So many of the famous men from the original Ghostbusters have confirmed cameos in the upcoming new version; why shouldn’t the most famous woman join the fun too?
Paul Feig, who is directing the upcoming all-female take on the story, has confirmed via Twitter that Weaver—a.k.a. Dana, a.k.a. Zuul—will be part of the new film, even though he’d been trying to keep her appearance a surprise. The film’s production has been plagued by leaks ever since it began, from set photos to plot descriptions, and Feig may have learned to give up on at least a few things—find a way to feed the beast without giving everything away.
With Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Ernie Hudson, and even Annie Potts now confirmed for cameo roles, all that’s left is for Rick Moranis—who hasn’t appeared onscreen since 1996—to show up somehow. Maybe that’s one mystery we can avoid busting for now?