Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions

Updated at: Jul 15, 2024

By using whatismybrowser.com, the Developers site, the whatismybrowser.com API and the features and functionality they provide, you signify your agreement to the following terms and conditions, which may be updated from time to time without prior notice to you. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, don't use this site any more.

General Terms and Conditions

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

The Web Site and its entire contents and functionality including the reporting of User Agent, browser detection, version checking (i.e. "Your browser/plugins are up to date"), informational guides, opinions and contents of any support/response emails, tweets, posts or messages that we may send are provided on an "as is" basis. We do not warrant the completeness, timeliness, up to date-ness, accuracy or reliability of this Web Site, any of the functionality or the contents of the site. We will not accept any responsibility (including from negligence) for any errors in, or omissions from, the contents or functionality of this Web Site. It is provided without any guarantee, including any guarantee of suitability for a definite or general purpose.


You should not treat any opinion, directive or example expressed either directly or implied or inferred on this website (including but not limited to the guides and tutorials) or in an email, tweet or other kind of message from us as a specific inducement or recommendation to make a particular decision or follow a particular path of action, but only as an expression of an opinion. Everything this site provides is meant to be a helpful hint, nothing more. You need to do your own research, including asking for professional help from someone, and form your own opinions.


You agree to indemnify us (including our related companies and their officers, employees, agents and contractors) for any loss or damage we suffer if you breach these Terms and Conditions or as a result of your wilful or negligent act or omission with respect to the Web Site (or any part of it).


We reserve the right to change or terminate this Web Site, API and any features or functions we provide, in any way without notice to you. Your membership of the Web Site and related products (if any) and your ability to access and use the Web Site may be terminated at any time without notice.

Privacy & Cookies

General notes regarding privacy, our site and Third-Parties

Google AdSense & Google advertising cookies

We use Google AdSense on whatismybrowser.com and developers.whatismybrowser.com

Google uses cookies to help serve the ads it displays on our sites. When users visit our site, a cookie may be set on that end user’s browser.

Google’s use of advertising cookies enables it and its partners to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites and/or other sites on the Internet.

The data and insights gathered from Google Demographics and Interest Reporting is used to optimize the ads and types of ads used on this site, as well has how the site is designed and marketed. We do not facilitate the merging of personally-identifiable information with non-personally identifiable information previously collected from Display Advertising features that is based on the DoubleClick cookie unless you have robust notice of, and your prior affirmative (i.e., opt-in) consent to, that merger.

Users may opt out of personalized advertising by visiting Ads Settings.

Guides and content on the site

Guides, content, and our writing style

In order to make our guides not overly cumbersome, hard to follow, and repetitive, we may in certain places simplify things a little bit. For example, we might say "web browsers don't let websites read files off your hard disk without your permission". This is "generally true" - we mean that if you visit a website it can't just upload files from your hard disk to its servers without you first selecting and choosing to upload file/s. This is true for every web browsers we've ever seen so far.

However it doesn't cover the fact that in theory someone could actually write their own web browser with a Javascript engine that does allow websites to do this. This is so unlikely that we don't need to say "most web browsers don't let websites read files off your hard disk without your permission" - in a situation like this, we believe we are justified in stating "web browsers don't let websites read files off your hard disk without your permission" as a fact, especially since most of these guides are for "non-technical" users; we don't need to delve into highly technical and unlikely scenarios.

We also refrain from making statements like "websites can't read files off your hard disk without your permission unless there is a security bug in the browser". Again, this is true, but needing to address the fact that in theory a bug with a web browser could let this happen tends to make the articles too verbose and overly complex for people who are just trying to get a basic understanding of some concepts.

Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) detection & data storage

We have started detecting our visitor's FLoC Cohort IDs on whatismybrowser.com. The main reasons for doing this are to provide a service for anyone who wishes to know what their web browser is reporting as their Cohort, and for our own research and observations of this new and evolving technology - we're curious to see the current state of it and to watch how the technology changes over time.

