DBZ X Reader Oneshots :)

By MiceRekei

778K 13.4K 5.8K

Just a bunch of short stories involving reader and any character or characters from dbz/super (Heros and Vill... More

Vegeta X Reader (Family Man)
Broly X Reader
Adult Trunks X Adult Gohan X Reader
Adult Trunks X Adult Gohan X Reader (lemon) pt2
Piccolo VS Vegeta X Reader (Lemon)
Goku X Vegeta X Reader (Lemon)
Future Trunks X Reader
Future Trunks X Reader 2
Future Trunks X Reader 3
Goku X Reader (Lemon)
Vegeta X Reader (Father Daughter)
Trunks X Reader (guy on guy) (Lemon)
Bulma X Goku (Lemon)
Goku X Reader (high school) 1
Goku X Reader (High school) 2
Goku X Reader (high school) 3
Bulma X Reader (Lemon)
Chi-chi X Reader (Mother X Daughter)
Vegeta X Reader (I'll never hurt you)
Gohan X Reader (Zombies) pt.1
Gohan X Reader (Zombies) pt. 2
Supreme Kai X Reader
Android 17 X Reader
Broly X Reader
Whis X Reader
Frieza X Reader
Ginyu X Reader
Nappa X Reader
Trunks X Reader (Lemon)
Tien X Reader
Goku Black X Reader
Raditz X Reader
Recoome X Reader
Yamcha X Reader
Bardock X Reader (Father X Daughter)
pt.2 Bardock X Reader (Father X Daughter)
Guldo X Reader
Goku X Reader (Pregnant)
Vegeta X Reader (High School)
Vegeta X Reader (High School pt.2)
Piccolo X Reader (Lemon)
Gotenks X Reader
Vegeta X Reader (Goku's daughter)
Hit X Reader
Goku Black X Reader
Goku X Reader (Vegeta's sister)
Goku X Reader (Vegeta's sister pt2)
Super Buu X Reader
Broly X Reader
Goku Black X Reader (Neko)
Trunks X Reader
Young Vegeta X Reader
Bardock X Reader
Vegeta X Reader (Brother Sister)
Piccolo X Reader (High school)
Goku X (Mute) Reader
Cell X Reader (Lemon)
Goku Black X Reader (Vegeta's daughter) (Lemon)
Piccolo X Reader (Deaf)
Vegeta X Reader
Goku Black X Reader (Child)
Android 17 X Reader (Oc)
Trunks X Reader (Survivor)
Android17 X Reader (Oc) (Lemon)
Krillin X Reader
Burter X Reader
Hit X Reader (Xenoverse 2 Training)
Vegeta X Reader (Lost Love)
Vegeta X Reader X Goku
Gohan X Reader (Other timeline Reader)
Goku X Reader (Lemon)
Vegeta X Reader (Vampire)
Tien X Reader (Abusive)
Goku X Reader (Vegeta's sister)
Hit X Reader pt.2 (Xenoverse Training)
Vegeta X Reader (Vampire pt. 2)
Vegeta X Reader (Trunks' girlfriend)
Goku X Reader X Vegeta (Yandere)(Lemon)
Raditz X Reader (Vegeta's sister)
Goku X Reader X Vegeta (Yandere) (The next day)
Trunks X Reader (Apocalypse)
Goku X Reader (Body swap)
Burter X Reader
Ginyu X Reader (Lemon)
Trunks X Reader (Brother Sister)
Vegeta X Reader (Father Daughter. Sick)
Vegeta Vs. Raditz X Reader (Lemon)
Raditz X Reader (Vegeta's Sister. Lemon)
Frieza X Reader (Child)
Ultra Instinct Goku X Reader
Vegeta X Reader (Birthday. Lemon)
Jiren X Reader (Jealous)
Trunks X Goku Black X Reader (Lemon)
Bardock X Reader (King Vegeta's Sister)
Gogeta X Reader (Dead)
Jaco X Reader (Short)
Gogeta X Reader X Vegito (Lemon)
Dodoria X Reader
Vegeta X Reader (Lemon. Virgin)
Bulma X Chi-Chi X Reader (Lemon)
Yamcha X Reader (Goku's sister)
Master Roshi X Reader
Vegeta X Reader (Last Saiyans)
Vegeta X Reader (Lemon. My enemy)
Vegeta X Reader (Yamcha's Girlfriend)
Frieza X Reader (Assassin)
Goku X Reader (Denial)
Cooler X Reader (Frieza's #1)
Goku X Reader (Father/Daughter)
Vegeta X Reader (Goku's Sister)
Goku X Reader (High School)
Frieza X Reader (Lord Beerus' Daughter)
Janemba X Reader (Female Saiyan)
Krillin X Reader (Vegeta's Sister)
Vegeta X Reader (Vegeta's Wife)
Goku X Reader (Father/Daughter2)
Goku X Reader (Father/Daughter 3)
Broly X Reader (Vegeta's Sister)
Yamcha X Reader (Zombies)
Vegeta X Reader (Cabba's older sister)
Vegeta X Reader (Cabba's Sister)
Goku X Reader (Zombies)
Trunks X Reader (Best friends)
Vegeta X Reader (Zombie Apocalypse)
Vegeta X Reader (Father/Daughter)
Nappa X Reader (Human/Saiyan)
Vegeta X Reader (Zombie Apocalypse pt.2)
Goku X Reader (Human/Saiyan)
Vegeta X Reader (Saiyan/Human)
Vegeta X Reader (Son/Mother)
Just a cute thing :)
Vegeta X Reader (Abused Human)
Vegeta X Reader (Mob Boss's Daughter)
Pt. 2 Vegeta X Reader (Saiyan/Human)
Vegeta X Reader (Escape from Frieza)
Broly X Reader (Goku's Daughter)
Vegeta X Reader (Jealous)
Pt. 2 Broly X Reader (Goku's Daughter)
Vegeta X Reader (Saiyan/Human)
PT.3 Broly X Reader (Goku's Daughter)
Frieza X Reader (Best Friends)
Vegeta X Reader (Saiyan/Human)
Goku X Reader X Vegeta (Female Saiyan)
Vegeta X Reader (High school)
Vegeta X Reader (Female Saiyan)
Vegeta X Reader (Brainwashed)
Goku X Reader (Human/Saiyan)
Goku X Reader (Christmas)
Raditz X Reader (Female Saiyan)
Vegeta X Reader (Human/Saiyan)
Pt. 2 Vegeta X Reader (Female Saiyan)
Vegeta X Reader (Superpowers)
Goku X Reader (High School)
Goku X Reader (Vegeta's Sister. Lemon)
Goku X Reader (Femaly Saiyan)
Vegeta X Reader (Female Human)
Vegeta X Reader (Obsessed)
Hi and sorry ❤️
Vegeta X Reader (Frieza's Daughter)
Goku X Reader (Saiyans)
Vegeta X Reader (Human/Saiyan)
Vegeta X Reader (Mafia)

