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t="",e=0,r=n.variants;e\^`\|~\xA2-\xA6\xA8\xA9\xAC\xAE-\xB1\xB4\xB8\xD7\xF7\u02C2-\u02C5\u02D2-\u02DF\u02E5-\u02EB\u02ED\u02EF-\u02FF\u0375\u0384\u0385\u03F6\u0482\u058D-\u058F\u0606-\u0608\u060B\u060E\u060F\u06DE\u06E9\u06FD\u06FE\u07F6\u07FE\u07FF\u09F2\u09F3\u09FA\u09FB\u0AF1\u0B70\u0BF3-\u0BFA\u0C7F\u0D4F\u0D79\u0E3F\u0F01-\u0F03\u0F13\u0F15-\u0F17\u0F1A-\u0F1F\u0F34\u0F36\u0F38\u0FBE-\u0FC5\u0FC7-\u0FCC\u0FCE\u0FCF\u0FD5-\u0FD8\u109E\u109F\u1390-\u1399\u166D\u17DB\u1940\u19DE-\u19FF\u1B61-\u1B6A\u1B74-\u1B7C\u1FBD\u1FBF-\u1FC1\u1FCD-\u1FCF\u1FDD-\u1FDF\u1FED-\u1FEF\u1FFD\u1FFE\u2044\u2052\u207A-\u207C\u208A-\u208C\u20A0-\u20BF\u2100\u2101\u2103-\u2106\u2108\u2109\u2114\u2116-\u2118\u211E-\u2123\u2125\u2127\u2129\u212E\u213A\u213B\u2140-\u2144\u214A-\u214D\u214F\u218A\u218B\u2190-\u2307\u230C-\u2328\u232B-\u2426\u2440-\u244A\u249C-\u24E9\u2500-\u2767\u2794-\u27C4\u27C7-\u27E5\u27F0-\u2982\u2999-\u29D7\u29DC-\u29FB\u29FE-\u2B73\u2B76-\u2B95\u2B97-\u2BFF\u2CE5-\u2CEA\u2E50\u2E51\u2E80-\u2E99\u2E9B-\u2EF3\u2F00-\u2FD5\u2FF0-\u2FFB\u3004\u3012\u3013\u3020\u3036\u3037\u303E\u303F\u309B\u309C\u3190\u3191\u3196-\u319F\u31C0-\u31E3\u3200-\u321E\u322A-\u3247\u3250\u3260-\u327F\u328A-\u32B0\u32C0-\u33FF\u4DC0-\u4DFF\uA490-\uA4C6\uA700-\uA716\uA720\uA721\uA789\uA78A\uA828-\uA82B\uA836-\uA839\uAA77-\uAA79\uAB5B\uAB6A\uAB6B\uFB29\uFBB2-\uFBC1\uFDFC\uFDFD\uFE62\uFE64-\uFE66\uFE69\uFF04\uFF0B\uFF1C-\uFF1E\uFF3E\uFF40\uFF5C\uFF5E\uFFE0-\uFFE6\uFFE8-\uFFEE\uFFFC\uFFFD]|\uD800[\uDD37-\uDD3F\uDD79-\uDD89\uDD8C-\uDD8E\uDD90-\uDD9C\uDDA0\uDDD0-\uDDFC]|\uD802[\uDC77\uDC78\uDEC8]|\uD805\uDF3F|\uD807[\uDFD5-\uDFF1]|\uD81A[\uDF3C-\uDF3F\uDF45]|\uD82F\uDC9C|\uD834[\uDC00-\uDCF5\uDD00-\uDD26\uDD29-\uDD64\uDD6A-\uDD6C\uDD83\uDD84\uDD8C-\uDDA9\uDDAE-\uDDE8\uDE00-\uDE41\uDE45\uDF00-\uDF56]|\uD835[\uDEC1\uDEDB\uDEFB\uDF15\uDF35\uDF4F\uDF6F\uDF89\uDFA9\uDFC3]|\uD836[\uDC00-\uDDFF\uDE37-\uDE3A\uDE6D-\uDE74\uDE76-\uDE83\uDE85\uDE86]|\uD838[\uDD4F\uDEFF]|\uD83B[\uDCAC\uDCB0\uDD2E\uDEF0\uDEF1]|\uD83C[\uDC00-\uDC2B\uDC30-\uDC93\uDCA0-\uDCAE\uDCB1-\uDCBF\uDCC1-\uDCCF\uDCD1-\uDCF5\uDD0D-\uDDAD\uDDE6-\uDE02\uDE10-\uDE3B\uDE40-\uDE48\uDE50\uDE51\uDE60-\uDE65\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDED7\uDEE0-\uDEEC\uDEF0-\uDEFC\uDF00-\uDF73\uDF80-\uDFD8\uDFE0-\uDFEB]|\uD83E[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC10-\uDC47\uDC50-\uDC59\uDC60-\uDC87\uDC90-\uDCAD\uDCB0\uDCB1\uDD00-\uDD78\uDD7A-\uDDCB\uDDCD-\uDE53\uDE60-\uDE6D\uDE70-\uDE74\uDE78-\uDE7A\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE90-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEB6\uDEC0-\uDEC2\uDED0-\uDED6\uDF00-\uDF92\uDF94-\uDFCA]/,p=(new RegExp("^"+p.source),new RegExp(p.source+"$"),a(y()));f=Error,(0,p.__extends)(A,f);function A(){var n=null!==f&&f.apply(this,arguments)||this;return n.type="MISSING_LOCALE_DATA",n}var v=a(i()),p=a(h()),C=new WeakMap;function D(n){var a=C.get(n);return a||(a=Object.create(null),C.set(n,a)),a}var M=p.supplemental.likelySubtags,i=["ca","co","hc","kf","kn","nu"],E=/^[a-z0-9]{3,8}(-[a-z0-9]{3,8})*$/i;function N(n,a,t,e,r){return void 0===e&&(e=[]),r?{lang:n&&"und"!==n?n:r.lang,script:a||r.script,region:t||r.region,variants:(0,L.__spreadArray)((0,L.