If your web browser provides a Cohort ID, we may detect and store it in our database. It may be linked to your IP address and other data that we capture when we do "capabilities analysis/capture". This occurs in situations like the homepage when we generate the "Unique Browser URL Code" (Although we don't - and don't plan to - show it on your browser's info url page. We also do this when you send a Site Contact message to us, or when you use the "Send to Tech" email feature, and so on.

We absolutely do not use the cohort data for any of our own targeting or advertising purposes. Our site uses Google AdSense and depending on how AdSense operates, they may use it as part of their tracking and targeting, but we personally do not.

If you don't want us to do this, please use a browser that doesn't support FLoC, disable JavaScript, or don't use the site.


We use Google reCAPTCHA on whatismybrowser.com & developers.whatismybrowser.com to help prevent fraudulent activity. Your use of reCAPTCHA is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. By accessing or using the those pages, you agree to the Google APIs Terms of Use, Google Terms of Use. Please read and understand all applicable terms and policies before accessing those pages.

Notes regarding Privacy and our own systems

When you access any part of this site, this site may record the user agent, HTTP Headers, detected addons, IP address, various data-points that your web browser may report in JavaScript (eg the properties of the "navigator" object, the WebGL renderer used for the HTML5 Canvas etc), Client Hints and other data. This is done either as a part of the requirements of the functionality (eg the Unique Browser Url feature needs to record details of your setup, so that it can re-display them when the unique url is visited), to extend our user agent database, or as a part of the maintenance, development, protection and monitoring of the site.

Any time you provide your name, email (or the name, ticket number and email of your tech support), we will record it for monitoring, security and development purposes but promise to never sell, give, loan, rent or otherwise provide it to any companies.

Ownership of Names & Logos

All names and logos are property of the respective owners and are protected by applicable trademark and copyright laws.

Product and company names mentioned in the site may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

The whatismybrowser.com logo is Copyright whatismybrowser.com

Terms & Conditions regarding you providing help, suggestions, content, and so on, to us

Testimonials & Case studies

We are keen to collect testimonials and case studies from companies, agencies, developers and individuals who have used our site and found it helpful. By providing a testimonial and logo for your company/agency etc, you agree and affirm that you have permission from your company/employer to make a testimonial or state that your company uses or has used whatismybrowser.com.

You hereby grant whatismybrowser.com permission and limited license to use and reproduce your testimonial(s) (“Testimonial”) in whole or in part on its associated World Wide Web site, whatismybrowser.com (“Web site”) or third party hosted websites ("Site(s)"), or in other official whatismybrowser.com printed publications without further consideration.

You agree and grant permission to whatismybrowser.com to retouch, edit, or summarize the Testimonial for display, or otherwise create derivative works from Testimonial for display. whatismybrowser.com shall use such Testimonial only for its testimonials or "as used by" communication purposes. You represent that your Testimonial is your original work. Your Testimonial may be used by whatismybrowser.com to provide basic content for advertisement campaigns. Testimonials may be rejected or approved for posting on the whatismybrowser.com Sites. Further, Testimonials may be removed from Sites at any time and for any reason at whatismybrowser.com's sole discretion. You acknowledge that whatismybrowser.com may elect not to use Individual's Testimonial at this time, but may do so at its own discretion at a later date.

Our products and your feedback & suggestions

These Terms do not grant you (nor do you have) any rights in any of our services or software or the content accessed through them. While we appreciate it when users send us feedback and suggestions, please be aware that we may, at our discretion and for any purpose, use, modify, incorporate it into our products, license and sublicense, any feedback, comments, or suggestions you send us without any obligation to you.

If you contact us in any way and ask a question, give a suggestion or make a comment, we may use this as a prompt to write more content for the website or correct/modify/extend existing content (eg Guides or FAQs) or for any of our other mediums (eg Social Media). These Terms do not grant you (nor do you have) any rights in any of our services or software or the content accessed through them.

When you use our Page Feedback system we record your browser's user agent, frontend capabilities (similar to what gets shown on the homepage/send in the email tool etc), HTTP headers and ip address so that we can better assess your request and help prevent abuse of the system.