Gohan X Reader (Vegeta's Daughter pt.2)

3K 66 71
By MiceRekei

***Second part of Vegeta X Reader (Father/Daughter)***

*Your Pov*

It's been 2 years since we landed on Earth. The first year was hard. We had no where to live, finding food was near impossible, and I was still messed up after killing Frieza.

"Y/n" Vegeta said as he walked into the cabin we built. I looked up from my book and smiled at him

"Hey Getz" I said. He sat down next to me and sighed

"Rough day?" I giggled as I eyed his torn clothes

"Kakarot is really an impressive fighter" He said as he leaned his head on the back of the couch and closed his eyes

Kakarot, or Goku, is another Saiyan. He landed on Earth around the time Planet Vegeta was destroyed. Way before I was even born. When we arrived here we lived in the woods for a long time. We scavenged and struggled. Goku managed to find us because he was able to sense our energy. He immediately took us in as friends and helped us build a life here. He has a son that's two years older than I am. Gohan. He's half human.

Vegeta and Goku like to train together and they are pretty close in strength, but Goku is always just a little stronger

"Don't tell him I said that" He whispered. I giggled and pretended to zip my lips and lock them shut

"What's for dinner?" He asked as he looked at me

"Nothing to cook. We have to go to the store" I shrugged

"Well, I was thinking we eat at Bulma's" He softly said as he looked down. Vegeta has become attached to a human named Bulma. She's Goku's friend and a brilliant scientist. She's absolutely gorgeous and I get why Vegeta likes her. He won't admit it anyone though

"She invited us?" I asked with a huge smile. I want Vegeta to get with Bulma. He deserves someone, besides me, in his life who can make him happy.

"Kakarot said she's having some big get together tonight. She's invited everyone" He said. We had a small group of human friends who knew all about us being Saiyans. They also enjoy fighting and training like we do.