__spreadArray)([],e),r.variants)}:{lang:n||"und",script:a,region:t,variants:e}}function w(n){var n=(0,v.parseUnicodeLocaleId)(n),a=n.lang,t=a.lang,e=a.script,r=a.region,a=a.variants;if(e&&r){var u=M[(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:t,script:e,region:r,variants:[]})];if(u)return u=(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(u),n.lang=N(void 0,void 0,void 0,a,u),(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)(n)}if(e){var u=M[(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:t,script:e,variants:[]})];if(u)return u=(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(u),n.lang=N(void 0,void 0,r,a,u),(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)(n)}if(r){u=M[(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:t,region:r,variants:[]})];if(u)return u=(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(u),n.lang=N(void 0,e,void 0,a,u),(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)(n)}u=M[t]||M[(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:"und",script:e,variants:[]})];if(u)return t=(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(u),n.lang=N(void 0,e,r,a,t),(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)(n);throw new Error("No match for addLikelySubtags")}I.prototype.maximize=function(){var a=D(this).locale;try{return new I(w(a))}catch(n){return new I(a)}},I.prototype.minimize=function(){var a=D(this).locale;try{return new I(function n(a){if(t=w(a)){var t=(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)((0,L.__assign)((0,L.__assign)({},(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(t)),{variants:[]})),e=(0,v.parseUnicodeLocaleId)(a),r=e.lang,u=r.lang,i=r.script,o=r.region,r=r.variants;if(w((0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:u,variants:[]}))===t)return(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)((0,L.__assign)((0,L.__assign)({},e),{lang:N(u,void 0,void 0,r)}));if(o)if(w((0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:u,region:o,variants:[]}))===t)return(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)((0,L.__assign)((0,L.__assign)({},e),{lang:N(u,void 0,o,r)}));if(i)if(w((0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:u,script:i,variants:[]}))===t)return(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)((0,L.__assign)((0,L.__assign)({},e),{lang:N(u,i,void 0,r)}))}return a}(a))}catch(n){return new I(a)}},I.prototype.toString=function(){return D(this).locale},Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"baseName",{get:function(){var n=D(this).locale;return(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)((0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(n))},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"calendar",{get:function(){return D(this).calendar},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"collation",{get:function(){return D(this).collation},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"hourCycle",{get:function(){return D(this).hourCycle},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"caseFirst",{get:function(){return D(this).caseFirst},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"numeric",{get:function(){return D(this).numeric},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"numberingSystem",{get:function(){return D(this).numberingSystem},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"language",{get:function(){var n=D(this).locale;return(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(n).lang},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"script",{get:function(){var n=D(this).locale;return(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(n).script},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"region",{get:function(){var n=D(this).locale;return(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(n).region},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),I.relevantExtensionKeys=i;p=I;function I(n,a){if(!