Lena Headey on what she most admires about Cersei Lannister

As the final series of Game of Thrones airs, Vogue catches up with Lena Headey about life on set and the wildly anticipated conclusion of the blockbuster fantasy
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Describe the plot of Game of Thrones in one sentence.

A fight to survive.

What's your favourite memory from being on set?

Ah, that's impossible. It's been about nine years that we've been filming. I've had two children in that space of time. We've just become this giant dysfunctional family. There are too many wonderful memories to choose from.

How has the role of the female characters in Game of Thrones evolved throughout the series?

I feel like David Benioff and D B Weiss always intended for the female characters to demonstrate their strength and resilience as the plot wore on. None of them realised how powerful and capable they were at the beginning of Game of Thrones. Now, in the final series, all of them are still here and still fighting.

Which qualities do you most admire in Cersei Lannister?

Erm...! Circe's qualities. I've always said that she loves her children beyond all reason—and she never, ever gives up. If she was in a fight with a tiger she would just stay there until it gave up. So, I admire that. Her tenacity.

Which crazy plot twist from Game of Thrones surprised you the most?

When Melisandre—who's really hot—takes off her necklace and is suddenly a thousand years old. That was quite shocking. I was like, that's my future!

What would your house sigil be in real life?

Probably a harried parent with screaming children. A working mother sigil!

Which Game of Thrones character is most relatable?

Samwell Tally. He is the “everyman” of the Game of Thrones world.

Which Game of Thrones character is the sexiest?

Cersei Lannister, obviously.

If you had to sum up the experience of working on Game of Thrones in three words, what would they be?

Surprising, life changing, and unforgettable.

Keep on top of all that's happening on Game of Thrones season 8 here

This article originally appeared on Vogue.co.uk

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