Accountability Contracts
Accountability Contracts
Is creating an accountability contract with a buddy or partner that you both date, sign and agree to, taking things a little too far? The contract entails an inspiring reward that you both set together at the start of the agreement. When you start, together you set the accountability as well as the start and end dates.
Well this week my marketing and business colleague Shannon Stone and I cashed in on our reward after months of hard work and dedication to our individual goals, which the agreement solidified.
She and I trialled the Accountability Program as guinea pigs and found it to be very successful.
Below is her post, all about celebrating an achievement and here we are having fun. We took the day off and went to the beach.
If you have a friend, business partner or life partner, and you both want to move forward or maintain or reestablish a habit or goal, this Accountability Program will be ideal.
What it did for me was reestablish a habit that I had initiated but that over time had weakened. So through the program I upped the anti and got it reestablished. Now it is going gang busters.🎈
The reward is a very important part of the program. And the agreement states that if you renege on your accountability you both lose the reward.
When I showed the contract to another client this is what she said:
"It looks like a great idea for people who are needing a bomb under their bottom to get going."
If you are interested in something like this reach out to me.