Ascending Into Your Heart’s Awareness
Designed For You, The One Who Is Ready To Attain Greater Embodiment of God, Through The Divine Awareness of Your Consciousness.
– Practice The Entourage Healing Modality
– Channel Your Divine Entourage
– Enhance Your Spiritual Gifts
– Consciously Create Your Reality
– Launch Your New Career and Help People
Eddie BenAbraham
International Spiritual Mentor,
Teacher, Channel & Presenter
“Our new and most powerful support, and guidance for humanity.”
How Will This Course Help You Transform
- Heal Negative Emotions & Energies
- Balance & Heal Physical Imbalances
- Heal & Resolve Relationships With Loved Ones
- Expand Your Capacity To Receive Wealth & Abundance
- Bring You Bliss & Clarity About Your Present and Future
- Provide You With Clarity To Choose & Create Your Life Purpose
What You Will Gain
- Become The “Entourage Healing Modality” Certified Practitioner (Master Level)
- Body Scanning & Healing Tools To Heal Yourself and Others
- Communicate With Your Higher Self, Angelic Realm & More
- Walk The Earth With a Higher Level Of Divine Self-Love
- Connect With Your Akashic Records & Past Lives
- Learn How To Channel and Use It Professionally
- Create The Reality You Desire by Your Design
- Bring Yourself Closer To The Creator Inside
- Balance and Rejuvenate Your Body
- Benevolent Divine Knowledge
- Heal Others & Mother Gaia
- And so much more
What You Will Gain
- Become The “Entourage Healing Modality” Certified Practitioner (Master Level)
- Body Scanning & Healing Tools To Heal Yourself and Others
- Communicate With Your Higher Self, Angelic Realm & More
- Walk The Earth With a Higher Level Of Divine Self-Love
- Connect With Your Akashic Records & Past Lives
- Learn How To Channel and Use It Professionally
- Create The Reality You Desire by Your Design
- Bring Yourself Closer To The Creator Inside
- Balance and Rejuvenate Your Body
- Benevolent Divine Knowledge
- Heal Others & Mother Gaia
- And so much more
“Expansive Awareness Accelerates Ascension Expand Your Vessel Now”
“The Journey of Divine Self-Love, Is Key To Your Ascension and Crossing The Bridge To The New Earth.”
“You Are Worthy Of This Life!”
Here’s Exactly What You’re Going To Get
Week 1: Warming up to God Within
- Expanding awareness
- Working through shadows
- The power of free choice
- Plowing resistance
- Journey of Self-Love 1
- The Entourage
Week 2: How Magnificent You Are
- The Begining
- Reincarnation
- Old Soul & New Soul
- The Akashic Records
- Time, Gravity & Consciousness
- The Soul’s Mantle Grid Overview
Week 3: How Powerful You Are
- Healing of self
- Consciousness is king
- Speaking to your cells
- Letting go of beliefs
- Past lives baggage
- Losing the weight you want to gain
- Money, Wealth and Abundance
Week 4: Releasing The Pain
- Trusting the process
- Divine flow allowing things to “cook”
- Your relationship to Gaia
- Your relationship to animals
- Soul family and blood family
- What happens when we die?
Week 5: The Channeler in You
- Intuition vs imagination
- What’s in the way
- Channelling
- Origin of the channel
- Identifying your source
- Practice with me
Week 6: Awakening The Master In You
- Creating your reality
- Free Choice vs Destiny
- Self-Love and the stove
- Potentials & synchronicity
- Pushing the energy
Week 7: Gender and Sexuality
- Understanding the process
- Past & future lifetime
- Gender & sexual attraction
- Divine Masculine & Feminine
Week 8: The Soul’s Mantle Grid
The human systems
Chakras, merkabah, torus…
The second merkabah
Connecting to the Field
Inviting your Entourage
Week 9: The Entourage Healing Modality
- “Maestro” The Healer’s Foundation
- Strengthening the connection
- Inviting the seeker
- Scanning the body
- The spinning
- The heart’s beam
and more
Healing your past experiences is possible but it takes pure intent and desire. Healing your past means, you are ready to shift your relationship to the energy from what transpired early in your life, or past lives. Eddie’s work is designed to uncover and peel off the layers that no longer serve you. These “layers” can be energetical or emotional “baggage” hidden in your subconscious or in plain sight of your conscious mind.
