Faculty of Arts and Letters

Faculty of Arts and Letters

Degree Programs

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Faculty of Arts and Letters (1896)

The Faculty of Arts and Letters, which used to be the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, is UST’s most diverse tertiary academic unit, offering thirteen (13) bachelor’s degree programs housed in thirteen (13) departments. It has produced National Artists, outstanding media practitioners, noted philosophers, linguists, and historians, among other professionals.

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Vision & Mission


Research Journals

Vision & Mission


The envisioned goal is for the College’s turn out not only learned but wisened individuals who, motivated by the highest standards of excellence, excel in their chosen fields, eventually becoming role models in society, potential leaders and achievers of the country, all in the spirit not only of personal but also social and more importantly, spiritual commitment.


The Faculty of Arts and Letters is an institution of learning geared towards the development and fulfillment of the total person, the Universal Man, focusing on the Arts and the Humanities, mainly, and spreading out to include the sciences, social and natural, guided by Christian faith and avowed Thomasian ideals and the highest social, national, international and even global standards and objectives.


The Faculty of Arts and Letters commits itself to develop:

  • competent professionals who, inspired by the ideals of St. Thomas More, promote excellence in the production, advancement, and transmission of specialized knowledge and skills in the social sciences, the arts and humanities, and community service;
  • scholarly researchers and creative thinkers who, kindled by St. Thomas Aquinas’ ardour for truth, aspire to become fonts of intellectual creativity and, in their quest for quality research, are proficient and critical in assessing and communicating information in various fields that impact the professions, the church, the nation, and the global community;
  • professional Christian leaders who, touched by St. Dominic de Guzman’s apostolic fire and warmed by Mary’s motherly care, articulate ethics and truth, high level of moral maturity in resolving issues and promoting social justice and compassion for the poor, and care for the environment;
  • globally engaged citizens who, with ardent advocacy for life, promote a deeper understanding of tolerance and justice as well as linguistic, religious, and cultural diversities as a result of a precise evaluation of modern problems and inquiries;
  • committed scholars who, nurtured by the dogmas of Christian faith and values, are dedicated to the pursuit of truth through the promotion of an intellectual culture that values academic rigor and freedom of scientific investigations; and lifelong learners who, empowered by St. Thomas More’s zeal for learning, are committed to the advancement of a higher culture through a continuous search for intellectual inquiries and new knowledge as well as faithfulness to Catholic intellectual traditions
Graduate Attributes

ALGA 1. Body of Knowledge, Research and Creative Skills.

  • To exhibit adequate knowledge in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and other related disciplines, and apply it in various academic researches and creative endeavors

ALGA 2. Critical Skills, Effective Problem-Solving.

  • To progressively engage in theories and facts, in the light of reason, towards solving theoretical and practical problems. 

ALGA 3. Leadership Skills to Work Alone and in Teams.

  • To exhibit a work ethic anchored on honesty, responsibility, and accountability among students, and hone their leadership skills to both leads and work in cooperation with others. 

ALGA 4. Effective Communication Skills.

  • To articulate ideas and express positions steeped in the Thomasian value of truth, guided by faith and reason. 

ALGA 5. Social Awareness and Global Perspective.

  • To demonstrate awareness and understanding of relevant social issues and responsiveness to the needs of the global community through concrete social action. 

ALGA 6. Ethical Action and Moral Character.

  • To exhibit the highest standards of integrity in both personal behavior and professional decorum.


Asian Studies 

Behavioral Science


Creative Writing

Economics (University-Level)

English (University-Level)

History (University-Level)


Legal Management

Literature (University-Level)

Modern Languages (University-Level)

Philosophy (University-Level)

Political Science (University-Level)

Sociology (University-Level)



Notable Alumni



ASEAN University Network Certification (BA Communication | BA Journalism)

Center of Excellence in Philosophy

Center of Development in Communication

Center of Development in Journalism

Center of Development in Literature

Level IV Re-Accreditation (BA Economics | BA Legal Management | BA Literature | BA Philosophy)

Level III Re-Accreditation (BA Asian Studies | BA Behavioral Science | BA Communication | BA Journalism | BA Political Science | BA Sociology)

Level I Accreditation (BA English Language Studies | BA History)

Notable Alumni


Student Organizations

Patron Saint

Student Organizations

  • AB Debate Parliament
  • AB Daucen
  • Artistang Artlets
  • Artlets Economics Society
  • Asian Studies Society
  • Behavioral Science Society
  • Communication Arts Students Association
  • Concilium Philosophiae
  • History Society
  • Legal Management Society
  • Literary Society
  • Makatha Circle
  • Pax Romana – AB Unit
  • Red Cross Youth Council – AB Unit
  • The Political Science Forum
  • UST Chorus of Arts and Letters
  • UST English Language Studies Society
  • UST Journalism Society
  • UST Sociological Society

Patron Saint


(1478-1535), martyr 

Patron of the UST Faculty of Arts and Letters

Feast Day: June 22

Born in 1478, Thomas More (1477-1535) received a well-rounded college education at Oxford. He knew several ancient and modern languages, and was well-versed in mathematics, music and literature. Eventually, he became a lawyer. Despite his legal and political orientation, he seriously considered joining either the Carthusians or the Franciscans, and observed asceticism. Since he was elected to the Parliament in 1504, he gave up his religious ambition, though not his disciplined spiritual life, and married Jane Colt, who tragically died in childbirth. He then married a widow named Alice Middleton, a devoted wife and mother.