(this&&this instanceof I?this.constructor:void 0))throw new TypeError("Intl.Locale must be called with 'new'");var t=I.relevantExtensionKeys,e=["initializedLocale","locale","calendar","collation","hourCycle","numberingSystem"];if(-1\^`\|~\xA2-\xA6\xA8\xA9\xAC\xAE-\xB1\xB4\xB8\xD7\xF7\u02C2-\u02C5\u02D2-\u02DF\u02E5-\u02EB\u02ED\u02EF-\u02FF\u0375\u0384\u0385\u03F6\u0482\u058D-\u058F\u0606-\u0608\u060B\u060E\u060F\u06DE\u06E9\u06FD\u06FE\u07F6\u07FE\u07FF\u09F2\u09F3\u09FA\u09FB\u0AF1\u0B70\u0BF3-\u0BFA\u0C7F\u0D4F\u0D79\u0E3F\u0F01-\u0F03\u0F13\u0F15-\u0F17\u0F1A-\u0F1F\u0F34\u0F36\u0F38\u0FBE-\u0FC5\u0FC7-\u0FCC\u0FCE\u0FCF\u0FD5-\u0FD8\u109E\u109F\u1390-\u1399\u166D\u17DB\u1940\u19DE-\u19FF\u1B61-\u1B6A\u1B74-\u1B7C\u1FBD\u1FBF-\u1FC1\u1FCD-\u1FCF\u1FDD-\u1FDF\u1FED-\u1FEF\u1FFD\u1FFE\u2044\u2052\u207A-\u207C\u208A-\u208C\u20A0-\u20BF\u2100\u2101\u2103-\u2106\u2108\u2109\u2114\u2116-\u2118\u211E-\u2123\u2125\u2127\u2129\u212E\u213A\u213B\u2140-\u2144\u214A-\u214D\u214F\u218A\u218B\u2190-\u2307\u230C-\u2328\u232B-\u2426\u2440-\u244A\u249C-\u24E9\u2500-\u2767\u2794-\u27C4\u27C7-\u27E5\u27F0-\u2982\u2999-\u29D7\u29DC-\u29FB\u29FE-\u2B73\u2B76-\u2B95\u2B97-\u2BFF\u2CE5-\u2CEA\u2E50\u2E51\u2E80-\u2E99\u2E9B-\u2EF3\u2F00-\u2FD5\u2FF0-\u2FFB\u3004\u3012\u3013\u3020\u3036\u3037\u303E\u303F\u309B\u309C\u3190\u3191\u3196-\u319F\u31C0-\u31E3\u3200-\u321E\u322A-\u3247\u3250\u3260-\u327F\u328A-\u32B0\u32C0-\u33FF\u4DC0-\u4DFF\uA490-\uA4C6\uA700-\uA716\uA720\uA721\uA789\uA78A\uA828-\uA82B\uA836-\uA839\uAA77-\uAA79\uAB5B\uAB6A\uAB6B\uFB29\uFBB2-\uFBC1\uFDFC\uFDFD\uFE62\uFE64-\uFE66\uFE69\uFF04\uFF0B\uFF1C-\uFF1E\uFF3E\uFF40\uFF5C\uFF5E\uFFE0-\uFFE6\uFFE8-\uFFEE\uFFFC\uFFFD]|\uD800[\uDD37-\uDD3F\uDD79-\uDD89\uDD8C-\uDD8E\uDD90-\uDD9C\uDDA0\uDDD0-\uDDFC]|\uD802[\uDC77\uDC78\uDEC8]|\uD805\uDF3F|\uD807[\uDFD5-\uDFF1]|\uD81A[\uDF3C-\uDF3F\uDF45]|\uD82F\uDC9C|\uD834[\uDC00-\uDCF5\uDD00-\uDD26\uDD29-\uDD64\uDD6A-\uDD6C\uDD83\uDD84\uDD8C-\uDDA9\uDDAE-\uDDE8\uDE00-\uDE41\uDE45\uDF00-\uDF56]|\uD835[\uDEC1\uDEDB\uDEFB\uDF15\uDF35\uDF4F\uDF6F\uDF89\uDFA9\uDFC3]|\uD836[\uDC00-\uDDFF\uDE37-\uDE3A\uDE6D-\uDE74\uDE76-\uDE83\uDE85\uDE86]|\uD838[\uDD4F\uDEFF]|\uD83B[\uDCAC\uDCB0\uDD2E\uDEF0\uDEF1]|\uD83C[\uDC00-\uDC2B\uDC30-\uDC93\uDCA0-\uDCAE\uDCB1-\uDCBF\uDCC1-\uDCCF\uDCD1-\uDCF5\uDD0D-\uDDAD\uDDE6-\uDE02\uDE10-\uDE3B\uDE40-\uDE48\uDE50\uDE51\uDE60-\uDE65\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDED7\uDEE0-\uDEEC\uDEF0-\uDEFC\uDF00-\uDF73\uDF80-\uDFD8\uDFE0-\uDFEB]|\uD83E[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC10-\uDC47\uDC50-\uDC59\uDC60-\uDC87\uDC90-\uDCAD\uDCB0\uDCB1\uDD00-\uDD78\uDD7A-\uDDCB\uDDCD-\uDE53\uDE60-\uDE6D\uDE70-\uDE74\uDE78-\uDE7A\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE90-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEB6\uDEC0-\uDEC2\uDED0-\uDED6\uDF00-\uDF92\uDF94-\uDFCA]/;new RegExp("^"+u.source),new RegExp(u.source+"$");function d(u,e,t,n,i){var r=function u(e,t,n,i,r){return D(e[t],n,i,r)}(e,"minimumIntegerDigits",1,21,1),o=e.minimumFractionDigits,a=e.maximumFractionDigits,l=e.minimumSignificantDigits,e=e.maximumSignificantDigits;u.minimumIntegerDigits=r,void 0!==l||void 0!==e?(u.roundingType="significantDigits",l=D(l,1,21,1),e=D(e,l,21,21),u.minimumSignificantDigits=l,u.maximumSignificantDigits=e):void 0!