Post a Free ad & Sell your used trade show booth or Buy a discounted used booth, new booth or rent a booth. is your source for buying and selling trade show exhibits.
How Posting a Free Ad Works and Your Used Booth Gets Sold
Post Your Ad for FREE - No Contracts or Fees

Post your ad for free, there are no hidden fees. It is a simple process and we are available to assist you in enhancing your listing & correctly pricing the booth.
1000's of Buyers Shop the Listings

There are 1000’s of buyers looking for used trade show booths on our website. You can turn your used trade show exhibit in to cash and free up your warehouse space.
Your booth sells and you get paid

Once your booth sells, we arrange payment to you and delivery to the buyer. You will be paid prior to your release of your booth and the buyer pays the shipping charges
We Provide Services to Buyers and Sellers

We can provide services to the buyer such as rebranding, including graphics, installation & dismantle and transportation to trade show locations.
About UsedBooths
Completely Free Classified Ads (no listing fees, no sales fees, no kidding)
Since 1990, Used Booths has pioneered a unique niche in the trade show display and exhibit industry, providing a free-of-charge classified service for used trade show exhibits with an extensive inventory of used booths for sale. Our customer service team lends over twenty years of experience and insight to serve your entire range of trade show needs. You can also talk to our custom Rentals or Sales Departments to find out the full range of trade show options that are available to you.
What we have found in working with trade show exhibitors is that over time, buyers become sellers and sellers become buyers. We have worked with many organizations who purchase a used booth, rebrand it and use it successfully to promote their products and businesses. As their companies grow, and their requirements change, they come back to to resell the used booth they originally purchased.
At Used Booths, we offer full service and have the know-how to manage graphics, freight, flooring, lighting, and I & D services. Whether your next show is domestic or international, whether or not your budget is boundless or economical, we are here to ensure your exhibit fulfills and exceeds all your needs. Call 1-800-350-2722 or email: [email protected] today to speak to one of our seasoned professionals!
Why Choose UsedBooths