Reports that Grumpy Cat, a real cat who is internet famous for looking really unhappy all of the time, has made $99.5 million over two years are "completely false" owner Tabatha Bundesen told the Huffington Post. She did not clarify how much Grumpy Cat has made.
Report that Grumpy Cat made $99.5 million in two years is “completely inaccurate”

To get an idea of how astronomical the (untrue, as it turns out) earnings are for a internet cat celebrity, here are the most recent yearly incomes for six major stars:
- Gwyneth Paltrow made $19 million last year.
- Will Smith made $32 million.
- Angelina Jolie made a paltry $18 million.
- Scarlett Johanson made $17 million.
- Jennifer Anniston made $31 million.
- Kim Kardashian made $36 million.
These totals are only a single year's income according to Forbes, and they are estimates.
Here’s a graph created by @JodySie:
Correction: A previous version of this article reported that Bundesen had made $99.5 million off of Grumpy Cat. The piece has been updated.