We're grateful for anyone who helps us translate the site, and we'd like to take a moment to clarify the legalities and agreements around helping us translate the site.

When you provide any help translating the content, you agree that the translated content and any suggestions or improvements you provide becomes the sole property of whatismybrowser.com. Translating the content does not grant you any rights (nor do you have) any ownership or rights regarding content or the site, of either the original or the translated versions.

When you translate the content you have to keep the "spirit" of the content; you can't change the intent or meaning of any of it; it has to basically be the same bit of text or entire guide in the new language. If there are any ambiguities or things you need clarification on, just ask!

When you offer to translate some content for the site, you are affirming that you have a solid grasp of the language you're offering to translate to.

At our sole discretion and at any point in time we may decide to not use some or any of your translation suggestions.

Updating and changing the content

Over time we may need to add new content and change or update some or all of the guides. Normally we'll contact you to ask if you'd help us to keep the content fresh and updated. While we'd appreciate your additional help, you are under no obligation to do this.

We may change or modify any of the content you've translated for us at our sole discretion - the most common situations for this would be if someone provides a "better" translation than what you provided. If there's a bit of confusion or debate around the best translation for a language we'll probably open a polite and constructive discussion around it with all the involved parties; we'd love to get everyone's input.

Giving you credit

We'd love to acknowledge your help translating our content, by including your name or handle in the Credits list on our Translators page. If you don't want us to do that, please let us know.

If more than one person helps us translate to the same language, we'll give you both credit and possibly clarify who did what bits of translation.

Compensating you for your help

We are unable to pay you money for helping us translate the site, but if you'd like, we'd be happy to include a link next to your name in our list of Translators.

If you help translate the site you're welcome to include it in your resume or portfolio and we could provide a short written testimonial about your work.

Terms & Conditions regarding particular functionality on the site

Browser detection

Our browser detection software (including user agent parsing, client hints aggregating, javascript detection, IP address network detection, and so on) - which are used on the homepage, the IFrame page, the custom parser page, unique browser code page, API and other places - is provided "AS IS", with no guarantee that it is correct or complete. It is our best attempt at detecting the various web agents based on the information available.

Like all functionality and content on this site; it is hoped that it is helpful, but no guarantees at all are given, and it should be used simply as a guide.

The information provided by it (and thus in all the places on the site - homepage, API, custom parser etc) is subject to change without warning or notice to you or anyone.

It is custom software we have written ourselves over the course of many years. If you want to integrate your software with it; please consider using our API.

Detecting malicious user agents

The user agent parser attempts to recognise and warn if a User Agent appears to be malicious, abusive or represent a security threat. This is done by searching for fragments suspected to be of a malicious nature: for example SQL injection exploits. We offer no guarantee that a user agent is "safe" just because it didn't get flagged as "abusive". Similarly, we offer no promise that just because a user agent was flagged as "abusive" that it is actually malicious or dangerous.

It is your responsibility to safely handle all user agents your system receives from your users/logs as well as responses from our API. We accept no responsibilty and provide this API field as a courtesy, hoping that it might be helpful but without any promise as to its accuracy.

User Agent Collection

We collect the user agents that you transmit to us in various ways.

If you do not want us to collect, store and potentially make public a user agent or HTTP header, do not transmit it to the site.

Here is more information about our user agent collection practice.

For further development

The user agent parsing software we use on the site and in the API is developed in-house, we do not simply repackage an existing library - we build it ourselves. In order to develop it further, we may collect and store any user agents we receive either on the website, the developers site or via the API (including extra information such as other HTTP Headers too). These user agents are then prioritised, analysed and used to further develop our user agent parser.

Making it available to other developers

While we keep a list of user agents to help us further develop our parser (as described above), we also use our database of user agents for other reasons.

We make our database of user agents available to others by two main ways: through our user agents listing on our developers site and via an easy download for customers of our API.

Be aware that any user agent you submit to the site, either through sending it as an actual User Agent HTTP header, through the "Custom Parse" tool on the developers site or via the API may end up on our user agent listing and/or in the downloadable version of our user agent database.

