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Marketing Intern Resume Sample

Marketing Intern Resume Sample

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The marketing intern supports the research, goals, tactics, and evaluation that comprise a marketing planned devised by the higher ups. This introductory role should expose them to the process of a successful marketing campaign, and give that access to each aspect of it.

Marketing interns should have a hands-on role, and will be doing more than getting coffee and sending faxes. They’re often relied on for work that may seem tedious but is actually crucial to the success of a campaign, particularly on the research end. Marketing campaigns are responsible for many aspects of a company’s/client’s success from branding, to e-commerce, to generating business leads. Campaigns are tailored toward specific and measurable goals to achieve calculated results. Marketing interns should be able to quickly grasp each phase of the campaign, and understand how their supportive work fits into its overall success. They may be asked to focus specifically on certain components, like social media, design, branding, or research, but it’s important that they know how it connects to the grander scheme of things as is vital for client success.

Marketing interns typically report to a specific HR representative or account leader, but are responsible for serving whoever needs their help most.

The skills needed to be a successful marketing intern may vary depending on the specificity of the role, but there are certain common threads. For example, they should be analytical, understanding how research results play into the formation of goals, demographics, tactics, and more. They should be able to see how each position’s interdependence keeps the engine moving, and isolate areas of strength and weakness. Finally, they should be able to balance quantitative and qualitative results with creative solutions.

If you’re considering applying to be a marketing intern, your resume should indicate that your previous experience and curriculum have armed you with the knowledge and experience needed to make a difference. It should show that you’re able to translate data into creative solutions and measurable results. It should also show that you’re committed to achieving specific goals, and have the work ethic to back it up.

Marketing Intern Resume Builder Power Words: research, creative, solution-oriented, data analysis, results-oriented, big picture thinking, work ethic.

Marketing Intern Resume Sample

T Dare
523 Altenwerth Trail
Los Angeles
United States
+1 (555) 300 4059
523 Altenwerth Trail
Los Angeles
United States
p +1 (555) 300 4059
Education Education
2010 2014
University of Missouri–Columbia
2010 2014
2010 2014
Experience Experience
Marketing Intern
Lowe Group
Marketing Intern
  • Assisted and tracked various financial reports
  • Assisted in the coordination and execution of brand events, photo shoots, meetings
  • Conducted online research into digital and mobile offerings and innovations
  • Performed Trend Analysis
  • Performed competitive research and analysis
  • Researched and shared insights amongst current live event fan trends
  • Researched keywords and content avenues using Google and internal tools
  • Summarized and communicated the research to other members of the team and management
  • Supported brand promotion execution through assisting with collateral and media tracking
  • Updated and managed site platform content
  • Updated, maintained, and organized an electronic competitive intelligence library
  • Updates and tracked brand launch calendars
  • Wrote and strategized SEO-friendly content
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