==o||void 0!==a?(u.roundingType="fractionDigits",o=D(o,0,20,t),a=D(a,o,20,Math.max(o,n)),u.minimumFractionDigits=o,u.maximumFractionDigits=a):"compact"===i?u.roundingType="compactRounding":(u.roundingType="fractionDigits",u.minimumFractionDigits=t,u.maximumFractionDigits=n)}function t(u,e,t,n){var i=n.availableLocales,r=n.relevantExtensionKeys,o=n.localeData,a=n.getDefaultLocale,n=n.getInternalSlots,e=c(e),l=Object.create(null),t=function u(e){return void 0===e?Object.create(null):f(e)}(t),n=n(u),D=(n.initializedPluralRules=!0,F(t,"localeMatcher","string",["best fit","lookup"],"best fit")),D=(l.localeMatcher=D,n.type=F(t,"type","string",["cardinal","ordinal"],"cardinal"),d(n,t,0,3,"standard"),g(i,e,l,r,o,a));return n.locale=D.locale,u}function e(u,e,t){var n=t.getInternalSlots,t=t.PluralRuleSelect,n=n(u);return p("Object"===r(n),"pl has to be an object"),p("initializedPluralRules"in n,"pluralrules must be initialized"),p("Number"===r(e),"n must be a number"),isFinite(e)?t(n.locale,n.type,e,function u(e){p("string"==typeof e,"GetOperands should have been called with a string");var t,n,i,r=l(e),o=(p(isFinite(r),"n should be finite"),e.indexOf(".")),a="",o=-1===o?(n=r,t=0):(n=e.slice(0,o),t=l(a=e.slice(o,e.length)),a.length),e=Math.abs(l(n));return a=0!==t?(i=(n=a.replace(/0+$/,"")).length,l(n)):i=0,{Number:r,IntegerDigits:e,NumberOfFractionDigits:o,NumberOfFractionDigitsWithoutTrailing:i,FractionDigits:t,FractionDigitsWithoutTrailing:a}}(o(n,e).formattedString)):"other"}function h(u,e){for(var t=[],n=0,i=e;na[a.length-1]?a[a.length-1].length-1:-1===(o=a.indexOf(c))||"0"===l[c=a[o]].other?0:c.length-l[c].other.match(/0+/)[0].length:0}}function c(n,t,e){var u,r,i,a,o,c=e;if(a=0===n?(u=m("0",c),r=0):(i=(a=n.toString()).indexOf("e"),o=(a=a.split("e"))[0],a=a[1],o=o.replace(".",""),0<=i&&o.length<=c?(r=+a,u=o+m("0",c-o.length),n):(r=f(n),i=Math.round(s(n,r-c+1)),10<=s(i,c-1)&&(r+=1,i=Math.floor(i/10)),u=i.toString(),s(i,c-1-r))),o=c-1<=r?(u+=m("0",r-c+1),r+1):0<=r?(u=u.slice(0,r+1)+"."+u.slice(r+1),r+1):(u="0."+m("0",-r-1)+u,1),0<=u.indexOf(".")&&t\^`\|~\xA2-\xA6\xA8\xA9\xAC\xAE-\xB1\xB4\xB8\xD7\xF7\u02C2-\u02C5\u02D2-\u02DF\u02E5-\u02EB\u02ED\u02EF-\u02FF\u0375\u0384\u0385\u03F6\u0482\u058D-\u058F\u0606-\u0608\u060B\u060E\u060F\u06DE\u06E9\u06FD\u06FE\u07F6\u07FE\u07FF\u09F2\u09F3\u09FA\u09FB\u0AF1\u0B70\u0BF3-\u0BFA\u0C7F\u0D4F\u0D79\u0E3F\u0F01-\u0F03\u0F13\u0F15-\u0F17\u0F1A-\u0F1F\u0F34\u0F36\u0F38\u0FBE-\u0FC5\u0FC7-\u0FCC\u0FCE\u0FCF\u0FD5-\u0FD8\u109E\u109F\u1390-\u1399\u166D\u17DB\u1940\u19DE-\u19FF\u1B61-\u1B6A\u1B74-\u1B7C\u1FBD\u1FBF-\u1FC1\u1FCD-\u1FCF\u1FDD-\u1FDF\u1FED-\u1FEF\u1FFD\u1FFE\u2044\u2052\u207A-\u207C\u208A-\u208C\u20A0-\u20BF\u2100\u2101\u2103-\u2106\u2108\u2109\u2114\u2116-\u2118\u211E-\u2123\u2125\u2127\u2129\u212E\u213A\u213B\u2140-\u2144\u214A-\u214D\u214F\u218A\u218B\u2190-\u2307\u230C-\u2328\u232B-\u2426\u2440-\u244A\u249C-\u24E9\u2500-\u2767\u2794-\u27C4\u27C7-\u27E5\u27F0-\u2982\u2999-\u29D7\u29DC-\u29FB\u29FE-\u2B73\u2B76-\u2B95\u2B97-\u2BFF\u2CE5-\u2CEA\u2E50\u2E51\u2E80-\u2E99\u2E9B-\u2EF3\u2F00-\u2FD5\u2FF0-\u2FFB\u3004\u3012\u3013\u3020\u3036\u3037\u303E\u303F\u309B\u309C\u3190\u3191\u3196-\u319F\u31C0-\u31E3\u3200-\u321E\u322A-\u3247\u3250\u3260-\u327F\u328A-\u32B0\u32C0-\u33FF\u4DC0-\u4DFF\uA490-\uA4C6\uA700-\uA716\uA720\uA721\uA789\uA78A\uA828-\uA82B\uA836-\uA839\uAA77-\uAA79\uAB5B\uAB6A\uAB6B\uFB29\uFBB2-\uFBC1\uFDFC\uFDFD\uFE62\uFE64-\uFE66\uFE69\uFF04\uFF0B\uFF1C-\uFF1E\uFF3E\uFF40\uFF5C\uFF5E\uFFE0-\uFFE6\uFFE8-\uFFEE\uFFFC\uFFFD]|\uD800[\uDD37-\uDD3F\uDD79-\uDD89\uDD8C-\uDD8E\uDD90-\uDD9C\uDDA0\uDDD0-\uDDFC]|\uD802[\uDC77\uDC78\uDEC8]|\uD805\uDF3F|\uD807[\uDFD5-\uDFF1]|\uD81A[\uDF3C-\uDF3F\uDF45]|\uD82F\uDC9C|\uD834[\uDC00-\uDCF5\uDD00-\uDD26\uDD29-\uDD64\uDD6A-\uDD6C\uDD83\uDD84\uDD8C-\uDDA9\uDDAE-\uDDE8\uDE00-\uDE41\uDE45\uDF00-\uDF56]|\uD835[\uDEC1\uDEDB\uDEFB\uDF15\uDF35\uDF4F\uDF6F\uDF89\uDFA9\uDFC3]|\uD836[\uDC00-\uDDFF\uDE37-\uDE3A\uDE6D-\uDE74\uDE76-\uDE83\uDE85\uDE86]|\uD838[\uDD4F\uDEFF]|\uD83B[\uDCAC\uDCB0\uDD2E\uDEF0\uDEF1]|\uD83C[\uDC00-\uDC2B\uDC30-\uDC93\uDCA0-\uDCAE\uDCB1-\uDCBF\uDCC1-\uDCCF\uDCD1-\uDCF5\uDD0D-\uDDAD\uDDE6-\uDE02\uDE10-\uDE3B\uDE40-\uDE48\uDE50\uDE51\uDE60-\uDE65\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDED7\uDEE0-\uDEEC\uDEF0-\uDEFC\uDF00-\uDF73\uDF80-\uDFD8\uDFE0-\uDFEB]|\uD83E[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC10-\uDC47\uDC50-\uDC59\uDC60-\uDC87\uDC90-\uDCAD\uDCB0\uDCB1\uDD00-\uDD78\uDD7A-\uDDCB\uDDCD-\uDE53\uDE60-\uDE6D\uDE70-\uDE74\uDE78-\uDE7A\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE90-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEB6\uDEC0-\uDEC2\uDED0-\uDED6\uDF00-\uDF92\uDF94-\uDFCA]/,Vn=new RegExp("^"+L.source),Xn=new RegExp(L.source+"$"),Hn=/[#0](?:[\.,][#0]+)*/g;function zn(n,t,e,u){var r,i=n.sign,a=n.exponent,o=n.magnitude,c=u.notation,l=u.style,s=u.numberingSystem,f=t.numbers.nu[0],m=null;if("compact"===c&&o&&(m=function n(t,e,u,r,i,a,o){var c,l=t.roundedNumber,s=t.sign,t=t.magnitude,t=String(Math.pow(10,t)),f=u.numbers.nu[0];if("currency"===r&&"name"!==a){r=(m=u.numbers.currency)[o]||m[f],r=null==(a=r.short)?void 0:a[t];if(!r)return null;c=P(e,l,r)}else{var m,a=((m=u.numbers.decimal)[o]||m[f])[i][t];if(!a)return null;c=P(e,l,a)}return"0"!==c?c=j(c,s).replace(/([^\s;\-\+\d¤]+)/g,"{c:$1}").replace(/0+/,"0"):null}(n,e,t,l,u.compactDisplay,u.currencyDisplay,s)),"currency"===l&&"name"!==u.currencyDisplay){var D=t.currencies[u.currency];if(D)switch(u.currencyDisplay){case"code":r=u.currency;break;case"symbol":r=D.symbol;break;default:r=D.narrow}else r=u.currency}o=m||("decimal"===l||"unit"===l||"currency"===l&&"name"===u.currencyDisplay?j((t.numbers.decimal[s]||t.numbers.decimal[f]).standard,i):j("currency"===l?(p=t.numbers.currency[s]||t.numbers.currency[f])[u.currencySign]:t.numbers.percent[s]||t.numbers.percent[f],i));for(var g=Hn.exec(o)[0],p=(o=o.replace(Hn,"{0}").replace(/'(.)'/g,"$1"),(o="currency"===l&&"name"!==u.currencyDisplay&&((i=(p=t.numbers.currency[s]||t.numbers.currency[f]).currencySpacing.afterInsertBetween)&&!Xn.test(r)&&(o=o.replace("¤{0}","¤"+i+"{0}")),i=p.currencySpacing.beforeInsertBetween)&&!Vn.test(r)?o.replace("{0}¤","{0}"+i+"¤"):o).split(/({c:[^}]+}|\{0\}|[¤%\-\+])/g)),d=[],h=t.numbers.symbols[s]||t.numbers.symbols[f],y=0,F=p;yCasa Bendita Vieques - Ocean View and Amazing Pool - Puerto Real | Vrbo
Casa Bendita Vieques - Ocean View and Amazing Pool
Welcome to Casa Bendita! Your perfect VRBO on the Island of Vieques, Puerto Rico. Casa Bendita is situated up in the South facing hills of Vieques overlooking the Bio Bay and Caribbean. This home is perfectly placed between Esperanza and Isabell with great proximity to all the best beaches. Large Covered Porch (over 1000sqf) overlooking the pool with long ocean views. The porch is great for relaxing, napping the hammock and entertaining with a gentle trade wind breeze!
