Filipino Language And Culture
Started in 1996, Penn’s Filipino language program is populated with students looking to connect with their culture and converse with their families. Eight thousand miles
The Pan-Asian American Community House opened in the fall of 2000 in response to students’ calls for a cultural resource center at the University of Pennsylvania where South Asian, East Asian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander cultures could be celebrated. PAACH is a community center that develops and implements innovative programs for leadership development and community service in close collaboration with Asian American student and community groups.
Started in 1996, Penn’s Filipino language program is populated with students looking to connect with their culture and converse with their families. Eight thousand miles
The mural in the ARCH building lobby represents and celebrates the diversity of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Vicky Aquino, Associate Director and the artist
Dripping rain falls through barren branches along Locust Walk late on a Thursday night. Students hurry past, unwilling to linger in the unhospitable February weather.