush, of the cost of a steep learning curve from Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump, and of ideological extremism of Bush or Trump and of internal sniping and periodic indecision of Obama seem to have been internalized.
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The result is a group that, while sure to make its own mistakes, will at least avoid those of the recent past and be better able to adapt to changing fortunes, which for America at this point in our history, could not be more important.
David Rothkopf (@djrothkopf) is host of "Deep State Radio" and CEO of the Rothkopf Group media and podcasting company. His new book is "Traitor: A History of American Betrayal from Benedict Arnold to Donald Trump."