What Is Testosterone?
Testosterone is the primary hormone responsible for developing and regulating various male physical processes and sexual characteristics. As males grow, the testicles produce testosterone and release the hormone, allowing it to travel until it attaches to androgen receptors in the body to promote protein synthesis and send messages to generate tissue. With these anabolic messages, testosterone can prompt muscle growth and bone mass, increasing strength and density. During this process, testosterone can also send androgenic messages to regulate male characteristics such as reproduction, sex drive, facial hair growth, cell production, and fat distribution. Once testosterone is released, the brain and pituitary gland are primarily responsible for controlling a man’s testosterone levels. However, over time, the pituitary gland will eventually stimulate less testosterone production as men age, with testosterone levels declining by 1% yearly. Depending on your physiology, those declining testosterone levels can hugely affect the androgenic and anabolic characteristics that dictate a man’s “masculinity,” eventually causing a range of age-related symptoms. For example, men with low levels of testosterone or Low T typically experience decreased sex drive, low energy, brittle bones, rapid weight gain, and muscle weakness. Although most men over 40 usually view the symptoms as a natural part of aging, many are unaware that low testosterone may be the underlying cause for many of these issues. However, whether or not you are experiencing age-related symptoms, it is important to have your testosterone levels regularly checked as you continue to get older. A simple blood test can help gauge how much testosterone a man has by measuring the body’s two main types of testosterone: free testosterone and total testosterone. Most of the testosterone in our bodies is attached to two essential proteins: albumin and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). However, some of the testosterone will remain un bound to any proteins, thus leaving it “free” for use at any time. Physicians commonly refer to this as “free testosterone.” Of course, “total testosterone” is exactly what it sounds like; it includes the “total” amount of both bound and free testosterone residing in the body. To determine your total testosterone range, physicians will measure your free and bound testosterone. Depending on your symptoms, physicians may only view your free testosterone levels to diagnose certain conditions. In either case, knowing the range of your testosterone levels can help you and your physician decide on the next steps in treatment.
What Are Normal Testosterone Levels in Men by Age?
Although testosterone levels can greatly differ depending on the individual, there is a recognized standard for what is considered an “average” testosterone level for men. Typically, the normal testosterone levels in males range from 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl) by the time they reach adulthood. As boys grow and become men, their testosterone levels usually change at each stage of growth and development, reinforcing their physical and sexual characteristics during each transition. However, most men do not share the same experiences during these transitions, and in some cases, their testosterone levels can be either higher or lower than the average male in their age range.
Typically, male children between the ages of 6 months and nine years have a range between 7 and 20 ng/dl of testosterone. However, by the time they reach 11 years old, the high end of that range can increase to 130 ng/dl, and as they speed towards their teenage years, that number rises to 800 ng/do by the time they reach the ages of 12 and 13.
At 14 years old, most teenage boys begin to feel the full effects of puberty as their testosterone levels spike upwards to 1,200 ng/dl, and they experience noticeable changes such as increased muscle mass and a deeper voice. Usually, the high end of testosterone levels remains steady at 1200 ng/dl, while the low end begins to grow from 7 to 100 ng/dl between the ages of 15 and 16. By the time most males are between the ages of 17 and 18, the low end of their testosterone levels will increase once again, with the range changing from 300 to 1,200 ng/dl.
But once puberty is over, male testosterone levels slowly decrease and balance out. By age 19, the average male will usually have testosterone levels ranging from 240 to 950 ng/dl, which will typically remain the same for most men throughout their 20s and 30s.
However, it is not abnormal for some men in their 20s to experience early andropause, in which their testosterone levels drastically drop below the normal range. During this time, younger men can experience common Low T symptoms such as sexual dysfunction, higher fat concentration, and reduced muscle mass.
In Your Thirties
Nowadays, most men will maintain the same testosterone levels in their thirties that they had in their twenties. However, it is also usually during their thirties that men will experience a slight drop in testosterone production, and in most cases, their testosterone levels will typically begin dropping off at an average rate of 1% per year.
In Your Forties and Beyond
While some men may still produce the same levels of testosterone even as they get older, most typically begin to experience a gradual drop in testosterone by the age of 40. Even though the drop usually remains at 1% every year, it can eventually add up by the time men reach their 50s.
After ten years, the normal testosterone levels for men over 50 would have declined by 10%, and by the age of 70, their testosterone levels are 30% below where they were at the age of 40. Even though most men can still maintain 75% of their testosterone levels well into old age, the decline in testosterone production can also make them vulnerable to a range of age-related symptoms and drastically affect their overall health.
Aging and Low T
Age | Total T (mg/dL) | Free T (mg/dL) |
40–49 | 252–916 | 5.3–26.3 |
50–59 | 215–878 | 4.2–22.2 |
60–69 | 196–859 | 3.7–18.9 |
70–79 | 156–819 | 2.2–14.7 |
Why Does Your T Change With Age?
