My Life (One Direction story)

By xoxoLeighannxoxo

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Everything is great. Everybody is living their life the way they want to, having fun being together with thei... More

My Life (One Direction story)
Why did he try to kiss me?
What should I do?
Oh My God!
Fun, Fun, Fun...Oh God! (Part 1)
Fun, Fun, Fun...Oh God! (Part 2)
Let's go
Back to the bus
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Morning)
Happy Birthday!
Chapter 15 ( Night)
Chapter 16 (Morning)
Chapter 16 (Afternoon-Evening)
Chapter 16 (Night)
The Day (Morning)
The Day (Afternoon-Evening)
The Day (Night)
Meet The Parents
Gotta go fly (Part 1)
Gotta Go Fly (Part 2)
Halloween with Marianas Trench
A Bit of Jealousy
Crush Fight
I be so good to you...
I'm Sorry!
Bye bye tour bus, hello home

Chapter 15 (Afternoon-Evening)

282 2 1
By xoxoLeighannxoxo

Hannah's POV

OMG OMG!! I just got a text from my cousin Abby, she said that Marianas Trench was going to be performing in my hometown! The best part is we are going to be there the same day as them! Abby being the nice cousin she is already got me tickets before they sold out! AHH!! I'm so excited.

Heather:"Hannah you look like The Cat In The Hat, jumping up and down like that!"

Sarah:"That rhymed"

Heather:"Well it's true"

I stick my tongue out at her

Heather:"I mean Hannah i'll you have to do is do that little jump he does to put some pump into his step before he walks. Then you will have the whole Cat In The Hat personality"

Sarah starts laughing

Me:"I don't like either of you"

Sarah:"Why are you so excited?"

Me:"Abby got me tickets to Marianas Trench!"

Sarah:"Of course"

Heather:"That should be fun since you love em so much"

I squealed

Me:"I know!!"

I seen the weirdest thing happening behind Heather's head, i think Sarah seen it to because her face was just as screwed as mine.


Sarah:"Heather look behind you"

She turned around and her mouth automatically dropped


Louis looked up

Heather:"Stop making out with my Nicki Minaj poster!"

Me:"You have Harry for that!!"

Heather and Sarah busted out laughing while i was just smiling.

Harry:"Come on Louis"

Harry took the poster and threw it at Heather while walking away with Louis

Sarah:"He is so weird"

Louis:"No i'm not i'm just CRAZY!!"

Me:"Got that right"

Harry's POV

Me:"You are crazy"

Louis:"Crazy for you" He jumps on my back


He smacks my bum

Louis:"Giddy up horsey. To the kitchen!"

I ran to the kitchen and Louis hoped off and sat down on one of the chairs

Louis:"So hazza wanna make me a sandwich?"

Me:"I thought we came in her for you to make something"

Louis:"Please Haz"



He kissed my cheek and sat on top of the counter watching me make the sandwich. When i was he took one half and i took the other and we sat down in the living room area with the rest. I seen Heather the love seat on her laptop with her headphones. I snuk up on her and poked her, she jumped and turned around to look at me then she punched me in the arm.

Heather:"What was that for?"

Me:"I don't know. Just board"

Heather:"Great answer"

Me:"What are you listening to?"

Heather:"Lil Wayne"

Me:"Who is that"

She shows me a picture and i automatically remember who he is, she is always listening to him. I mumbled a "cool" before walking back over and siting on the couch next to Lou and Zayn. After a hour and a half of watching TV, movies and talking we are so board we don't even know what to do.

Me:"Guess what?"


Me:"I want a...CAT!!"

Heather:"Here we go again" She groaned

Hannah:"You can't have a cat"

Me:"But they are so cute. Their pointy ears and small nose and the way they lick their paws then scratch their head it so CUTE!"

Zayn:"You and your love for cats is very strange"

Me:" I know but i just really want a...." I was cut off by Louis lips pressing against mine. After a couple of second he pulled away.

Louis:"So what did you really want?"

What is he talking about? I wanted something? I'm so confused!

Me:"I don't know"

Niall:"I can't believed that actually worked!"

Louis:"Neither can i!"

What are they talking about?


We decided to start dinner

Me:"What do you guys want?"


Hannah:"I don't care"

Niall:"Food is food, it ends in my stomach anyways"

The rest just shrugged

Me:"Tacos it is"

Everybody left but Louis, he wanted to stay and help. We found some ground beef already thawed out so we stuck it in a pan. Louis would just pass me ingredients. I went to the fridge to look for Salsa, Lettuce and Tomato, i already took the cheese out earlier and graded it. I turned around to see that half of the cheese was gone. I put the stuff down on the counter and turned to look at Lou.

Me:"What did you do?"

He looked at me and gave me a sympathetic smile and shrugged his shoulder. I sighed, i can't stay mad at him.

Me:"Just grad some more"

He nodded, turned around and did as i told. After 20-30 minutes everything was done and layed out on the table, when i called everybody in, the all came running in like a pack of tigers. After we were done eating, it is Louis day to do the dishes. I went to get a watter bottle out of the fridge when Lou jumped in front of me and blew all the bubbles that were on his hand onto my face, he started to laugh. I went over to the sink and grabbed a handful of bubbles and did the same back. This went on for a good 18 minutes until Liam came in and got mad at us then told us we had to clean up the mess. We nodded and got to work. After we were done we sat back down in the living room area and continued to watch TV.

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