Who We Support

Eradicate Human Trafficking
To shine a light worldwide on the global issue of child sex trafficking and exploitation, and in so doing rescue more children from slavery and assist law enforcement to seek justice for those who violate children. We place survivors on a path to recovery by partnering with vetted aftercare providers.
Website: https://www.ourrescue.org/

“Yes, we want to be connected with the people like you, around the world to make you involve in a project which we are conducting for the kids in the mountain. It’s solely for uplifting hearts of kids and shaping their future furnishing them with quality education, with our sincerest efforts. And we strongly believe that something beautiful is always bound to happen. Our efforts are not enough. And we don’t have even any access to any organizations or people who are supposed to support school and kids. We don’t have much expectations from here. So, in this context, world people like you can inspire kids in many ways.”
Website: https://5f854db7ec528.site123.me/a-dream-school-in-nepalese-mountain/our-dreams-and-missions

Water Charity
Water Charity is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to helping people access clean drinking water and improved sanitation. In 12 years, Water Charity has done approximately 5,000 water, sanitation and public health projects in 78 countries, benefiting more than 5 million people. We do wells, rainwater catchment, water filtration, and other direct interventions as well as provide training to people to solve their own water and hygiene needs.
Website: https://watercharity.com/

Unstoppable Foundation
We are empowering lives through education.
The Unstoppable Foundation is a non-profit humanitarian organization that moves communities in developing countries from surviving to thriving so that every person can realize their full potential.
The Foundation takes a holistic approach to creating sustainable education by supporting community development through our Sponsor A Village (SAV) program, a proven 5-Pillar Development Model. SAV incorporates everything crucial to lifting communities out of poverty and removing obstacles to educating children by providing access to education, clean water and sanitation, healthcare, food and nutrition, and income training for parents.
To ensure students are able to gain employment in their community and increase the standard of living for themselves and their families, the Foundation awards full scholarships to qualifying graduates in the Maasai Mara region of Kenya. Recipients receive a state-of-the-art education that combines theoretical studies with technical training, placements, and internships. They also receive leadership and empowerment training, enabling them to achieve their full potential as leaders in their families, communities, and the world at large. This high level education is the final piece to providing a full circle solution to transform this region of the world.
100% of donations to the Unstoppable Foundation fund our international programs.
To learn more about how the Unstoppable Foundation is empowering lives through education, visit UnstoppableFoundation.org.
Website: https://unstoppablefoundation.org/

The Honeybee Conservancy
Like you, we’re passionate about helping bees and creating a world where everybody has equal access to fresh food. Our honey bee charity brings inspiration and education to schools and communities. We work to create more habitat for bees. We also partner with gardens and urban farms across the U.S. to create bee sanctuaries that pollinate, educate and help build a greener, more sustainable world.
Let’s help the bees and reduce hunger together
Imagine a grey world without almonds, apples or fragrant flowers…
Sounds terrible, right?
Unfortunately, that’s the shocking future we face if we don’t work to help our most precious pollinator: bees. Far from being a niche concern, bees are at the heart of our survival. One in three bites of food we eat depends entirely on bees – and they are dying out.
The Honeybee Conservancy is a 501c3 non-profit organization that works to help the bees, while increasing access to organic, sustainable food in under-served communities.
*I Love Healers is independent of and not endorsed or sponsored by The Honeybee Conservancy
Website: https://thehoneybeeconservancy.org
Learn More Here

The Global White Lion Protection Trust is a registered NPO/Public Benefit Organisation situated in a protected area of nearly 4,400 acres of endemic bushveld. The land was acquired by the White Lion Trust, which has re-introduced captive bred white lions into their natural habitat in a carefully phased, ground-breaking scientific program. The White Lions have integrated with wild golden lions, and our three prides now roam freely in their ancestral heritage lands.
Founded in 2002 by Linda Tucker after nearly ten years of intensive research into both the scientific and cultural significance of the White Lions, the White Lion Trust has built up a strong and consistent record of creating mutual benefits for Lions, Land and People. Under the expert guidance of our Head of Operations, Lion Ecologist Jason Turner, The White Lion Trust continues to bring to the world important scientific data and leads calls for the legal protection of Panthera Leo, particularly the critically endangered sub-species we refer to as The White Lion.
The Global White Lion Protection Trust is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
If you require a 501(c)(3) Certificate, please contact accounting[@]whitelions.org before you make your donation.
Website: https://whitelions.org/

Dance for Kindness
Life Vest Inside is a non-profit organization that inspires, empowers and educates people of all backgrounds to lead a life of kindness. We set out to effect global change through inspirational media, technology, education, and on the ground social engagement.
Every year, to kick off World Kindness Week, Life Vest Inside organizes “Dance for Kindness,” a WorldWide FreezeMob/FlashMob during which groups from all across the globe unite under the banner of kindness and join together to perform to the same song, same dance, all happening on the same day. Dance for Kindness serves as Life Vest Inside’s Annual Fundraiser as well as a means of building awareness of World Kindness Day. This year our global impact will be even greater as we unite to support non profit organizations all around the world. Life Vest Inside will donate 10% of each city’s overall fundraising to a local nonprofit chosen by each city’s Group Leader. You can support HERE.
The purpose of Dance for Kindness is to look beyond ourselves – beyond the boundaries of our country, beyond our culture, our race, our religion and realize that we are citizens of the world and that kindness is the common thread that unites us all.
Through Dance for Kindness, Life Vest Inside has created a powerful kindness network that fosters dialogue with people across the globe, including parts of the world torn apart by conflict. Through our approach, we establish peace in place of conflict, love in place of hatred, hope in place of fear, and kindness in place of mistrust. As a result we have seen a positive change in the way people engage with one another and respect each other.
Last years event took place in over 120 cities, 50 countries with over 20,000 participants. This year marks our 8th Annual WorldWide Dance for Kindness and will take place on Sunday, November 10th 2019!

The Gentle Barn
We live in a concrete, violent, noisy, high tech, busy world. We have lost our connection to animals, to nature, and most of all, to ourselves. Animals are living lives of torment from beginning to end, their cries are unheard, their pain is unseen, and they are suffering. The rate of heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes has never been higher. The rain forests are being destroyed, we are in a global drought, we are polluting our air, and species go extinct every day. But by having reverence for all life and by reconnecting with Mother Earth we each can change all that. At The Gentle Barn we stand up for the innocent, and we help animals and children alike remember that they matter. We open people’s hearts to the connections with nature. We open people’s minds to what is happening around us. And we inspire people to be an integral part of the solution. Through the stories and interactions with our animals, we can raise future generations to have reverence for all life, protect our planet, live good healthy, happy lives, and we will all be closer to having peace on earth!
We can’t do this work without you and are grateful for your support. Enjoy the website and check back with us from time to time to see what’s new. The best way to help is by making a donation, sponsoring an animal or sponsoring a group of school kids, at-risk kids or special-needs kids to come to The Gentle Barn.
Thank you so much for your support!
With gratitude,
Ellie & Jay
Website: https://www.gentlebarn.org/
Learn More Here