"Awesome. I'll go get dressed!" I hopped off the couch and ran up to my room

"You need to get dress toooooo!!" I shouted down to Vegeta. I heard him walk up to his room and close the door.

"If she invited everyone...Gohan is gonna be there" I thought to myself as I stared at my closet. I developed a crush on Gohan the minute I met him. It soon got out of control and sometimes I feel like I'm obsessed with him. He was so sweet and handsome. He isn't like other men I've been around. He's not all about fighting all the time. He has actual goals for his life and he goes to college. He's a smart guy with a huge heart. Not agressive and dumb.

I heard Vegeta walk out of his room and then downstairs. I looked to the door for a moment and then back to my closet

"I could dress up" I said as I stared at the one dress I have in my closet. I don't wear dresses but Bulma bought me one and told me that every girl should have at least 1 dress in their closet. Just in case

"But that seems...extra" I sighed. I examined the shirts, hoodies, and tank tops I had hanging up

"I'll dress normal. If Gohan doesn't like me for me, then he doesn't deserve me" I proudly said. I grabbed a light grey T-shirt and walked over to my dresser. I pulled out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and put everything on. I admired myself in the body length mirror and smiled

"I look cute. I don't need a dress to tell me that. This is my personal look" I shrugged. Back on Frieza's ship I didn't have to worry about developing a look for myself. We didn't have clothes. We had uniforms for battle and uniforms for being on the ship.

Being on Earth was so different. It took me a while to get used to my environment and it took Vegeta even longer

"Work you damn thing!!!" I heard him shouting from the kitchen. I walked downstairs to find him gripping the coffee machine

"Press" I said as I leaned over and placed my finger on the on button

"This" I said as I pressed it. Vegeta glared at me and set the machine down

We didn't make coffee on Frieza's ship. We didn't even know what that was until we came here. Earth has a lot of food and drinks that Vegeta and I have never heard of.

"You look nice" I said as I leaned against the counter and looked at Vegeta. He had on a navy blue button up shirt with a white tank top under it. He wore light brown khaki pants and navy blue converse shoes

"I look human" He mumbled as he looked down at his clothes

"Is that bad?" I asked

"I'm not sure yet" He said as he looked at me. He eyes my clothes and then furrowed his brows

"What?" I asked as I looked down at my clothes and then back up to him

"That shirt it too tight" He harshly said

"It's fine" I rolled my eyes

"It's too tight!" He yelled

"Vegeta. It's fine" I harshly said. Vegeta may not be my real father but I definitely have his personality.

"I don't like it" He harshly said

"I do. And since this is my body I was wear what I want" I said. Vegeta growled but didn't fight back. He knew I was right. But I knew he was just looking out for me. After what happened with Frieza,he's been more protective than ever before.

"Get your coffee and let's go" I said as I turned and grabbed a to go mug from the cupboard. I handed it to him and he filled it up with coffee.

Vegeta loves coffee


We landed at Bulma's house and walked to her backyard. Everyone was already there

"Hey Vegeta!" Bulma giggled when she saw us. She waved to me too and I waved back. Bulma was crushing hard on Vegeta but neither would admit it

"Bulma" He said as he walked over to her

"Y/n!" Gohan's voice called out. I looked over to the large tree in the yard and saw him sitting under it, reading a book. A huge smile appeared on his perfect lips and I flew over to him

"Hey Gohan" I said as I landed. He jumped to his feet and pulled me into a tight hug

Being the only kids in the friend group, Gohan and I became best friends. Sometimes he would do things that made me think he liked me like I like him, but I just tell myself that I'm misunderstanding the situation

"You look great" He smiled as his eyes traveled up and down my body. I blushed and giggled

"Thanks! So do you" I smiled. He was wearing orange jeans, a black vest, and a long white button up shirt under it.

We sat down under the tree and Gohan went back to reading. I relaxed against the tree and watched the others in the yard.

Yamcha began walking over towards us and Vegeta caught him out of the corner of his eye. He flew towards Yamcha and grabbed him by the back of the shirt

"Nope" He harshly said. Yamcha turned around and quickly walked away from us.

Yamcha was Bulma's ex boyfriend and he constantly flirted with me. It was harmless flirting, honestly, but Vegeta hated it.