“Heal Your Past and Make Space For a Better Future”
Eddie with his Suns

Founding Story
Since childhood, Eddie was aware of energy work and the power of consciousness. With the added guidance of his father David BenAbraham, Eddie knew that what he sees and feels, is not something everyone experiences. Later in life, Eddie invested more time into writing channeled content, and assisted clients while using his gift of Coffee Cup Reading (click to book a session).
In the early 90’s he was introduced to Kryon channeled through Lee Carroll, which helped further expand his knowledge and awareness. Eddie’s path has grown deeper into the roots of spiritualism, with published channels from The “E”, Metatron, Kryon, Gaia, and more recently The Original Whales – The Seven Founders.
Today Eddie is the co-founder and president of Vort8x (Vortex) and the inventor of the Compassion Gauge Tool. His mission is to create The Spiritually Energized Community and with the help of fellow healers and spiritual advisors, reach and assist more humans around the world.
With the direct guidance of his Spiritual Entourage, Eddie channeled the lost and ancient knowledge of the divine soul-system called The Soul’s Mantle Grid(סְרִיגֶי לִיבָּת הַנְשָׁמָה) (see illustration). This immense divine system is responsible for the meld between your physical-self and your Soul.
The journey through The Soul’s Mantle Grid will enhance your ability to consciously create your reality, channel your Spiritual Entourage, heal yourself and facilitate your clients utilizing the powerful healing modality of The Entourage Healing (The Healing Ambassadors).
Through his courses and classes program, Eddie helps Lightseeds, Earth-workers, Lightworkers, Starseeds, Shamans, Healers and all others who are ready to discover the ways to expand to a higher level of awareness, expand their heart vessel and through their power of consciousness “activate” what has been dormant for many lifetimes
Eddie’s work is ongoing and expanding in the directions he is divinely guided to. Vort8x is shaping into a one-of-a-kind community with a strong desire to be the love they want to see in the world – Are you ready to be part of the family?
The Anatomy Of Your Soul
The Soul’s Mantle Grid
As was first presented in 2011.

The Soul’s Mantle Grid and The 17 Thousand Codes Of The Merkabah
“You seek power, look within.
You seek love, reach within.
You seek peace, step within.
The world will follow.”

“The journey of life comes with opportunities to discover and heal the burdens of the past that prevent us from expanding our awareness.”
This Is The Lifetime You’ve Been Waiting For
You Also Get This Powerful Course

Become a Coffee Cup Reader – Intuition, Channeling Course
- Learn To Channel Through The Coffee Grounds
- Gain New Modality To Include In Your Existing Practice
- Practice Well Enough and You Can Start Your Own Service
- Channeling Your Spirit Guides, Higher Self, Ancestors, and More
- Give ACCURATE Psychic Readings Using The Coffee Grounds Details
- Communicate With Your Entourage – Your Team Of Divine Assistance
- Learn Medical Intuitive Skills And Help Guide People and Yourself
- Expand Your Intuitive Skills While Using This Powerful Modality
- Provide Helpful Guidance for People Who Seek Divine Assistance
- Start Reading Coffee Grounds In Less Than a Month Of Practice
- Tarot Card Readers This Is a Great Skill To Have and use In Your Readings – Powerful!
- Expand Your Awareness and Increase Your Capacity To See Potentials and Synchronicities
About This Added Course
One of the “Tools” I use in my work is” Turkish Coffee Cup Reading”.
Similar to other modalities such as Tarot Card Reading, Tea Leaf Reading, or Traditional Cards Reading, in this course I teach you everything you need to know and practice, to become a great Coffee Grounds reader. Your Intuition and channeling abilities will receive a boost of confidence when you witness the profound results you get.
This is science, and I have years (since childhood) of evidence to prove it. In 2009 I became a professional channeler and coffee cup reader. Since then, my work has evolved tremendously for one sole purpose – Help beautiful souls such as yourself discover their true divine power and beauty.