Privacy Considerations regarding collecting user agents

Our internal database of user agents, the listing and the downloadable database do not link user agents to IP addresses or urls.

Please remember the way that user agents work: every single time you request a page or file anywhere on the internet your browser sends a request to that server which includes your user agent. Most websites ignore and discard this information. To help our customers: instead we collect it. If for some strange reason you don't want your user agent string potentially collected by any server you visit (including our servers) then you should not be sending it. Use a browser or client that lets you customise your user agent. Never add personally identifying information to your user agent string. Your user agent should be considered publically available to any server you visit.

Can my user agent identify me? Typically no: user agents are meant to describe the software you are using. If you are using any sort of normal web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer, Opera, Brave etc) then it's user agent will be the same across millions of different people's web browsers as well and not individually signify your system.

It is theoretically possible that some kind of virus or malware on your system could change your user agent, making you more identifiable, but unless it actually put something personally identifying in the user agent (eg your name) before you came to our site, that user agent would still just appear in the big listing or database and that would be it. Remember: our database of user agents doesn't link it to an IP address, url or request time.

Removing user agents from the listing/database If there is a user agent in our listing or database which you believe shouldn't be available, please let us know. We do our best to filter the listing/database for malicious or obscene fragments, but if we've missed something, please use our contact form to let us know.

Don't scrape the detection

You are not allowed to "scrape" detection results from WhatIsMyBrowser.com or the Developers site. In other words, you can't write software to send HTTP requests with the User Agent you want to detect and then scrape the resulting page that WhatIsMyBrowser.com returns - on either the homepage, the user agent parsing page, the IFrame or any other page. We have an API which will give you far easier and more powerful access to this information. Use that instead. By using the API, you'll also be helping by supporting the project.

When our systems detect you scraping our site, you will be blocked from accessing the website.

Don't scrape/crawl our user agent listing

You are not allowed to use software to "crawl" our big listing of user agents. When we detect you doing this our systems will automatically block your servers for a certain amount of time. If you require a copy of our user agent database, please use our API to get a copy of our user agent database. It is much easier and quicker for you to use.

Version checking and security

One of the features provided by WhatIsMyBrowser.com and the WhatIsMyBrowser.com API is the ability to get an indication if a web browser and some plug ins (such as Adobe's Flash and Oracle's Java) appear up to date. By using this site, you understand and agree that these are rough indications, not any sort of guarantee that your software is actually up to date. Is is provided as a helpful feature, but it guarantees nothing, including whether or not this information is actually correct at all.

Due to the nature of the system, there will be a lag in time between a new version of a software package being released and our version checking data being updated accordingly. During this time our software would report that the browser or plugin appeared up to date when technically it was no longer up to date. By using this website you accept this and will not hold us liable for any confusion, security problems or any other problems or issues which may arise from these facts.

In some cases, the browser version check (checking if the user's browser is up to date) only looks at the major release version number, not the minute point release, and as such may not give an "out of date" for minor point or revision release differences. This is particularly true of Firefox which now only accurately reports the "main" version number and will in-fact give the wrong "point release" number (eg reporting "50.0" when it's actually "50.1". As such, for Firefox we can only check the "main" version number and warn if it is out of date.

In some cases, it is not possible to determine if a browser is fully patched, despite appearing up to date. In some cases (for example Internet Explorer), when a new version is released but the older version is still most popular and still actively maintained by the vendor, this may be considered the "latest" version. Browser security and remaining up to date is the responsibility of the Manufacturer and the individual computer user. We absolutely will not accept any responsibility for wrong, erroneous, misleading or vague information that this feature provides or the resulting decisions by the user thereof.

Just because the messaging on this website or the API may claim that your web browser (or your customer/client's web browser) is up to date does not guarantee that it is actually up to date, fully patched, or that it is secure. This feature should be used as a rough guide only. It is not any sort of guide, guarantee, promise (or otherwise) that your web browser is up to date or that you are using the internet safely or securely.