Vegeta looked at Gohan and I and I swear a small smile appeared on his lips. It was only for a second so I'm not really sure. He walked back to Bulma and continued talking

"Hey kids!" Kakarot said as he walked over to us. I smiled at the Saiyan and he looked between Gohan and I

"Whatcha doing?" He asked

"Gohan's reading and I'm relaxing" I said

"That's boring. Wanna come train a little??" He asked me as he put his hands on his hips

"No thanks" I smiled. Gohan looked over at me and then up to his dad

"Awe, what about you?" He asked his son. Gohan shook his head no and Goku pouted. He walked away and I couldn't help but chuckle at the childish Saiyan.

"Where's your mom?" I asked Gohan

"Inside cooking. Bulma was helping but Vegeta showed up" He chuckled. Everyone knew Bulma and Vegeta had a thing for each other

Gohan scooted closer to me and our shoulders were touching. I laid my head against the tree and closed my eyes as the wind blew on my face

"I love being out here" Gohan said as he looked at me. I looked over at him and nodded in agreement. I felt my body freeze when I realized how close we were to one another. I could smell his breath. He must be chewing strawberry gum or something. It smells so good. I've never been attracted to someone's breath before

"Y/n...I need to tell you something" He said as he closed his book. I stared into his beautiful eyes and watched them look between my lips and eyes

"I-" he was about to speak but Bulma's voice overpowered his

"Dinner!!" She shouted. Gohan sighed and stood up. He held his hand out to me and I placed mine in his. He pulled me up and we stood so close our noses almost touched. His hand gripped mine and I loved the feeling

"T-Thanks" I said. I suddenly felt so nervous around him. He stared at me like he was lost in deep thought. He didn't let my hand go and minutes ticked by

"You guys coming??" Krillin shouted out from the house. I snapped out of the trance he put over me and and awkwardly laughed. He smiled a little and slowly let my hand go. We walked to the house, through the kitchen, and to the dining room. Bulma had set up a huge table so we could all fit

"There you two are!" Chi-Chi said as she eyed Gohan and I

"Sorry, I got so caught up in my book I didn't hear you call for us" Gohan lied as he sat down. Chi-Chi isn't a huge fan of Vegeta and I. Gohan and Kakarot lie to her when they train or hang out with us

"And I was sitting on the roof, I didn't hear anyone call for me" I said as I took the last seat, which happened to be next to Gohan

"What? I just saw you two-" Krillin, being the clueless Human he is, began to out us in front of Chi-Chi. If she knew Gohan and I we're together, she'd throw a fit

"This food looks amazing!" I loudly and excitedly said over Krillin. He looked at me and I glared at him. He stopped talking and began eating

"Yeah, this food is amazing!" Kakarot said as he stuffed his face. I felt Gohan scoot closer to me and his leg sat against mine. I blushed again and noticed Vegeta staring at us. He raised a brow at me and I shrugged my shoulders

"What?"I mouthed at him. He lowered his brow and looked down to his plate


After dinner everyone stayed at Bulma's and hung out for the night. Gohan and I snuck off to hang out alone. Chi-Chi would have been up his butt all night to keep me away

"Why doesn't your mom like me?" I asked him as I sat down next to him on the roof. He was staring at the night sky

"She doesn't like anyone. She barely even likes my dad. All the fighting and violence, she hates it" He sighed as he looked at me.

"She wants a different kind of life for me" He said

"What kind of life do you want?" I asked

"One in-between. I want to embrace my Saiyan side and train and get stronger but I also want to succeed in school and get a good job. I'm almost done with college and I can go Super Saiyan 2 and I have my mystic transformation" He proudly said

"Seems like a good balance to me" I smiled at him. Gohan sighed and looked back to the sky

"Do you ever feel like something is missing in your life?" He asked me. I looked up to the sky and thought about his question.

I never had a mother. I mean, I obviously had a mother, but I never knew her. I don't know my real father. But I never felt like I was missing my parents. I had Vegeta. He gave me enough love and care to cover two parents.

"No" I said as I looked at him. He looked at me and his beautiful eyes glistened in the moon light

"I do. Love" He said. He was missing love? I raised a brow at him and he explained

"I mean, I have my family and friends. I have people who love me and who I love, but...I feel like I'm missing a different type of love. You know my mom doesn't allow me to have girlfriends. I think that's what it is. I want a girlfriend. Someone I can love differently than friends and family" he said.

