(Peso's pov)
"Good work today everyone" captain barnacles exclaimed, "you know you're not to bad yourself CB" saber remarked, the captain smiled in response, we've just finished a mission in the captain's home, the arctic and even though she's a cat Saber's been loving the snow and ice, I wish I could say the same for kwazii, he's never liked getting cold "let's start heading back to the gups" the captain said, "aye aye captain" the whole crew said in unison, we started back towards our ships with the captain leading the way but suddenly he stopped and kwazii bumped into his back and fell back into saber causing a domino effect "what's the big idea captain?" Kwazii questioned, captain barnacles didn't answer and instead started walking off in a completely different direction "where's he going?" I questioned confused, "I'm not sure but we better follow him" saber ordered, I wonder what he's doing
(Saber's pov)
We followed the captain for a while before stopping, barnacles sniffed at the air and continued in a different direction than before "what's gotten into him?" Kwazii asked majorly confused, "I think he's following his nose" Shellington explained, "but why?" Peso asked, "polar bears have a very good sense of smell and judging by the way the captain's acting I think he's smelled something that's familiar to him" I explained running ahead of the crew slightly, "that's right saber, the captain must be following his polar bear instincts" Shellington added, "and his captain instincts" I remarked, "mmm" kwazii humped placing his paw to his chin, "what's on your mind dad?" I asked, "you don't think some of the captain's family may be near by, do you?" Kwazii responded, I know what he's referring to but I don't know if what he's thinking of is even possible, although I suppose it could be Bianca and her cubs "maybe,we'd better catch up to CB if we want to find out, octonauts let's do this" I ordered, we started running after the captain in order to catch up to him, I wonder what he's caught the sent of