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The 7 best movies about Groundhog Day

February 2 can be a very, very long day

The 7 best movies about Groundhog Day

February 2 can be a very, very long day

Oh, hello. I'm Louisville. Louis. No kin to punctuate Tony filled. In fact, funny. His name should come up way ground hogs on the process of trying to update our image and all that business about seeing our shadows and stuff is giving away, As you can see, the modern meteorological technology no longer do we rely on superstition and guesswork for our winter forecast. Highly complex computers like these can show us an overall picture of the country or consume in for a closer look at whether conditions all over Maryland once you zoom in on Kentucky. There, would you, dear? Fantastic, isn't it? And you thought we spent all our time underground. Pretty soon, data like this gathered from groundhogs all over the country will be stored in computers making teletypes like this virtually obsolete. Hey, look at this. Punks! Adani. Bill says he saw his shadow. Those humans now don't get the wrong idea. We're not all business. We do like to have some fun. Why, as a matter of fact, Excuse me. No kidding, huh? Really? Hey, fellas. Human just saw a shadow Put it on the wire. Six more weeks of winter. Happy Groundhog Day.
The 7 best movies about Groundhog Day

February 2 can be a very, very long day

Ah, Groundhog Day. The one time of year where a tiny rodent determines whether or not you can swap your bulky sweaters for spring outfits earlier than you thought. In honor of Punxsutawney Phil and all the critters out there that might get scared away by their own shadows in the wee hours of February 2, we've rounded up some of the best films that celebrate this weird and wonderful holiday.

Groundhog Day movie poster
Columbia Pictures

"Groundhog Day" (1993)

This '90s classic starts out like any rom-com. Phil Connors (played by Bill Murray) is a haughty local news reporter from Pittsburgh. He's forced to cover the annual Groundhog Day celebration in Punxsutawney, Penn., much to his chagrin. His disdain for the "hick" town and its people gets him stuck in a time loop, where he's forced to relive his miserable February 2 over and over again, anchored by waking up to Sonny & Cher's "I Got You Babe" every morning. Even worse? He's the only person who is aware that there's a stuck time loop.

Eventually, Connors breaks the spell by accepting his fate and embracing all that Punxsutawney has to offer. He gives the best broadcast ever on the umpteenth morning of February 2, bewildering his producer Rita (played by Andie MacDowell) with his seemingly overnight transformation. They promptly fall in love, and wake up on February 3, together.

Groundhog Day movie poster
Columbia Pictures

"Groundhog Day" (1993)

This '90s classic starts out like any rom-com. Phil Connors (played by Bill Murray) is a haughty local news reporter from Pittsburgh, that's forced to cover the annual Groundhog Day celebration in Punxsutawney, Penn., much to his chagrin. His disdain for the "hick" town and its people gets him stuck in a time loop, where he's forced to live his miserable February 2 over and over again, always waking up to "I Got You Babe" playing on a clock radio... wait.

Wait a minute, I think I've heard this before.

Groundhog Day movie poster
Columbia Pictures

Still "Groundhog Day" (1993)

This '90s classic starts out like any rom-com, with "I Got You Babe" playing on a clock radio. Wait no, that's literally just "Groundhog Day." Either Bill Murray loves 1960s pop, or there's something seriously wrong with this list.

Groundhog Day movie poster
Columbia Pictures

Does it even matter anymore?

Well, if we're doomed to write up the same movie over and over again, I guess we can just start making stuff up?

"Groundhog Day" is about a vengeful groundhog (played by Andy Serkis) who sells his soul to the devil, in order to turn his evil owner Hal (played by Bill Murray), into a clock. The only thing Hal hates more than groundhogs is personified timepieces, because his least favorite movie is "Beauty and the Beast."

You'd watch that, right?

Groundhog Day movie poster
Columbia Pictures

And we're back to "Groundhog Day"

How did a furry brown rodent get so much power? Are we doomed to read listicles featuring the only film about it for the next six weeks of winter? Why is Punxsutawney Phil so cruel?

Groundhog Day movie poster
Columbia Pictures

Someone please rescue us from "Groundhog Day"

No, not again. We can't do this again. Why are we stuck in this never ending loop of "Groundhog Day"? It's not even Bill Murray's best movie! Can't we at least watch "Ghostbusters" or something? I'd settle for "Lost In Translation" at this point.

Help. Please.

Getty ImagesOrion Pictures

Caddyshack (1980)

This movie is about golf, among other things, but most importantly it features Bill Murray fighting with a small brown rodent for what seems like an eternity. Close enough, right?

Enjoy the long winter, folks!