"Vegeta doesn't let me date either. Even if he did, I've never met someone I actually wanted to be with" I said. His turned sad as he looked back to the sky. I suddenly felt the urge to tell him the truth. Maybe it was the mood in the atmosphere. The moonlight and the cool air along with this heart to heart made me want to tell him everything

"Except for one person" I whispered. My heart was beating so fast I was sure I was going to have a heart attack

Gohan looked back at me and gave me a small smile. He knew I meant him.

I looked down and bit my bottom lip. Gohan placed the tips of his fingers on the side of my chin and gently turned my head to face him. He inched closed to me and his hand traveled further up my face, cupping my cheek. I froze as he leaned in close to me.

His lips pressed against mine and I couldn't breathe. I gently gripped his vest and he placed his other hand on the back of my head, intertwining his fingers with my hair. His tongue pushed into my mouth and immediately took dominance over mine.

I felt Gohan push his body against mine and my instincts told me to lay down. So I did. I laid on my back and Gohan climbed on top of me, not breaking the kiss. He used his knee to spread my legs open and he pressed his crotch against mine. His hard member pushed against me and I could feel myself getting wet

"Y/n" Gohan whispered as he pulled away. We were both breathing hard

"Gohan" I whispered back as I stared at his red lips

"I fell in love with you the day I met you" He whispered. I honestly didn't know how to reply to that.

"I love you" I whispered as I pulled him back to the kiss. He smiled and pressed his lips to mine. He began to grind himself into me a little and I couldn't handle it anymore. I reached down and unbuttoned his jeans. He rolled off of me and laid next to me as he pulled his jeans off. I undid mine and tossed them to the side. Gohan climbed back on top of me and his member was even harder than before. The only thing that separated us was his thin boxers and my thin panties. Gohan reached down and slowly ran his fingers over my covered crotch. My wetness soaked through the fabric and he could feel it. He trailed his fingers back up to my waistband and slipped them inside. His fingers made their way to my clit and he gently rubbed it. My back arched and I moaned with pleasure

"Shhh" he whispered as he rubbed faster. He slowly slid his fingers down and pushed two of them into my opening. I moaned again and he pressed his lips against mine. He pulled away

"Shhhh" he harshly said. I nodded and bit my lip as he pumped his fingers in and out. He removed them and sat up on his knees. He looked down at my exposed body and smirked. I've never seen Gohan be so... dominant

He grabbed my bra and ripped it off. He did the same to my panties and then pulled his boxers down, revealing his huge member. He crawled back on top of me and reached down to his member. He rubbed the tip of it against my opening and I almost begged him to put it in. He smirked at me and kissed me as he thrusted himself into me. I moaned loudly but it was muffled by his mouth. He thrusted in and out of me slowly. I placed my hands on his shoulders and lifted my legs into the air, to let him go deeper. Gohan groaned against my lips and I dug my nails into his back.

He thrusted harder and faster into me and I pushed my head against the roof. I arched my back and he slipped his hand under it. He held me close to him and pulled away

He placed his forehead against mine and bit his lip

"I-I" He moaned

"I'm gonna cum" I moaned out as he thrusted. I assume that's what he was going to say too. He pushed himself into me one last time. He went as deep as he could and I felt him cum as I came. He let me go and laid on top of me with his head on my collar bone. He was breathing hard and I gently ran my fingers through his hair. He rolled off of me and smiled as he pulled his pants back on.

"What?" I asked as I pulled my clothes back on. He looked at me and kissed me

"I can't believe I actually had to courage to tell you how I felt" He said. I giggled and kissed him back

"I'm glad you did" I said. My bra was ripped and I looked at it in hands

"Shoot" I said. My shirt was tight and it was cold. My nipples were definitely showing and Vegeta would lose his mind if he saw that.

"Here" Gohan handed me his black vest. I pulled my shirt on and then the vest. It covered what it needed to.

"Thanks" I said. Gohan took my hand and we flew back to the ground. Chi-Chi saw us holding hands and ran over to us

"No!!" She yelled as she pushed me away from Gohan

"Hey!" Vegeta harshly yelled as he ran over to us. The rest of the group followed and Chi-Chi turned to me with hate in her eyes

"Don't touch my son!" She yelled at me. I opened my mouth to speak but Gohan beat me to it

"Leave her alone mom!" He yelled. Everyone's eyes went wide as we looked to Gohan. He was clenching his jaw and staring down at his mother

"Gohan! How dare you yell at your mother!" She shouted

"No! How dare you touch Y/n like that!" He yelled back. Vegeta stood behind me and grabbed my shoulder. He leaned in and whispered

