McDonald's #21440 - Logan Valley Mall - Altoona, Pennsylvania
N 40° 28.156 W 078° 24.586
17T E 719592 N 4483066
This McDonald's is located within the food court of Logan Valley Mall in Logan Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
Waymark Code: WMH6NZ
Location: Pennsylvania, United States
Date Posted: 05/31/2013
Views: 5
McDonald's #21440 - Logan Valley Mall - Altoona, Pennsylvania

This is your standard Mall foodcourt McDonald's and is the only enclised mall within the Greater Altoona area.
Telephone No.
(814) 946-9745
Location Type: Mall
 Physical Location: 502 Logan Valley Mall Altoona, PA United States of America 16602
 Has Playplace?: no
 Does this location have a drive-thru window?: no
 Wifi enabled?: no
 Has Arcade Games?: no
 Hours of operation: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
To log this "WayMac", you must have eaten at this particular location. Please enter the items you ordered from this visit in the log description.
Also, if there isn't already a picture listed for the location, it'd certainly be nice of you to include one! You CAN include your GPS in log photos.