Since many older men can maintain the same testosterone levels they had in their 20s and 30s, it can be difficult to pinpoint why certain men experience symptoms of Low T as they age. However, physicians have observed that underlying medical conditions such as late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) are usually the leading cause of decreased testosterone. In addition, because the testicles, hypothalamus, and pituitary gland are primarily responsible for testosterone production, physicians have also discovered that reduced function of any of these organs due to disease can also lead to LOH and cause testosterone deficiency. In some cases, physicians have found that older patients who also suffer from obesity and cardiovascular disease also have decreased testosterone levels.
Symptoms of Abnormal Testosterone Levels
Although Low T is usually the culprit behind many age-related symptoms, men with abnormally high testosterone levels are also vulnerable to other severe medical issues. However, it is typically uncommon for men to have high testosterone levels naturally, so most cases involving high testosterone levels are usually due to external causes.
Men who suspect their age-related symptoms are due to Low T may attempt to treat themselves with testosterone supplements and inadvertently increase their testosterone to abnormally high levels without proper medical guidance. Athletes and bodybuilders who use anabolic steroids to build muscle mass and improve athletic performance are also more likely to have high levels of high testosterone. In rare cases, tumors in the adrenal gland or the testicles can also cause testosterone levels to increase.
Signs of High T
Similar to males with testosterone deficiencies, men with abnormally high levels of testosterone usually exhibit a range of common symptoms, which include:
- Excessive body hair
- High blood pressure
- Increased appetite
- Low sperm count
- Insomnia
- Mood swings
- Prostate enlargement
- Unexplained weight gain
- Heart or liver problems
- Acne
- Swelling of the feet and legs
Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Men
Men who suffer from low testosterone will typically experience common symptoms, which include:
- Decreased muscular strength
- Fatigue
- Lack of memory and concentration
- Low sex drive
- Mood swings
- Depression
- Erectile dysfunction
- Decreased bone density
Why You Need Good Testosterone Levels
Having optimal testosterone levels is essential for developing and maintaining specific male physical characteristics, such as muscle mass, strength, sex drive, fat distribution, and facial and body hair growth. In addition, men are more likely to experience age-related symptoms much faster without healthy testosterone levels, making them more vulnerable to severe medical conditions such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes.
When Should You Have Your Testosterone Level Checked?
If you’re a man under 40 experiencing unexplained symptoms of hair loss, acne, weight gain, and decreased sex drive, you may want to consult with our physicians and have your testosterone levels checked through a blood test.
Should your range fall below the optimal levels of testosterone in men, your physician will prescribe a treatment plan and schedule regular checkups to monitor your progress.
If you’re experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, then it may be time to consider testosterone replacement therapy. By incorporating hormone medications and a healthier lifestyle, testosterone therapy can help men restore and maintain their testosterone levels. However, it’s absolutely imperative that you work with a qualified men’s hormone replacement clinic and have an experienced physician safely guide you through treatment so you can achieve the best results.
At Renew Vitality, our experienced team of medical professionals can provide effective testosterone replacement therapy to men suffering from low testosterone and age-related symptoms. By following our daily comprehensive wellness program, you can ultimately change your lifestyle with a medicated treatment routine to help you restore your Low T levels and optimize your overall health. Please contact us at 1-866-995-2371 to schedule an appointment at any of our hormone replacement clinics in the United States.
What are normal testosterone levels for a 25-year-old?
Most adult males 19 and older will typically have a total testosterone range between 240 and 950 ng/dl. Although this is below the typical standard of 300-1000 ng/dl, the decline is expected as the testosterone spike from puberty tapers off.
Do vegans have normal testosterone levels?
Yes. Research has shown that despite the differences in diet, vegans and meat eaters typically have the same testosterone levels.
Can you have erectile dysfunction with normal testosterone levels?
Yes. Even though testosterone is essential in stimulating sexual desire and maintaining an erection, there are some cases where even men with normal testosterone levels have exhibited symptoms of erectile dysfunction.
What's considered low testosterone?
Normal testosterone levels in men typically range between 300 to 1000 ng/dl. Anything below 300 ng/dl would be deemed low testosterone. However, it is not uncommon for men to have testosterone values below 300 ng/dl and never exhibit symptoms of low testosterone.
What is a normal testosterone level for a man in his 40s?
Most men in their 40s will typically keep the same testosterone levels from their thirties with a 1% difference in decline, so the average testosterone level for a man will still range between 240 and 950 ng/dl.
Can you take testosterone even if your levels are normal?
If you're a healthy man over 40 with normal testosterone levels, you should not attempt to take testosterone. Increasing your testosterone to unnaturally high amounts can lead to adverse side effects and even more severe medical conditions.