Salvo Idly Live from The Rye Room [Video Premiere]

Vortex Music Magazine

The latest Rye Room Session features Portland’s Salvo Idly performing “Teleteller.” Don’t miss them live at Kelly’s Olympian on April 30.

What does it mean to be addicted to technology? In the song “Teleteller,” Salvo Idly boldly ask this question and are not afraid to delve into the more frightening ramifications of the answer.

“‘Teleteller’ is about time,” lead singer Jeremy Hollen explains. “More specifically, it is about the observation of repetition throughout it. History is important because you can learn a lot about human nature by the things that we continually do. The song reflects on the bleaker results of human redundancy (violence, hate, greed, etc.) and ends in the fear that a screen-addicted culture has finally accepted it. [The lyrics urge], ‘It’s best to let your mess unfurl in three minutes or less before the Teleteller.’”

Though their catchy melodies end in dark conclusions, perhaps by participating in a Rye Room Session and communicating their song through a video that can be viewed everywhere, Salvo Idly create space for a more hopeful resolution. While violence, hate and greed can certainly go viral, so can artistic expression. The live video of this piece will allow Salvo Idly’s song to be viewed on computers and phones anywhere in the world—giving their art the power to combat the very fears described in the song.

“Salvo Idly take their art very seriously,” producer Matt Greco says. “Both in format and content, they take great care with how their artistic messages are conveyed and that is admirable. For them it’s about slowing down and taking the time to do things right. They are the type of band that makes me hopeful for the direction of musicianship overall.”

As the audience of this piece, we are left to hope that a generation posing these questions will not be lost within screens and screen time.

Watch Salvo Idly perform “Teleteller” live from The Rye Room below. Then look for another video from The Rye Room Session next week on the studio’s YouTube channel. Plus, catch the band live at Kelly's Olympian on Sunday, April 30.

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