Casa Bendita is the best choice for guests who want an island beach house to relax and enjoy everything the island of Vieques has to offer, but also want the privacy and tranquility of a home away from home.
Our beautiful home was newly renovated in 2020. The house has a total of four bedrooms and two bathrooms. It also has a very large private outdoor shower with an amazing view. The extremely spacious porch has a great breeze and beautiful sunrises. The property very comfortably accommodates eight people. It has all the extras you need to enjoy your time on the island. We have beach chairs, beach towels, coolers, beach umbrella, and even a blue tooth speaker. It truly is the perfect place to spend time with family and friends.
The island offers world class beaches, great food, diving, snorkeling, horseback riding, exploring, history and the #1 Bioluminescent Bay in the world. The island also has many great restaurants and bars.
Gestor del alojamiento
Katie Tempest
Propietario/a Premium
Protege tus pagos: reserva siempre en Vrbo
Si te piden que reserves fuera de nuestra plataforma o que pagues directamente antes de reservar en Vrbo, comunícanoslo.
Este alojamiento está gestionado por un propietario particular (es decir, una parte que no actúa dentro de su mercado, negocio o profesión). No se aplicará la legislación de protección de consumidores de la UE a tu reserva, incluido el derecho de desistimiento. La política de cancelación establecida por el propietario particular cubrirá tu reserva.
Puede aplicarse un recargo por cada persona adicional, según la política del alojamiento.
A tu llegada, pueden pedirte un documento de identidad oficial con foto y una tarjeta de crédito o débito, o un depósito en efectivo, para cubrir los gastos imprevistos.
No se garantizan las solicitudes especiales, que están sujetas a disponibilidad en el momento de la llegada y pueden suponer un recargo adicional.
Está terminantemente prohibido celebrar fiestas u otros eventos en grupo en las instalaciones.
El propietario no ha indicado si el alojamiento cuenta con un detector de monóxido de carbono, puede que te interese llevar uno portátil para el viaje.
El propietario no ha indicado si el alojamiento cuenta con un detector de humo.
Entre los elementos de seguridad de este alojamiento, se incluye lo siguiente: cierre de seguridad.
Número de registro de la propiedad 215216
Información adicional
Para acceder a este alojamiento, es necesario un coche.
Información sobre la zona
esta casa de vacaciones se encuentra en Vieques, cerca de la playa. Acércate a Terminal de ferries de Vieques y Puerto de Isabel Segunda si buscas unas vacaciones activas, aunque para apreciar la belleza natural de la región lo mejor es visitar Bahía bioluminescente o Vieques Conservation & Historical Trust. Tendrás la oportunidad de disfrutar del agua realizando actividades como paseos en moto de agua o kayak, pero también podrás vivir grandes aventuras practicando la equitación o el ecoturismo en las inmediaciones.
Vieques Conservation & Historical Trust - A 5 min en coche - 3.4 km
Bahía Mosquito - A 5 min en coche - 3.4 km
Terminal de ferries de Vieques - A 7 min en coche - 4.4 km
Bahía bioluminescente - A 9 min en coche - 3.1 km
Playa Caracas - A 12 min en coche - 5.9 km
Cómo moverse por la zona
Vieques (VQS-Antonio Rivera Rodríguez): a 11 min en coche
D’Frozz - A 6 min en coche
Mar Azul Bar (Al's) - A 7 min en coche
Rising Roost - A 6 min en coche
Vieques Food Park - A 4 min en coche
Tin Box - A 6 min en coche
Preguntas frecuentes
¿En Casa Bendita Vieques - Ocean View and Amazing Pool hay piscina?
Sí, este alojamiento cuenta con una piscina al aire libre.
¿En Casa Bendita Vieques - Ocean View and Amazing Pool se aceptan mascotas?
No, este alojamiento no admite mascotas.
¿A qué hora se realiza la entrada en Casa Bendita Vieques - Ocean View and Amazing Pool?
Hora de inicio del registro de entrada: 16:00.
¿A qué hora se realiza la salida en Casa Bendita Vieques - Ocean View and Amazing Pool?
La salida se realiza a las 10:00.
¿Dónde se encuentra Casa Bendita Vieques - Ocean View and Amazing Pool?
Junto al mar, esta casa de vacaciones se encuentra a 3 km de Bahía bioluminescente y a 4,3 km de Terminal de ferries de Vieques. Isla Real y Playa Sea Glass también están a menos de 5 kilómetros.
Los comentarios se muestran en orden cronológico, están sujetos a un proceso de moderación y se han verificado a menos que se indique lo contrario.
16 comentarios de un total de 18 con una puntuación de 10 - Excelente
10 - Excelente
2 comentarios de un total de 18 con una puntuación de 8 - Bueno
8 - Bueno
0 comentarios de un total de 18 con una puntuación de 6 - Normal
6 - Normal
0 comentarios de un total de 18 con una puntuación de 4 - Mediocre
4 - Mediocre
0 comentarios de un total de 18 con una puntuación de 2 - Horrible
2 - Horrible
Precisión del anuncio
10/10 Excelente
Anne F.