IFrame feature

You can only embed the WhatIsMyBrowser.com IFrame feature on your site provided that:

  • You agree that all the standard Terms and Conditions of using WhatIsMyBrowser.com (which you are now reading) apply to using the IFrame.
  • We may record the usage of this feature, including the referring domain & URL, your customisation options, the number of times your site has used it, and the first and last datetimes someone using your website accessed our iframe
  • You will not intentionally obscure the link back to WhatIsMyBrowser.com in the bottom of the IFrame, and thus:
  • It remains clear to all your users that the web browser detection is being done by WhatIsMyBrowser.com and they can click back to this site if they want.
  • You understand that this is a new feature of the site which is still in development. The way that it works, including its configuration options and output may change without notice as other websites start to use it and I modify and improve its behaviour.

Custom User Agent Parser

We provide a system on our Developers site which allows you to paste in any user agent you want us to parse and receive our parse result for it.

The same user agent parser which we built, that powers the website and the API is used for this.

We log access to this tool and we may decide (at our discretion) to rate-limit or block abusive access to it, at any time, without warning or notice to you. Please do not abuse this system. We have a great API which is much easier to use.

Event tracking

We may track events on our websites or our API Portal by using an "image beacon" or similar. All the data collected is what your browser has already sent the sites; (eg IP address, user agent, referrer, if you are logged in - your account id, etc). We don't share this with anyone else and only use it to improve the site, to spot problems, and help with support.

Send to Developer email feature

One of the features on this site is the ability to email a browser detection report to your tech support or your web developer. While the Privacy & Cookies section above hopefully explains our policy on privacy (namely that we are very supportive of your right to be anonymous, private, spam-free and safe on the internet) since the Send to Developer feature specifically asks you for two email addresses, it's worth taking a second to be perfectly clear about it.

We will never use your details for nefarious purposes. We will never send your email address or the receipient email address any spam or anything else other than the one email that using that system initiates. We will not give, sell or otherwise make available these details to any third party so that they can spam you either.

When you use the Send to Developer email feature, the contents of the email that is sent, including the name, to and from fields, ip address, and HTTP headers are stored in our database. However this is done to prevent abuse and to ensure that the system is working.

Be aware though; we use Postmark to send these emails; so their systems will necessarily receive a copy of this data as their systems send the email. We consider PostMark a very trustworthy company/product. But be aware that every intermediary mail server/relay that the emails get routed through also gets this information.

By agreeing to use this site and this feature, you accept and acknowledge that all email is a fundamentally insecure transmission medium. You should not consider email to be private or secure at all.

If you report the email that we send as spam, we will be notified of this by our email provider. We will then keep a copy of your email address in our database on our list of email addresses to never send email to again. We prefer it if you don't mark our emails as spam - you'll only ever receive emails from us if someone intentionally sends them to you. We offer a way of "unsubscribing and blocking" these emails - by clicking the links in the email - that will prevent you from receiving any more of these emails and is the preferred way to do it.

If you "unsubscribe and block" our Send To Developer emails, we have to keep a copy of your email address in our database, so that we know never to send any emails to you.

Tor Exit Node Detection

The detection which tries to determine if you are coming from within the Tor Network/From a Tor Exit Node is provided without any guarantee of its correctness, or of your privacy, anonymity, untraceability, or anything else like that. Use it only as a rough guide and make sure you know what you're doing before you use Tor.

Minimum System Requirements feature

We provide a system which allows you to link to a service on our website which helps your users determine if their system meets your minimum requirements for using your website.

This system (like everything on this website) is intended as a rough guide only. It/We provide absolutely no guarantee that if it decides that your user's system should be able to use your website (eg that it meets the minimum requirements you have detailed) that it actually can or will be able to use your website (or that it won't).

If you use the IFrame embed option, you will not intentionally obscure the link back to WhatIsMyBrowser.com in the bottom of the IFrame, and thus, it remains clear to all your users that the web browser detection is being done by WhatIsMyBrowser.com and they can click back to this site if they want.

Requesting Swag

At our own discretion we may choose to offer free "swag" (typically one or more stickers) to people who ask for them, or to people who have helped the site/project in some way.

