Patients and Visitors

Coming into a hospital can be a slightly daunting time.

Patients may be apprehensive about the treatment or procedure they are due to undergo, while their carers or visitors may suddenly find themselves sprung into an unfamiliar environment, where everybody but them seems to know what's going on.

We hope the information on these pages will answer some of your questions and help to prepare you for what hospital routine is like and what you can do to prepare and cope best.

Everyone who works here is human too – we do understand your apprehension – if you need to know anything, please just ask a member of staff – they will be pleased to advise you, or find a colleague more suited to doing so. Below you can see a list of 'Who's Who' in the hospital so you can idenify staff by their uniforms.





Our Patient Advice and Liaison Team (PALS) are a really good place to start if you want to know anything about Weston General Hospital and they can be contacted on 01934 647216 or via [email protected]