Logan Canyon Scenic Drive
When the leaves begin changing color for fall, there is no place more beautiful than Utah’s Cache Valley and its nearby canyons and mountains.
September and October offer conditions that are perfect for sightseeing, horseback riding, hiking, biking, hunting, camping, and other outdoor activities.
During winter, Beaver Mountain offers great downhill skiing. Nearby, Logan Canyon has prime terrain for snowmobiling, cross country skiing and snowshoeing.
Much of Cache Valley is agricultural. As you drive through the area you pass checkerboard farms, which radiate the gold, amber and pumpkin colors of the harvest season. Trees along roadways and streams are ablaze with yellow, scarlet and brown hues, often bumping up against the evergreens on the mountainsides and the deep blue waters of the many area lakes and reservoirs. The views are spectacular.
Major attractions in this area include:
US-89 from Logan to Garden City on Bear Lake
This byway provides spectacular scenery and access to great recreational areas. It begins at the mouth of the canyon on the east edge of Logan, Utah. Visitors to this picturesque northern Utah town will also find the fully operational turn-of-the-century Jensen Farm, as well as modern cheese factories, and the resident Utah Festival Opera Company. Logan Canyon is host to summer and winter recreationalists alike who find activities like hiking, camping, fishing, snowmobiling, skiing, and hunting.
Deeply cut, nearly vertical limestone walls and rock formations laden with fossils greet travelers entering the canyon. The Logan River, popular for trout fishing, parallels the route, offering yet another reason to stop and spend some time. As autumn approaches, lush greens of this high mountain passage tipped with brilliant gold, red and yellow can be seen throughout the route. The route explores the spectacular Wasatch-Cache National Forest.
A steady climb to the summit results in a sweeping view of the unique turquoise water of 20-mile-long Bear Lake.
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Logan Canyon Scenic Drive