"What's going on" He demanded to know. I kept my eyes on Gohan and his mother

"I love him" I whispered back. Vegeta removed his hand and looked to the pair

"Excuse me?" Chi-Chi asked Gohan

"Stop being so mean to her! She's done nothing wrong!" Gohan yelled

"She's probably a murdering Saiyan, just like her father" Chi-Chi looked to Vegeta and I. I tensed up and Vegeta growled at her

"Oh, wait, he isn't her father! He's just some freak who stole a baby from it's mother!" Chi-Chi screamed

"I didn't steal her!" Vegeta yelled back from behind me

"The story you told Goku makes me believe you did!!" Chi-Chi yelled. I suddenly realized I never knew how I ended up with Vegeta. I turned around and looked at Vegeta with confusion. He looked from Chi-Chi to me and sighed

"I didn't steal you" he softly said

"Then how did I end up with you?" I asked him

"She doesn't even know?! She's 19 and has no idea why or how she ended up with a psycho like you!!" Chi-Chi yelled

"Enough!" Gohan yelled at his mother

"How did I end up with you?" I asked Vegeta, ignoring everyone else. All eyes went to Vegeta but he kept his on me

"Frieza ordered us to destroy a planet. I was walking through a destroyed town when I heard someone crying for help. She was a Saiyan. Y-You look just like her..." He said as he stared into my eyes. I clenched my jaw and he continued

"She begged me to take you because she was hurt. She wouldn't have survived if I tried to help her and she knew it. I-I told her no" He said as he looked down. He seemed to be ashamed by his actions

"He didn't even want you!" Chi-Chi scoffed

"Shut up!!!" Vegeta, Gohan, Bulma, and I all yelled at her. Chi-Chi huffed and crossed her arms. I looked back to Vegeta and he sighed

"She begged and begged. Zarbon came up behind her and killed her. Frieza..made me take you. He wanted me to raise you in the army" He said as he cleared his throat.

"Frieza? He's the leader of the army you both served in, right?" Krillin asked. Vegeta eyed the short man and nodded

"Y/n killed him" Vegeta said. I looked down and licked my lips as I remembered that day

"See! She's a murderer!" Chi-Chi yelled

"He tried to rape her! It was self defense you dumb fucking cunt! And even if it wasn't, who fucking cares! That's our past and we deal with it, not you. Not the people we care for. Not our friends. We do. We have the nightmares and see the faces of victims we were forced to kill. We changed. We are not our past" Vegeta screamed at her as he took a step forward. I placed my hands on his chest and held him back

"Yeah, right! He's trying to kill me right now!" Chi-Chi yelled

"Because you're being a bitch" Kakarot harshly said. Everyone turned to the tall Saiyan with mouths wide open.

"Excuse me?" Chi-Chi harshly asked her husband

"Leave them alone. Everyone here has done terrible things in our past. Piccolo tried to take over the world and you let him baby-sit Gohan for years! Yamcha used to be a bandit. I've killed plenty of people. They know what they did was wrong. They were both raised in a harsh murderess environment. Vegeta is a good guy. He's a little mean" Kakarot smiled at Vegeta and he crossed his arms at the taller Saiyan

"But he's a good guy. And Y/n? If Gohan ends up with anyone else but her, I'll be angry. She's perfect for him. I've seen them together. She pushes for him to go to school. She helps him study and get ready for his tests" Kakarot said. It's true, Gohan and I study all the time

"You see that?" I asked him

"Yeah. I notice you two together when I'm over at your house. I notice how you encourage him more than anyone else. In both training and studying" Kakarot smiled at me

"Chi-Chi, let Gohan make his own decisions. He's an adult" Kakarot said as he looked at his wife. She stared at Vegeta and I and then looked to Gohan

"She's a bad influence on him" She huffed as she looked back to Kakarot

"Because he yelled at you?" He asked her

"Yes! How dare he do that! I'm his mother!" She screamed

"It doesn't give you the right to control his life and speak ill on his friends. Give him space. I'm surprised he didn't explode on you years ago" Kakarot shrugged

"She's-" Chi-Chi began complaining about me again but Krillin stopped her

"A good kid" he said as he smiled

"A strong fighter" Piccolo smirked

"An intelligent young woman" Bulma added

"Strong willed" Tien said

"Beautiful" Yamcha said. Vegeta growled at him and I chuckled

"Perfect" Gohan softly said. I looked at him and felt butterflies in my stomach

"Mom" Gohan looked at his mother and took her hand in his

"I love her" He said. Even though he already said it to me, I still felt surprised when he said it again