King Henry VIII (1491-1547) showed fondness for Thomas, who eventually became the Lord Chancellor of England. The king wanted an annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. The king then tried desperately to win his chancellor to his side considering his unquestionable integrity. But when Thomas resigned, he was charged with high treason because of his refusal to take the Oath of Supremacy, declaring the King as spiritual head of the Church in England, and affirming the validity of his new marriage to Anne Boleyn. Before he was beheaded in 1535, he said: “I die as the king’s good servant… but God’s first.” He was beatified by Pope Leo XIII in 1886 and canonized in 1935 by Pope Pius XI. 

The Faculty of Arts and Letters is UST’s most diverse tertiary academic unit, offering thirteen (13) bachelor’s degree programs, housed in nine (9) departments. As the Faculty continues to produce  national artists, outstanding media practitioners, noted philosophers, linguists, sociologists, historians, and political experts among other professionals, they follow the lead of their patron, St. Thomas More, who did not compromise his own moral values in order to please the king, knowing that true allegiance to authority is not blind acceptance of everything that authority wants. In the year 2000, Pope St. John Paul II named St. Thomas More as patron of political leaders.



  • Hardon SJ, John (ed.), The Treasury of Catholic Wisdom, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 1995. catholicnewsagency.com

Student Experience and Support


The University of Santo Tomas provides student services that cater to academic, spiritual, and wellness concerns of students. These support units are found in the different parts of the campus and can be accessed by Thomasians. When the University shifted to distance learning, the services also transitioned to online services to continue addressing the needs of Thomasians.

Zoomed In

Zoomed In

In this playlist, listen to some of the College’s academic staff and alumni as they share about their fields of expertise.



Rev. Fr. George Phe Mang, O.P.


Asst. Prof. John Manuel R. Kliatchko, PhD

Assistant Dean

Asst. Prof. Louie Benedict R. Ignacio, PhD

Faculty Secretary

Department Chairpersons

Department Chairpersons

Inst. Regina Pato-Agustin, MA

Chair, Asian Studies

Mr. Gian Carlo M. Ledesma, RPsy

Chair, Behavioral Science

Assoc. Prof. Alain Jomarie G. Santos, Ph.D., CPA,
Chair, Economics

Atty. Teodoro Lorenzo A. Fernandez, LLM

Chair, Legal Management

Asst. Prof. Allen Dave B. Arboleda, EdD

Chair, Literature

Mr. Royce Randall G. Lim, MPH, MIS
Chair, Modern Languages

Assoc. Prof. Dennis C. Coronacion, PhD 

Chair, Political Science

Asst. Prof. Antonino N. Tobias IV, MS,

Chair, Sociology

Faculty Council

Faculty Council

Prof. Melanie D. Turingan, PhD,

Chair (Ex-Officio)

Rev. Fr. George Phe Mang, O.P.,

Member (Ex-Officio)

Asst. Prof. John Manuel R. Kliatchko, PhD,
Member (Ex-Officio)

Assoc. Prof. Emmanuel D. Batoon, PhD,


Asst. Prof. Antonio M. Chua, JD,


Assoc. Prof. Maria Vida G. Caparas, PhD


Asst. Prof. Louie Benedict R. Ignacio, PhD

Secretary (Ex-Officio)



Ms. Danielle Mellesse A. Canto, MAE

Community Development

Asst. Prof. Rhodora Lynn L. Tababa, MA


Assoc. Prof. Arlene D. Calara, PhD


Asst. Prof. Analiza A. Yanga, MHist


Asst. Prof. Michelle A. Desierto, MA

International Relations

Asst. Prof. Tristan Miguel S. Osteria, PhD


Inst. John Paulo Q. Herrera, MA

Pedagogical Lead

Asst. Prof. Emelito F. Sarmago, MEd

Student Welfare and Development

Mr. Gian Carlo M. Ledema, PhD, RPsy

Faculty Development

Mr. Jazztin Jairum P. Manalo, MA

Research and Thesis

Assoc. Prof. Emmanuel D. Batoon, PhD

Research Ethics

Asst. Prof. Anna Cielo T. Perez, MA


Support Staff

Support Staff

Ms. Maria Leticia A. Cabral

Office Clerk

Mr. Ernesto A. Lacap

Office Clerk

Mr. Ronald S. Manalastas

Office Clerk

Ms. Maria Catherine B. Zaldivar

Office Clerk

Ms. Mary Charish D. Manrique

General Clerk

Ms. Rasel G. Namora

General Clerk

Ms. Rhiolyn Q. Valeriano

General Clerk

Mr. Eugenio D. Santos

General Clerk

Mr. Jonas A. Camimo

Computer Laboratory Technician

Mr. Emerson E. Cañada

Computer Laboratory Technician

Mr. Richard A. Silva

Audio-Visual Room Technician
