Fish Ecology
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Photo: MMES student Jenna Cheramie removed a terracotta tile to measure the amount of sedimentation that has accumulated on the reef. Photo credit: R. Nemeth
Coral reefs are complex ecosystems that have evolved highly diverse connections among its inhabitants. One of the most important of these relationships is between corals, which are living animals, and reef fishes that eat marine plants, such as seaweeds or algae. These plant eating fishes (also known as herbivores) are a diverse group that includes parrotfishes, surgeon fishes, chubs and damselfishes. They are beneficial to coral reef ecosystems in many different ways. Their most important role is consuming harmful algae which can overgrow corals or make it difficult for coral larvae to find a place to live on the reef. The positive affects herbivores offer to the corals can be overwhelmed by acute and chronic stress on coral reefs such as sedimentation and warming ocean waters. When coral reefs begin to decline from these external stressors, how does this impact the herbivores?
The Coral Reef Environment
The Fish Ecology research area studies the consequences of sedimentation and changes in the coral reef environment on the health of parrotfish populations, a key coral reef herbivore.
Conceptualized model showing effects of sedimentation on parrotfish.
Yellowtail parrotfish (Sparisoma rubripinne) in Reef Bay, St. John, U. S. Virgin Islands is an ideal study species for examining the effects of sediment on feeding and reproduction. Photo: R. Nemeth
How Degraded Habitats Affect Coral Reef Fishes
When people clear a hillside for development or regrade a dirt road, this exposes soil that can be easily eroded during heavy rainfall that is typical of the tropics. The eroded soil is swept into streams and runs quickly downhill toward the sea. Coastal habitats, such as mangrove forests and seagrass beds, naturally filter out much of this eroded soil, but when these habitats have been damaged or removed, the soil washes out to the coral reef as large brown plumes of sediment that causes stress, damage and death to corals. These degraded coral reef habitats may in turn create a negative feedback loop to parrotfish populations (sediment impacted coral reef → reduced parrotfish fitness → more harmful algae → further degraded coral reef → reduced parrotfish abundance → more harmful algae…). Chronic sedimentation, due to poor land development and watershed management, can contribute to the persistence of algal–dominated reefs, a common condition in the Caribbean. In order to learn if these negative feedback loop conditions exist, we are studying the yellowtail parrotfish (Sparisoma rubripinne), which is a common and abundant parrotfish in shallow coral and rocky reef habitats of the US Virgin Islands. The yellowtail parrotfish has a unique reproductive strategy where they migrate to the reef edge and form large spawning aggregations (hundreds of parrotfish gather for reproduction) on a daily basis. This characteristic makes them an ideal model species to test the effects of multiple natural and human factors on feeding and reproductive rates.
Sediment plume in Hull Bay, St. Thomas. Photo: E Bryan
Research Goals
Using a long-term coral reef monitoring database, we are examining how past natural disturbances, such as warm water induced coral bleaching and disease events that cause wide spread coral mortality, affect parrotfish populations. Our field-based research area focuses on the relationship between land-based sedimentation rates (low vs. high), its influence on habitat composition of turf algae (helpful) vs. macro algae (harmful), and how these factors affect the diet, feeding rates and reproduction of the yellowtail parrotfish. Our research is also measuring how oceanographic conditions influence the frequency of parrotfish spawning and their reproductive output.
We expect the research will advance our understanding of:
How major coral bleaching and disease events in 2005 and 2010 and chronic sedimentation affected parrotfish abundance and diversity;
How different levels of sedimentation and algae composition affect feeding rates and reproduction (frequency of spawning and fertility) of parrotfishes parrotfish;
How parrotfish diet changes under different levels of sedimentation and algae composition; and
How oceanographic and environmental variables influence the frequency of spawning and reproductive output of parrot fish.
Goals 1 builds upon previous EPSCoR and NOAA funded research by synthesizing and analyzing long-term coral monitoring data for changes in herbivore communities following acute and chronic disturbances such as major coral bleaching and mortality events and variations in sedimentation rates across monitoring sites.
