Marketing Help and Advice for Farmers and Food Producers
WAPF can help farmers find customers and increase sales!
The Weston A. Price Foundation teaches people which foods are healthy and why. They also encourage people to purchase their food directly from farmers engaged in nontoxic and pasture-based farming, and artisans producing food products according to traditional methods.
As a service to both those producing the food and those eating the food, we have five ways to help connect farmers with consumers. Three of these are free and the other two we offer at a very reasonable cost. In addition, if you become a member of the Foundation, we offer a additional free service as explained below.
Marketing Help for Farmers
Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) helps farmers and food producers get the word out about their products with these five opportunities:
1. Contact a volunteer local chapter leader to be added to their food resource list and possibly get involved if the chapter has events:
2. Advertise in the Wise Traditions quarterly journal; classified ads for farms are listed by state and cost only $40 per year:
3. Post a free listing for raw dairy products on the Foundation’s site:
4. Request to be added to the shopping guide, especially if you ship to a large portion of the country:
5. Exhibit at WAPF’s annual conference. Exhibit rates are low so that small businesses can afford to exhibit. Here is last year’s information:
Raw Milk and Small Farm Support for WAPF Members
Consultation with Pete Kennedy on state laws, regulations, and policies including food freedom legislation and issues regarding consumer access to raw milk, cottage foods and on-farm meat and poultry processing. (Pete cannot give individual legal advice or recommend support for or opposition to pending legislation.) Farmer members of WAPF needing assistance in dealing with state and federal regulators may use this service. Contact Pete at [email protected]
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Is your organization against the use of corn in the beef finishing process?
I am not a representative of WAPF but am a Southeastern Farmer (open-pollinated market garden, pasture raised animals, etc.).
Corn is utilized to “fatten” up and, as I understand, modify the flavor profile of the beef. This is the “conventional” process for preparing cattle for slaughter and does seem to be misaligned with the ambition of healthier and sustainable eating.
Finishing cattle on grass may take longer but widely available research suggests that it contains a more desirable and complete nutrient profile.
Little Way Farm and Homestead