We will require your international mailing address and email address to do this. We promise that we will never share, sell, loan, give or otherwise make your details available to any third party except the international mailing system. We are based in Australia, Melbourne and all our mail typically leaves from there via Australia Post.

When you use this feature, we record your browser's user agent, frontend capabilities (similar to what gets shown on the homepage/send in the email tool etc), HTTP headers and ip address so that we can better respond to your request and help prevent abuse of the system.

To request stickers from us, please use the form on the Swag request page, not the Contact Us page or email. If you don't use the Swag request form, you won't receive stickers.

We receive a lot of requests, so have to send the stickers out in small batches. When you successfully submit the form, you will be put into our queue and we'll send yours out as we work through the list.

The delivery of your stickers is outside of our control once we put it in the Mailbox. We can't guarantee that they will arrive safely.

Stickers are limited to one batch per person, per year.

If you send us a picture of your stickers in use: firstly, thank you! and Secondly; you grant us permission to use it in any of our marketing material (typically - although not limited to - Social Media posts and displaying it on our website).

We reserve the right to cancel or pause this offer at any time, without notice to you, even if you are already in the queue.

Sample Code and Sample Commands

At various places through out our websites (in particular whatismybrowser.com, the WhatIsMyBrowser.com Developers Site and our GitHub account), we provide you with some sample (or example) code and sample (or example) commands. These commands are examples only. You should not run the code or the commands unless you understand what they do. In particular if you copy and paste and example commands, make sure you copy and paste them correctly (not truncating any parts of the commands) so that no unexpected results occur.

Like everything else on our systems and sites; we have taken care to make sure everything is as good as possible, but accept no responsibility for any damages, loss, inconvenience of any kind or anything else like that.

Wget Wizard Terms and Conditions

We offer a web based Wget wizard to help suggest some command-line parameters to the popular GNU tool: Wget.

Based on the options you choose and provide to our form, we will do our best to suggest a possible command to invoke wget with, which will hopefully give you your desired outcome from wget. The idea is to generate the basics of a command that you can then customise exactly how you need it to work.

We've taken care to ensure this wizard and the command parameters for Wget it generates work, are safe and sane, however we accept no responsbility for whatever the results are of running the command we suggest. Any suggested command that the wizard generates is exactly that: a suggestion. By taking the suggested command the wizard provides you with and executing it on your computer/server/etc, you are signifying that you have read the Wget documentation and fully understood what the command will do.

Wget Wizard data collection

This form submits your configuration data and choices to the server to generate the wget command suggestion. It does this so that the form is not reliant on Javascript to work.

As a part of debugging, security monitoring and further development, we may store what you enter into this form, including the URL and configuration options. We may also record your IP Address, User Agent, HTTP headers and anything else you submit to our servers. This helps us monitor usage, with the Wget feedback form, to make the wizard better, and prevent abuse of the system. If you don't want us to store this data/information, don't submit this form, or otherwise you should put an example URL in. We purge this data from time to time.

Wget Wizard Feedback

After you get a Wget command suggestion, we might show you a feedback form. You can leave any bits of feedback for us to help improve the Wget wizard. Your feedback is linked to the options you submitted, to help us understand your feedback better and respond more effectively to it..

Our general terms and conditions about Our products and your feedback & suggestions applies to this form as well.

Content search

We have a search feature that lets you type in queries, we try to send you to pages that will help you. We record the searches performed, including the IP address and HTTP Headers of that request. This lets us identify ideas for new content and things we're missing on the site. It also helps us detect and prevent abuse of the system.

Unique Browser Codes

Every time the homepage of whatismybrowser.com is loaded, a unique "browser code" is generated for that page request (unless we have detected abnormal behaviour from your IP address or agent, in which case we may elect not to store it, or unless we have temporarily disabled this feature). It stores the IP address, user agent and other information contained in the HTTP request. If Javascript is enabled in your browser, it will also record a list of your detected frontend capabilities, settings, configuration etc, from things such as your browser's "navigator" object and so on. We may "fingerprint" various features your web browser provides (such as your HTML5 Canvas and WebGL canvas). If your browser supports it, we may also collect what it provides as Client Hints.

