A college which has just launched its new £45m campus has been awarded a glowing “double good” inspection report.
Education watchdog Estyn said Cardiff and Vale College, which has 10 sites across South Wales, has consistently improved the rate at which learners attain their qualifications and successfully complete their courses over the past three years.
It said the upward trend was evident across nearly all subject areas and college data for 2013-14 showed that 75 per cent of full-time learners progressed from their programmes of study to higher levels of education, employment or promotion in their workplace.
The so-called “positive progression” was 17 percentage points higher last year than the previous year.
Performance and improvement prospects 'good'
Estyn said the college was also successful in breaking the well-known link between poverty and attainment, with learners from the most deprived parts of Cardiff progressing in their learning at the same rate as their peers.
Learners with a declared disability and those from ethnic minority backgrounds also achieve at a rate that is comparable to that for the college as a whole.
Overall, Estyn adjudged both the college’s current performance and prospects for improvement “good” – second on a four-point rating scale.
In her report, lead inspector Gill Sims said the principal and governing body of Cardiff and Vale had made good progress in establishing a “single institution” since the merger of Coleg Glan Hafren with Barry College in 2011.
She said: “The senior team have managed the establishment of a new college structure very carefully and managers have generally responded well to their new roles and responsibilities.
“Leaders of the college are well aware of national and local priorities for improving the quality of education and are adapting the organisation effectively to meet those challenges.”
College 'manages its resources well'
Ms Sims praised Cardiff and Vale’s new ethos of partnership working, which “is permeating throughout the college”.
She said the college “manages its resources well” and most teachers demonstrate good subject knowledge.
“In the majority of classes, sessions are delivered at a good pace, with teachers challenging learners appropriately to develop new theory knowledge and practical skills,” she said.
“However, in a few sessions the pace is slow and teachers do not effectively challenge learners enough to make the progress relative to their capability.
“The college monitors attendance routinely and leaders generate useful monthly reports to highlight and discuss concerns with colleagues.
“When attendance rates give cause for concern, appropriate plans are generated with suitable action points and milestones to monitor progress.”
Ms Sims made reference to Cardiff and Vale’s “ambitious and innovative plans... to transform its estates”, with the £45m city centre campus in Dumballs Road set to accommodate 4,000 students from September.
A 'solid start'
Principal Mike James said: “This report demonstrates the solid start we have made as a newly-merged college and the distance Cardiff and Vale College has travelled since establishment in 2011.
“We have a clear focus and outstanding staff across the college who have worked tirelessly to move us forward at such pace.
“Work has already begun to address the key recommendations highlighted within the report to ensure that we continue to deliver the best quality provision and service possible for our learners and the communities we serve.”