18 de febrero de 2025
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Casa Benita…
Perfect location for all beaches, great porch and pool, spectacular views!
Anne F.
Se alojó 12 noches en febrero de 2025
10/10 Excelente
Kristianna D.
13 de enero de 2025
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Beautiful home
Our family had a wonderful stay at this beautiful home. The house was very clean, comfortable, and we could have spent endless hours on the deck! Such a fantastic view and just a quick drive to everywhere you'd want to visit.
Kristianna D.
Se alojó 7 noches en diciembre de 2024
10/10 Excelente
Burr S.
11 de enero de 2025
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Return to Casa Bendita
This is our second stay at the property and we’ve already booked for next year. The property is so beautiful and comfortable. The property was updated since our last stay, improving on an already incredible experience.David and Katie are professional and personable. Looking forward to returning!
Burr S.
Se alojó 7 noches en enero de 2025
10/10 Excelente
Beth N.
29 de diciembre de 2024
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Sspectacular views from the lanai
Our family of six adults spent a holiday week at Casa Bendita on Vieques. The house is on a hillside in a local neighborhood. As in any neighborhood,on Vieques, there are noises from roosters, horses, and dogs. We got used to those sounds after a day or two.The bedrooms are comfortable and both baths are a good size. Seating indoors is adequate, but the large all-weather lanai has four seating/eating areas with spectacular views of the southern coast. The lanai also looks over a large private yard with a great pool area. Casa Bendita is conveniently located a short drive from the southern beaches and downtown Isabel Segundo. A four-wheel drive rental car is important for getting around.A couple of things stand out. The outdoor shower was a family favorite. Casa Bendita is the best-equipped rental our family has ever had. The kitchen had everything we wanted - and more. The house has a generous supply of towels, chairs, umbrella and toys for the beach. We were also impressed with Katie and David's quick response for any questions we had.My family agreed they would be happy staying there again. It is one of the best Vrbo rentals we have had.
Beth N.
Se alojó 8 noches en diciembre de 2024
10/10 Excelente
Kim B.
4 de diciembre de 2024
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Will definitely be back!
This was an amazing house and we absolutely loved Vieques! The pool was clean and the perfect welcome home after a day at the beaches. The house is so well stocked with everything we needed for the beach or for cooking dinner. You are immersed in the sounds of the neighborhood, that include rooster, dogs, frogs, and birds! Light sleepers in our group used the ear plugs that the host thoughtfully rovided. We are already planning our return to Casa Bendito!
Kim B.
Se alojó 4 noches en noviembre de 2024
10/10 Excelente
Coralie C.
30 de junio de 2024
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Beautiful house with Amazing View
Casa Bendita was a perfect place to stay. From the location, amenities, and the people in charge, it made our stay wonderful. Kate and David attention to detail and customer service was superb. We will come back for sure! We were all impressed and we all had a great time! Thank you!
Coralie C.
Se alojó 4 noches en junio de 2024
10/10 Excelente
Alex F.
13 de junio de 2024
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Casa Bendita is heaven!
The pictures do not do the view justice, it is simply breathtaking. Completely unspoiled vegetation, not a house or human in sight (but plenty of horses!). The pool is fantastic, large and deep. The house and kitchen are great, very very well equipped and thoughtfully laid out. Tons of towels, and the hosts generously lent us their excellent beach equipment (tents, chairs, snorkeling gear). What else - the outdoor shower with the view is fabulous. David the caretaker was on point and helped us with the complex transport ossues in Vieques. We are definitely coming back!
Alex F.
Se alojó 4 noches en junio de 2024
10/10 Excelente
Charles G.
20 de abril de 2024
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
What a great gem. House was extremely clean. David did a good tutorial of the house. One of the best views of the Caribbean. Shout out to Katie. First time I went thru VRBO, and she was patient with me. Always responded to my emails
Charles G.
Se alojó 7 noches en abril de 2024
10/10 Excelente
Lorena G.
13 de abril de 2024
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Wonderful property! Lovely host.
We stayed 5 days, 4 nights on Vieques. We will be back! The house was impeccable, everything we would need was well thought out and available. The owner of the home was very communicative with us when we needed help the day of arrival. Be prepared for roosters and dogs in the early AM, the owner has ear plugs available. You don’t need to look any further for your house on Vieques!
Lorena G.
Se alojó 4 noches en marzo de 2024
10/10 Excelente
Jennifer S.
21 de enero de 2024
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Magical spot!
Best view, every room was comfortable as can be. The host and caretaker were very very helpful. We would love to come back!
Jennifer S.
Se alojó 7 noches en enero de 2024
10/10 Excelente
mayra r.
27 de diciembre de 2023
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Vacation Paradise
From the moment we walked in, we could feel the warmth and hospitality in every detail of the house. The grounds and the pool are a sanctuary and expression of the beautiful island. This home has everything you will need while away from home and then some more. The kitchen is fully equipped for great meal experiences. The rooms are spacious and comfortable. The home is so well kept and loved that you will have to treat with love and care. Casa Bendita is truly a blessed home.
mayra r.