This is done so that you can be provided with a unique url which describes your browsing set up at the time that you requested the homepage. This unique url is shown near the top of the page; just under the larger blue section of the page.

Each of these unique URLs will show anyone who views it a copy of the browser report associated with it; including the browser, user agent, frontend capabilities and other various bits of information. Only the first two octets of the IP Address are shown, to increase privacy (as some people share their urls on Twitter or other public forums).

Only share your unique URL with people who you want to be able to see your browser and system information.

If there are no views of your unique url, we will purge it after 7 days. If someone views your unique URL, we'll keep your data a little bit longer and purge it after 28 days.

If you have created a Unique Browser URL by visiting the home page and then shared it somewhere and then want us to purge it, you will need to tell us the full IP address that the report came from so that we can verify that you are probably the creator of the report. We can then delete it at your request.

Collection of referrers

Our webserver software: "nginx" outputs the "referring" HTTP header along with your IP address to our webserver logs. If you visit the site with a ?ref= URL parameter, this will be recorded in the log entry as well. This is the default behaviour of nginx. That information will be recorded on the web servers, but we don't collate or collect information from these log files in any meaningful way; the web server logs are routinely rotated and later purged. While nginx's behaviour does actually make it possible to link your referring information (when present) to your IP address, we don't do anything with this information, including storing it past a few weeks (whereupon logrotated deletes the logs).

We do collect aggregate referrer information and graph it, but it isn't linked to any ip addresses. This helps us understand where some of the site traffic is coming from, however it isn't and can't be tied to your IP address.

We may collect basic statistics about how you came to our website, if such statistics are present.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) notes

whatismybrowser.com is not a european company, however in light of the European legislation which has come into effect, we would like to clarify a few things.

Firstly, we are privacy and security obsessed, and have always taken the protection of your personal details very seriously. As such, to remain compliant with the GDPR we don't actually have to change much at all.

Although it's spelt out elsewhere in this document, here it is in full:

When you access any website in the world, your browser sends certain information as part of the request: your IP address, HTTP headers (including user agent), and JavaScript can be easily used to determine further information (such as Cookie settings, Flash & Java support, local IP addresses, etc etc). A huge part of what makes whatismybrowser.com so useful is that unlike most websites, we don't just ignore that information, we display it back to you in an easy to read form so that you learn more about your browsing set up.

In order to monitor the site for problems (bugs, security problems and malicious users & bots), as well as to help develop the site further (eg. by noticing technology trends, and by developing our user agent parser to work with new user agents), we collect and store this information in our database.

User agents which are seen on the homepage, our user agent parsing tool on our developers website, and via our API are collected and periodically sent to our main user agents system. Before they are even sent to the central system, they are separated from their IP addresses, grouped and counted. We use the user agent database to develop our user agent parser. This database basically consists of users agents; how many times we've seen it (in order to determine "popularity" - eg. which user agent to make sure our code parses next), the first time it was seen (eg. is it a really old user agent or is it new), and the last time it's been seen by one of our systems which record user agents. No personally identifying information is contained in this database (unless of course you made some bizarre mistake of putting personally identifying information in your own user agent!).

When you visit the homepage of whatismybrowser.com, we store your ip address, browser headers (including user agent and do not track), whether you were from a TOR ip exit node (as determined by our current database of TOR exit node IP addresses; which is provided by a third party service - we keep a local copy of their database - we don't query them for each IP), and if you have Javascript enabled, we also store your frontend capabilities (javascript, cookies, flash, primary screen width, height & color depth, your browser window width and height, your GMT offset, and local ip address/es, and other data points) and the time you made that request. We assign a unique URL code for you, providing you an easy way to share this information with a friend or colleague who is helping you with a problem you're having. When you visit the URL, we also provide a rough estimate (using the MaxMind database) of your geographic location.