- 4 modules, 23 lectures at 3h 27m total length
- This Course Is For Everyone
All About The Coffee Modality
Together we will dive deep into the world of Coffee Cup Reading:
- The concept.
- Which coffee to use.
- Which cups to use.
- How to make the coffee.
- How to turn the cup.
- How to intuitively receive messages
- What to look for in the cup
- See the past, present, and future.
- Offer solutions and assistance.
What Are The Advantages Of Coffee Cup Reading?
Tarot or astrology are amazing modalities to use, however when it comes to Coffee Grounds the messages are drawn/painted like a painting on a canvas. The Cup becomes a movie of events that are part of the past, present, and future. By examining the coffee grounds you can see:
- Names.
- Letters.
- Numbers.
- Dates.
- Family and friends.
- Issues in the body.
- Celebrations.
- Work situation.
- Home situation.
- Feelings.
- Mindset.
- Animals.
- Hidden secrets.
- Potential timelines.
- Energy.
- Angles.
- and so much more.
Channel Your Divine Entourage
This course is also designed to introduce you to your own “Entourage”, the divine team behind the veil that is here for your support. Communicate and seek their loving guidance and assistance.
Medical intuitive?
Yes, in this course I demonstrate how coffee grounds can show you health issues that require attention and assistance. Although this requires additional training, by completing and following my guidance, in time you will be able to offer valuable assistance to the one you are reading the cup for.
The Field of Multidimensionality
Can you see yourself expanding your intuitive abilities? I want to see you grow and expand your abilities so you are able to live a happier life. Live through the continuous guidance of Source, God, The Ultimate Creator. It is available and it is yours to enjoy.
Intuition Vs Imagination
We are all intuitive but imagination can confuse us at times. What are the “ingredients” of these two abilities, and how can you differentiate between them? All that and more.
Water Blessings – Holly Water
Water is life, water is so important and can be a powerful way to shift your reality. Through my step-by-step guidance, you will learn how to Code The Water, which means you will bless the water and create Holy Water. This method was given to me by the Seven Founders and Original Whales – Our beloved family from the Galaxy of Water.
The Science of Spirituality
There is a solid foundation for spirituality within science, and for science within spirituality. They both go hand in hand. In this course, I demonstrate your ability to affect matter and the reality around you. Discover the ways that coffee speaks can to you – Absolutely profound.
Launch Your New Career and Help People
In this course, I offer the basic elements and guidance to help startup your Coffee Cup Reading business to help as many people around the world. Even if you are already a professional Tarot Card Reader, Intuitive Channeler, Medical Intuitive, or Astrologer, this new ability will offer a greater value to yourself and your clients.
New Amazing Offer
Compare & Choose To Start
Welcome to the family.- The Spectacle
- Free Classes
- Free Courses
- Free Meditation
- Exclusive Updates
- Make New Heart Connections
- Special Invitations For Events and More
- Family Level Support From Community & Eddie
- Redeem Energy-Points Towards Offers
- Full Features In Our Social Community Platform
Advanced Learning and Guidance- Everything in Free Level plus:
- 1 Channeled Session with Eddie Plus Future Incentives 50% or More (See Here)
- Master Course Content 44 Digital Lessons in 9 Modules
- "Entourage Healing Modality” Practitioner Material
- Become a Coffee Cup Reader - Complete Course
- Weekly Live Group Q&A, Support and More
- Action Assignments & Ceremonies.
- 6 Journey-Healing Meditations
- Advanced Support
- 3 of Eddie’s Best-Selling Books (See here)
- Apprentice Level Is Not Available At This Time
- Contact Us If You Have Any Questions
Master Level
The Comprehensive Mentorship- Everything in Apprentice Level plus:
- 2 Channeled Session with Eddie Plus Future Incentives 50% or More
- 9 Months Program With Eddie's Direct Support and Guidance
- Become a Practitioner Medical Intuitive – “Entourage Healing Modality”
- Graduation Assignment Program
- Business Development Package
- Your Dedicated Page On Vort8x (See here)
- Certificate of Completion - "Entourage Healing Modality" Practitioner
- Master Level Will be Available Again in 2025 Join The List Below
- Contact Us To Pre-Register