Why should I register?
Only those who have registered and obtained user ID and password alone are eligible to enter our site. Even to become a paid subscriber one has to become a Registered user. So registration is a must.
How do I get User name and password?
While registering you have to choose one of your active E-mail Id as your user id with your own password. Subsequent to your successful registration you will get confirmation mail in your inbox in minutes to activate confirmed registered.
Can I change my password?
Yes. In the index page of our you can find a LOG IN panel where you have to enter your user id and password. Subsequent to this action the index page of will get refreshed and at the bottom of the welcome message you will find an option to change your password. There you are free to change your password.
I have purchased ebook from the website, but i am not able to read?
Your can purchase ebook from our website, however you can read them in our Vikatan app under ebook segment after logging. Please download our app Andriod   |  iOS