To further protect your privacy, when we show your unique page for your browser configuration we intentionally mask the last two parts of your IP address; allowing people to just get a rough idea of your IP address, not exactly what it is. Note that this still doesn't contain any personally identifying information (eg, no names or email addresses). So that this information can be accessed by your friend or colleague, we keep that information in our database for 4 weeks. During that time, anyone who uses that URL can see the information about the time you made that request to the home page. After 4 weeks, that information is removed from our database.

REQUESTING DELETION: if you have generated one or more of those browser urls and wish for them to be deleted, use our Contact Us form, and provide all the codes you want deleted. To verify that you are authorised to request deletion (since they aren't actually personally identifying you), you will need to provide the full IP address of those urls. Since this occurs every time you visit the homepage, if you don't want this to keep happening, you are instructed to not use whatismybrowser.com.

If you don't want to share the information contained in those reports, then don't share the URLs with anyone (in particular: don't post them on social media). The browser url codes are random and non sequential. If someone randomly guessed one of the codes, it still wouldn't reveal any personally identifying information about you unless you intentionally linked it somehow to your own identity.

When you use the contact us form, we store your browser's information (IP address, headers, frontend capabilities) in order to help with your enquiry. This information is typically deleted from the database after 4 weeks. If you prefer to contact us directly, use our support@ email address. You can request that we delete your records from that database by sending us an email from the email address in question.

When you use the "send to tech" email feature on the homepage, we gather your browser set up information (IP address, HTTP headers, frontend capabilities etc) and send them in an email to the address you provide. If you don't want someone to have that information, don't send it to them in an email. We keep that information in our database for 4 weeks for the same reasons as above (security, monitoring for fraud or malicious activity, to monitor that the system is working correctly, etc), after which, we delete it from our database. Remember that email is an inherently insecure medium; copies of the email may be intercepted and copied, or stored on mail servers that it passes through. If you don't like those risks, do not use this feature. You can contact us using the email address that you sent the email from to request that we delete it from our database.

GDPR and Third parties we use


API specific:

Final notes on GDPR

As already stated, we take your privacy and security seriously. Please contact us via the Contact Us form or our support@ email address with any questions, comments, requests or clarifications.

Supporting WhatIsMyBrowser.com

We are grateful for all support. However please understand that supporting WhatIsMyBrowser.com doesn't give you anything or guarantee you anything. You will not get special support, or any extra benefits by adding back links, sending money, sharing the site on social media, or anything else that might help us.

We provide a form which allows you to send money to WhatIsMyBrowser.com. We use PayPal to provide this form, and using the form indicates that you also accept any and all of PayPal's terms and conditions as well.

Support Billing Information

When you use the PayPal form to send money to WhatIsMyBrowser.com, the charge will come from "Long Way Research Corporation, Pty Ltd" - this is the company that owns WhatIsMyBrowser.com.

Contacting us

We provide a contact form, allowing customers/users of the site to contact us with questions, commments and feedback.

We ask for your name and email so that we can reply to you if appropriate. By submitting this form you give us consent to reply to your message. You can remove your consent for us to contact you by telling us not to contact you. We will never spam these email addresses or sell/give them to anyone who will.

When you use this feature, we record your browser's user agent, frontend capabilities (similar to what gets shown on the homepage/send in the email tool etc), HTTP headers, IP address, your subject, your message, and the reason you chose to contact us, so that we can better respond to your enquiry and help prevent abuse of the system.

When you send us a message, a copy of it is kept in our database, it is also sent to our Help Desk system: Help Scout, and a copy may also be sent to our main email address so that we are aware of your message to us. Please understand that email is an inherently insecure communication medium; so do not send us sensitive information via this form/email.

We use Help Scout to manage customer inquries and support. When you send an email to our support@ address, or use the contact form, their systems will typically receive a copy of your message, as well as the various information we gather about you and your computer (IP Address, User agent, Capabilities etc - as discussed above).


If you do not agree to any or all of the above terms, you may not use whatismybrowser.com, developers.whatismybrowser.com and our API, and must immediately stop accessing them.

We are always improving and welcome any feedback or questions on these terms and conditions.