"Gohan" Chi-Chi scoffed

"You don't know what love is" She laughed and pulled away from him

"I do. I know that I love her. And I don't care if you disapprove. I'm going to be with her" He said as he walked over and took my hand in his

"T-That is...if she wants to be with me" He softly said as he looked at me. A huge smile spread across my face and I nodded

"Yes" I whispered. He smiled and kissed me. Chi-Chi rolled her eyes and walked away while the rest of the group gathered around us. Vegeta stepped between Gohan and I and glared at him. I watched with caution as Gohan stood tall before Vegeta

"You hurt her, I kill you" Vegeta harshly said. Gohan nodded and Vegeta walked away. Kakarot walked over and pulled Vegeta back to us. He put his arms around all three of us and laughed

"When they get married, we'll be brothers!!" Kakarot said. Vegeta's eyes went wide and Gohan and I laughed at his goofy father


Everyone sat inside and ate cookies and cupcakes that Bulma baked for us. I looked out the window and saw Chi-Chi sitting on the steps by herself, picking at her cookie. I looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to me so I slipped out the back door. I walked over to Chi-Chi and cleared my throat

"Can I sit?" I asked her. She glared at me and moved over. I sat down and sighed

"Chi-Chi, I get that you don't like me...but I just want to tell you that I'm not who you think I am. Vegeta is right, we aren't our past" I said as I looked at her. She turned to me and inhaled and exhaled hard

"How many people have you killed?" She asked me

"Three" I sighed

"How many were innocent" she asked

"Two" I looked down to my feet and bit my lip

"Why" she asked me. Her voice was cold

"Frieza ordered me to. It was my first mission a-and...if you didn't listen to Frieza...the things he would do to you in his torture room..the awful things...Vegeta offered to kill them for me b-but I know he would get tortured for taking my kills" I sniffed as the tears formed in my eyes. Killing that King and Queen has haunted me every single day since it happened. Chi-Chi stayed silent and I looked out to the dark yard

"I don't want my Gohan to go down the wrong path" she finally spoke up

"I don't either. That's why I help him study. He's such a brilliant guy and he deserves a life better than Kakarot's, no offense"I said as I looked to her

"None taken. I agree. I want him to be a professor or something. Not a mindless fighter like his father" She said as she looked at me

"I don't want to corrupt your son. I just want him to be happy" I said. Chi-Chi reached over and took my hand in hers. She gently squeezed it and nodded

"Me too" she said. She let go and stood up. She walked into the house and I sat on the steps, confused. Was that her blessing or was that just a weird conversation?

Vegeta sat down next to me and ate the cookie Chi-Chi left

"Hey" I said. He looked at me and I could see he was studying my face

"What?" I asked

"I love you" He said. My face fell in a slight shock and I stared at him

Vegeta has never told me he loved before. He's showen it plenty but never said it

"I..I love you too" I let out a small laugh as I spoke. Vegeta smiled and put his arm around me, pulling me in close

"After I brought you back to the ship, I kept telling at you to stop crying. But you just screamed louder and louder. I asked you nicely to stop and you did. It was the first time I ever said 'Please' before" He chuckled. I laughed and smiled at the ground. Vegeta doesn't really talk about my childhood much

"I didn't want to be a father or caretaker. I hated kids. I was a soldier" He said. I lost my smile and stared at my shoes

"But all it took was your laugh, and I immediately fell in love with you. I felt like I had to protect you from everything. You were-" he looked at me

"are my little girl. And I'm your father" He said. I smiled at Vegeta and laid my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of it and we sat in silence for a bit


Vegeta and I walked inside the house and Gohan walked over to us. He and Vegeta shared a look and then Vegeta walked away

"I talked to my mom" Gohan said as he took my hand in his

"Yeah?"I asked

"She's still pissed that I yelled at her, buuut...she said she won't interfere in our relationship" He smiled at me. I guess it was her blessing. Gohan kissed me on the cheek and we sat on the couch with Tien and Krillin

"Where do Vegeta go?" I asked them

"Bulma wanted to show him something, I think. They went upstairs" Krillin said

He and Bulma were definitely hooking up. Good for him.

I snuggled into Gohan and turned my attention to Yamcha, who was telling bad jokes

Vegeta and I were finally living a life we deserved

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