Goal 2 measured monthly sedimentation and algae composition across a sediment gradient inside and outside the Virgin Islands National Park, from Fish Bay (high sediment), Reef Bay (moderate sediment) and Europa Bay (low sediment), St. John. To determine parrotfish responses to these variables, we established an array of 55 acoustic receivers across our study area and tagged 60 yellowtail parrotfish with acoustic transmitters. Half the fish were tagged in areas of high sedimentation while the other 30 fish were tagged in areas low to moderate sedimentation. Both these groups of tagged fish used different spawning aggregation sites. This acoustic telemetry study tracked yellowtail parrotfish movements, feeding habitats and spawning rates for over a year.
Goal 3 used environmental DNA metabarcoding (eDNA) to examine the diet of parrotfishes feeding in areas with different sedimentation rates and benthic algae composition.
Goal 4 is integrating ecological and oceanographic disciplines by using data from oceanographic and temperature sensors to record environmental conditions at each spawning site. Using data on spawning frequency and plankton tows at each site, we will be able to directly measure the reproductive output of yellowtail parrotfish and calculate their reproductive success. We are also exploring novel ways of measuring spawning frequency using audio and video recordings.
The Fish Ecology research team is working closely with other R2R research areas such as watershed management, oceanographic processes and coral reef resilience to provide a more comprehensive picture of factors that affect coral reef resilience.
Study site on south coast of St. John USVI showing lots of land development around Fish Bay and western Reef Bay compared to eastern Reef Bay and Europa Bay that are adjacent to Virgin Islands National Park.
Yellowtail parrotfish migration to their spawning aggregation site. Video credit: R. Nemeth
A parrotfish spawning event. Video by R. Nemeth
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Post doc Dr. Kayla Blincow recording data at acoustic Doppler current profiler at the western parrotfish spawning aggregation site. Photo R. Nemeth
“Results from this research will provide important connections between human activities on land and the overall condition of nearshore coral reef ecosystems including potential negative feedback loops that affect coral reef resilience. If strong relationships are found between algal cover and sedimentation rates and their effects on parrotfish feeding and reproduction, human interventions that reduce erosion and runoff from watersheds will be more critical than previously thought. These actions will be an important step to enhance the resilience of nearshore coral reefs and increase the potential for these important ecosystems to return to a coral-dominated stable state.”
— Dr. Richard Nemeth
Community Engagement & Outreach

Richard Nemeth, Ph.D.
Most of my research has focused on documenting the timing and location of reef fish spawning aggregations of commercially important species such as groupers, snapper and triggerfish. Using mark-recapture techniques and acoustic telemetry has helped to define boundaries of marine protected areas used to protect species from fishing during this critical period of reproduction. Movement ecology, using acoustic telemetry, has been applied to determine home range size and feeding habitats of a number of other species including tarpon, snappers, sting rays and sharks.
Understanding the environmental variables and ocean conditions, such as water temperature, current speed and direction, and how they influenced timing of spawning or other movement patterns is under investigation. Early work also examined the effects of land-based development on sedimentation rates and coral health. The current interdisciplinary research efforts will integrate previous research and provide a more comprehensive view of factors that contribute to coral reef resilience.
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Meet The Team
Tyler Smith, Ph.D.
Marilyn Brandt, Ph.D.
Paul Jobsis, Ph.D.
David Hensley
Brittany Lancellotti, Ph.D.Doug Wilson
Chelsea Harmes-Tuohy, Ph.D.
Nicolas Schizas, Ph.D.
Evan Tuohy, Ph.D.
Kayla Blincow, Ph.D.
Elizabeth Kadison
Sarah Heidmann
Graduate Students
Stefanie Maxin
Madison Miele
Sierrah MuellerTaylor Hobbs
Greg O’Neil
Kayla Budd
Past Graduate Students
Jenna Cheramie
Danielle Olive
Sophie Costa
Undergraduate Students
Arbelson Mora
Jonicia Cardin
VerNéle CallwoodChloé Camacho
Sanuel Gittens
Keedencia Harris