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Unlimited access to all homework solutions
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Unlimited access to all calculators & solution steps

Unlimited access to all homework solutions

Great price. Great Calculations.
Mary L.
Voovers+ Member
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I cancel my membership?

Yes, you can cancel your membership in your account portal at any time!
Will my payment information be safe?

Voovers uses secure payment processors such as Stripe and PayPal that utilize encryption technology to keep your information safe.
Can I recover my account if I forget my password?

Yes, you can recover your password on the login page with the lost password link at any time.
What’s included in my membership?

With every Voovers+ membership, you gain unlimited access to all of our calculators, solutions steps, solution graphs, and solution tables. As a Voovers+ member, you will also get an ad-free experience across the entire website.
What forms of payment are accepted?

We use a secure payment processing system that accepts most major credit cards. We also accept PayPal payments.
How will I know when my membership will renew?

You can view your membership information and renewal status in your account portal at any time.
Can I update my payment method after signing up for a membership?

Yes, you can update your payment method in your account portal at any time.
Can I change my membership?

Yes, you can change your membership duration at any time.