Se alojó 5 noches en diciembre de 2023
8/10 Bueno
Thomas C.
31 de marzo de 2023
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación y precisión del anuncio
Nice place, great view
We go to Vieques frequently however we normally have stayed closer to Isabel in the past. This year we wanted to try something different so we stayed at Casa Bendita for 2 weeks in early March. David is the property manager and he was easy to get a hold of and very responsive whenever we needed anything. At one point the microwave died and David came and replaced it immediately even tho we weren't expecting anything that quick. The house has a great view overlooking bio bay and sun bay area with the Caribbean beyond. Night time views when the moon shines were great as well if you turn off the porch lights so you can see it. The house has a large covered porch where we spent most of our time while there. There's a small gas grill that worked well with the steaks we brought. The beds seemed newer and the house was clean. The house is located in the middle of the island so there's not much you can actually walk to but Esperanza is a close although very bumpy drive away. Overall we'd recommend this house however we suggest that all the doors be replaced. They are all shutter type doors with slats that do nothing to stop sound from going thru them. So everybody heard everybody else snoring, using the bathrooms and everything else you tend to do behind closed doors!
Thomas C.
Se alojó 14 noches en marzo de 2023
10/10 Excelente
Linda F.
5 de marzo de 2023
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
NH Adventure
We were 4 adults and 2 kiddos (13 & 10) at Casa Bendita. This house is absolutely perfect for a family retreat. Coffee on the porch and at the pool couldn't have been better. It's a quick drive to beautiful beaches and to an assortment of places for either cocktails or food. Katie the owner and David the manager are kind and attentive. We all loved our visit. Thank you for having us. 💜
Linda F.
Se alojó 6 noches en febrero de 2023
10/10 Excelente
Anna K V., East Quogue, USA
29 de enero de 2023
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Great Home for 6-8 people
Casa Bendito was perfect for our us, our adult daughters and their spouses and the house will easily accommodate 8 pp. Comfortable beds, good sheets, plenty of towels and beach supplies. The kitchen is well provisioned with spices and a good supply of key items. We cooked every day. The huge back porch is a show stopper! Comfortable seating and a gorgeous view, pictures don’t capture it. The pool was warm and a great way to transition from the beach to evening. The walled property is very safe, and we enjoyed our nightly visits from a small friendly dog who is excellent at earning snacks. This was our 8th time visiting Vieques, and this is easily one of our favorite properties. Some tips: rent a car, and expect the roads to be crummy, it’s part of the charm. Go try lots of beaches, you’ll find your favorite ones. Always bring snorkeling gear! (There are lots in the house), you never know when the water will be perfect.
Anna K V.
Se alojó 9 noches en enero de 2023
10/10 Excelente
Amanda W.
29 de diciembre de 2022
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
It's as good as the pictures show
Our stay at Casa Bendita was amazing! My husband and I spent 5 days with our close friends and their adult children and the space was perfect. We were all comfortable. The pool is a great asset at the end of the day.
**Before you go to the store** check in first and see what's there. The house has a ton of spices, condiments, non-perishables...take a look before you buy more food than you need.
David was always available when we had questions and Katie was super helpful before arrival. Great spot!
Amanda W.
Se alojó 5 noches en diciembre de 2022
10/10 Excelente
Linda F.
25 de marzo de 2022
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Casa Bendita
The front of the house has an endless porch that overlooks the pool and an amazing view of Sun Bay and the incredible beauty of Vieques. It's private and peaceful on this porch and our morning coffee was enjoyed there every morning. We loved our stay.
Linda F.
Se alojó 14 noches en febrero de 2022
8/10 Bueno
jennifer g.
24 de enero de 2022
Aspectos positivos: Llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Great view
The view, veranda and pool make the property worth staying in. Location is central to local beaches and both Isabella and Esperanza. House manager very responsive and host was accommodating of early check in request even though we had some issues with our cell phone service. Overall house was clean but some areas could be improved between guests. We did address these with Dave when we had housekeeping between weeks but we had already spent time cleaning.
jennifer g.
Se alojó 14 noches en enero de 2022
10/10 Excelente
Ashley J., Hackensack, NJ
30 de agosto de 2021
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Better than we expected!
I would like to start by saying Katie and David were a dream and such a delight to work with. They assisted with any questions we had, and trust me, we had a lot. The check in process was seamless. The pictures do not do this property justice. The house is extremely clean, and has everything that you need. Blow dryer, nail polish remover, pool floats, seasonings to cook, you name it, they have it. The views are out of a postcard! Absolutely amazing and would book this home again in a heartbeat. The only thing you’d have to get used to is entering the driveway. The roads are a bit bumpy, but once you get a hang of it, you’ll be fine. Again, this house exceeded our expectations. Do not hesitate to book your stay here. Thank you again Katie and David for sharing your beautiful home with us!
Ashley J.
Se alojó 4 noches en agosto de 2021
Acerca de su propietario/a
Propietario/a: Katie Tempest
We have traveled to Vieques for years and have fallen in love with the island. We wanted to share the experience with family, friends and others.
Por qué escogió este alojamiento
Very private with amazing views of the Caribbean and close to everything.
Propietario/a Premium
Ofrece un servicio excelente a los huéspedes de manera constante.