Ideal Weight Chart for Men (Metric) Weight in Kilograms / Height in Centimetres
BMI Chart Key
Ideal Weight
Body Mass Index
Body mass index, BMI, is a number generated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared.
Body mass index (BMI) = weight(kg) ÷ height(m)2
Don't worry, you don't have to work it out for yourself, just put your height an weight into our BMI calculator.
Our ideal weight range charts are based on body mass index, modified to take into account whether you are male or female.
Body mass index is used to determine whether an individual, male or female, falls into a broad band considered to be healthy weight, or is outside the parameters and, if so, to what extent. BMI is used by scientists and researchers to determine the health implications of being a certain BMI.
Below 18.5
Over 30
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